Friday, December 19, 2014


                                                   MAINE MATTERS
          Bluehill continues wide awake to the copper, mining, interest. Steam drills
     and steam hoisting works have been put in the Douglass mine, and 35 men are
     employed there. F.  L. Bartlett is erecting experimental works for testing his
     new process for the extraction of copper. If  successful he will erect large works
     at once for the manufacture of copper,vitriol  and copperas. He has contracted for
     2.000 tons of Douglass ore. Professor Hitchcock was on the ground last week.
     He is to read an extend report upon this great copper belt before  the American
          The Hayford woolen mill, lately burned, is to be rebuilt,  as it was a  successful
          Miss Anna P.  Ladd, formerly of Augusta, is now chief clerk in the department
     of the pension office at  Concord, New Hampshire, for the payment of the mothers
     and widows and orphans of soldiers. She has under her charge 20 to 25 clerks.
          On Monday, 18th, at 4 p.m., a little girl of Robert Macomber of East Monmouth,
      2 1/2 years old, wandered from  home and was lost, while her mother was out of
     the house for a few minutes. She was tracked a short distance in the road when
     she took by-road on which a little pail and a lily were found, and here traces of her
     were lost. A large number of persons made search for her all night in the severe storm.
     More than 100 persons were hunting all day Tuesday, and at night nothing had
     been discovered. She left home without hat or shoes, and with bare arms, and was
     exposed to a terrible storm. Wednesday morning 200 persons joined in the search,
    and the dead body of the poor child was found at 11 o'clock.

          Nicolo Infantino, the Italian boy who assassinated Mr. Frye in Boston, worked
     in Camden two years ago, and at that time was considered a very good boy. He
     visited Camden a week or two before the murder, and told of his rich friend, Frye,
    and he gave him $10 to come to Camden with.
          The Democratic Convention nominated for Senator Capt. C. A. Sylvester, of
     Camden instead of N. Thompson, the Greenback nominee. H. A. Morgan, of
     Appleton, was nominated for Commissioner, and William H. Rhodes for
          Asa Glover, of Camden, has succeeded in domestication a small  flock of
     wild black ducks, hitherto considered incapable of domestication.
          There is to be a great Greenback clambake at Rockland on Saturday, 30th,
     and the Rev. Mr. De La Matyr will be one of the speakers.

          F. W. Parker of Alva is building a new saw mill, and repairing his old mill.
          The Democrats nominate the Greenback ticket, substituting Benjamin F.
     Smith, Wiscasset, for Attorney, instead of F. E. Harvey, of Damariscotta.
            The soldier carved from Hallowell granite, for the Boothbay monument is
     completed and will soon be placed upon the site designed for it. It was modeled
    by the Packard Brothers, of Chelsea, and is spoken of as a most creditable
     piece of work. It is some what larger than life size.

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