Tuesday, December 30, 2014


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
          John Dawson of South Berwick, was fatally injured a few days ago by a fall
     from a tree.
          Mr. Hixon of Newfield has commenced work on a contract of for 100,000
      salt boxes.
          Joseph Hobson & Sons are shipping large quantities of saw dust to Boston
     ice men. They shipped 600 cords last year.
          Mr. Small, of the Biddeford Times has purchased the Seaside Reported and
     will consolidate with the Old Orchard  Sea Shell, which will appear about the
     middle of June.

                                                          IN GENERAL
             The Rockland Opinion nominates Samuel J. Anderson, D. H. Thing, William
     M. Rust and George F. Church, for Congress. As substitutes Messrs. Murch, and   
     Ladd, Judge Gilbert, Dr. Der, Mr. A. McNichol, J. H. Martin and Dr. Parker. Dr.
     Parker was a member of Governor Garcelon's Council. Mr. Martins is a Democrat;
     Mr. Rust favor a consolidation of the Greenback and Democratic organizations.
     These names are recommended to the Greenback State convention with a view to their
     endorsement by the Democrats.
           Patents issued to G. E. Twombly, Saco, toe-wright; W. M. Howland J. E.
     Howland, Topsham, bench dog.

     FIRES IN MAINE.-Farm buildings of Rev. A.W. Rideout, Presque Isle. Loss
     $900; no insurance. Caused by burning straw in an adjacent field- Buildings
     of Sylvester Nichols, Maysville, with contents. Loss $500-uninsured- Farm
     buildings of William Thompson, near Bangor. Loss, $2,000'insured for  $1,,000.
     Buildings of Levi Hart, sparks falling from the chimney upon the roof. The house
     was occupied by Sewell Wheeler, who lost most of his furniture, etc. -Buildings
     of Frank Demeritt, West Peru by a little boy setting a pile of straw on fire to see
     the smoke.-Gilman Jewett's saw mill, Hodgdon. Loss $3,000; no insurance.
    Incendiary.-House of Daniel Daily, Gardiner, caused by a defective flue.-House
    of Johnson Shaw, Stockton. Loss $1,000; insured $800.Cause, defective flue.

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