Tuesday, December 16, 2014


                                                 MAINE MATTERS
          One of the largest political gathering ever held in Androscoggin County
     met at Lake Auburn on the 21st. There were five brass bands in attendance.
     Senator Blain was unable to be present. The speakers were D. F. Davis, Eugene
     Hale and N. Dingley, Jun.
          There was an unusually interesting reunion of veterans at Lake Auburn last
     week, and the 17th Maine made a call upon its surviving members. Col. T. A.
     Roberts, of Portland, the father of the regiment and of the association was made
     President by acclamation and was received with cheers. There were present
     comrades from Texas, Massachusetts and from many counties of  Maine,
     including three who had lost one leg, four who had lost one arm, and one who
     can move only on crutches. Lieutenant Lord, of the regular army, came all the
     way for Texas to attend the meeting. He was last seen by many  of his comrades
     lying on the battlefield of Chancellorsville with one foot shot away, waving his
     sword and cheering his comrades on to the fight. After dinner speeches were
     made by General Mattocks Young, of the navy and Lieut. Lord. The day was
     perfect, and the reunion was greatly enjoyed by all who attended.

          There is much dissatisfaction expressed by the French residents of the county
      at the shooting of Boulier, which they say was not necessary. But the evidence was
     sufficient to satisfy a coroner's jury that the officer was justified in firing upon the
    criminal as he did.
          On the night of the recent storm John D. Sawyer, of Gray, in a fit of 
     somnambulism, dreaming his house was on fire, threw a pillow out of the
     window, and let his child down upon it, and then jumped out himself.. The child
     was not injured, but Mr. Sawyer hurt his back seriously.
          M. S. Leighton won the silver cup at a shooting match in Falmouth last
          Mr. Kimball's "Ridge Cottage: at Bridgton was the scene of a brilliant
     illumination in honor of the guest on Wednesday evening of last week. The
     whole house and grounds were ablaze with lights of all hues, and adorned
     with flowers most tastefully arranged. No display of the kind surpassing it
     was ever seen in that vicinity. The band assisted in the festivity.
          A large bear chased the carriage of Charles Weymouth quite a distance
     the other night, at Side City, Bridgton, and only gave up when Mr.  Weymouth
     drove into the dooryard of Moses Stickney.
          Miss Lizzie Knowles, a young lady seventeen years of age, died a few days
     since at Harpswell from poisoning. An infant child of Mr. A. E. Pinkham died
     nearly three weeks ago from being poisoned by a paint obtained from a painted
     box, and Miss Knowles being at  work in the family, and washed and applied
     cloths to the face of the child. In about five hours a scratch on her hand began to
     swell and be painful, and this extended through the whole system, causing a
     lingering and painful sickness, which resulted in death.
          Miss Elva R. Elder, formerly of Windham has accepted the position of
     principal of the Laguna Honda school in San Francisco.

          Joseph M. Hopkins of Farmington, aged 82, dropped dead while at work in
     Thwing's tannery on Monday.
          One farmer  in Strong sells 6,000 lbs., of wool this season. Luther Niles of
     Rangeley, has sold over $1,300 worth of wool of his own raising.
          Rev. J. S. Swift in an article in the Chronicle, says that the native choke-
     cherry is on of the most valuable of all the cherry tribe of fruits in Franklin
     county. The better varieties are much used in pies, sauces,  puddings. etc.,
     and ought to be more generally cultivated.
         A. J. Blethen, Esq., of Portland, formerly Principal of the Little Blue School
     at Farmington, take the Greenback stump in Franklin county this week.

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