Friday, December 26, 2014


                                                         CITY ITEMS
          At the Dodwell concert Miss Cary will sing  among other selections, a recitative
     and  aria of Handel's, and by request Sullivan's "Lost Chord" with  organ and piano
          One William J. Splain, stopping at the Preble House, made the acquaintance of a
    guest, and induced  him to let him share his room; after the guest was asleep Splain
    stole the man's gold watch, chain and $8.00 in money, and cleared out; he was
    traced to Haverhill, Mass., and was arrested.
          The foundation for a four storied brick building is now being laid on Union Street,
     to be occupied together with the State Liquor Agency rooms by Zenas Thompson, Esq.,
     for the manufacture of carriages.
          At Peak's Island on Friday evening of last week,  Mr. Charles M. Sawyer, attempting
     to swim ashore from a yacht, got entangled in the eel grass and was drowned. he
     was about 35 years of age, and leaves wife and six children.
          Professor Masse has resigned his position as teacher of French in the High
     School, and Mr. Antoine Dorticos will have charge of all the classes in French,
     and will give his whole time to this department, as one of the regular corps of
          Colby's bookstore, which for some years past has been an attraction for
     lovers of old books, is to be closed this week, and the stock removed to
     Lowell, Mass.
          Charles W. Sawyer, who was drowned last Friday at Peak's Island, left a
     widow and six small children in very destitute circumstances, calling for
     aid from the charitable; they reside at the corner of Green and Portland Street.
          Last Saturday evening a dog which has acted strangely bit a little Foley
     boy at Gorham's Corner, tearing his under lip down the  chin; the dog was
     chased and shot by officer Newcomb.
          Tickets for Miss Dowell's concert, to take place at City Hall, Sept. 3rd., are
     selling well; Annie Louise Cary will appear in two solos and a trio with Miss
     Dodwell and Mrs. Hawes; Miss O' Brion, Messrs. W. Beckett, Will Stockbridge
     and Kotzschmar. all great favorites of Portland, will also assist.
          Joe Jefferson will appear in City Hall in October.
          Capt. Howard Knowlton of the Minnehaha, Minneapolis,lost his pocketbook
    containing $50 in the dock Saturday;  Customs Inspector Wells found it an hour
     afterwards floating on the water, and restored it unharmed.
          The School Committee has authorized Dr. Spalding to make test for color-
     blindness among the children of the public schools at such time as may not be
     inconsistent with the work of the school.
          Miss Marie Hersey has arrived home from Europe.
          Honorable George P. Wescott has been seriously ill and is still confined to bed.
          The Cumberland Baptist Association began it session on Tuesday; sermons were
     preached by Rev. E. S. Small of Brunswick, and Rev. F. W. Bakeman  of Auburn.
          Two of the Peak's Island rioters have been find $5 got arrested and bound over
     on $800 for trial in Superior Court for aggravated assault  on Mr. Brackets.
          James D. Cole son of the late Charles O. Cole, artist of this city, died in
     Washington on Friday week of rapid decline, and his remains  were brought to
     the city for interment.


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