Wednesday, December 24, 2014


                                                         MAINE MATTERS
          Last Saturday off Seal Island light, near Machias, pilot boat Hercules collided
     with schooner Maggie Quinn, and the Hercules went down with all on board, except
     Harry Walker, the cook.  The schooner  was injured by the collision. The persons
     lost are Captain Price, Daniel Daley and George Mulherrin, pilots, and Michael
     McEwan, deck hand.
          In the storm of Monday night of last week Archibald McKenney was drowned
     in a noble effort to save his wife, who had walked off a bridge leading to the mill
    in which he was employed. His son also jumped in to assist in saving his mother,
    and he and his mother were rescued.
          Mary, wife of William Harrington, of Eastport, drowned herself on Tuesday, being
     discouraged by protracted illness.
          John Alley, of Jonesport, first mate of schooner Sarah P., was washed overboard
     and drowned in the 19th, of the trip from Calais to Boston.

          Richard H. Goding, County Treasurer, died at Alfred, August 20th. 
          The descendants of Captain Theophilus Smith had a family reunion at the
     old homestead in Cornish lately. Captain Theophilus was one of the pioneers
     of Cornish, purchasing the premises of the homestead in 1788, and building the
     house which is now standing, in 1803. He held a commission as Captain, signed
     by Governor John Hancock. An honored descendant now occupies the mansion,
     which he was refitted and somewhat modernized.
          There are 118 boys in York county competing for the prize offered by
     Honorable Stillman B. Allen, of Boston, to the lad who raised the best harvest
     of corn this season.
           At the meeting of the National Christian Temperance Association at Old
     Orchard, on the 20th, Honorable Sidney Perham was elected President for
     the ensuing year; Rev. Isreal Luce, Recording Secretary; Rev.. D. C.
    Babcock, Corresponding Secretary; Honorable E. H. Banks, Treasurer. On
     Thursday Captain J. B. Coyle presided, and made a pleasing speech. In the
     afternoon Hon. Lot M. Morrill addressed an audience of nearly three thousand.
    In reply to a question he said that for one million dollars of revenue received by
    the  government for the manufacture of intoxicants, it costs the government four
    million to pay for the crime. A resolution was passed asking that Congress
    prohibit the manufacture, importation and sale of intoxicating liquors. Mrs.
    Partington spoke in the evening. On Friday, the Speakers were Rev. George W.
    Vibbert, Hon. D. F. Davis, Rev. Mr. Le Lacheur, Gen. J.A. Hall, N. D. Parsons.
    Capt. J. B. Coyle, I. B. Chadbourne, R. H. Murphy, C. H.. Starbird, and others.
    Sunday was the great day, and one of the largest gatherings ever seen at Old
    Orchard was in attendance.  Rev. Mr. Pitblado spoke in the forenoon and Gen.
    Neal Dow in the afternoon, followed by  Gen. James A. Hall, and others. The
    whole series of meetings was full of interest, and the good cause of temperance
     was promoted by them.


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