Wednesday, December 30, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
          Mr. David Bemis, of Levant, was 80 years old July 4th, and celebrated his own
     and the nation's birthday by hoeing 1,021 hills of potatoes.
          Gideon Andrews, of Hermon, raises 12,000 quarts of strawberries this season. His
     shipments are made to points all over New England.
          At the 27th annual session of the Maine Dental Society,  held at Dexter, Tuesday and
     Wednesday of this week, Dr. C. W. Davis, of Augusta, reads an essay on "Soft and
      Cohesive  Gold," and  speaks on "Artificial Crowns and Methods of Setting;" D. E.
     Roberts introduces  the discussion on "Artificial Dentures," and Dr. J. L. Williams has
     an essay on "Study in the Histological Pathology of the Teeth and Contiguous Parts."

          A case of neglect and inhumanity toward a Swede girl in Monson , whose are has
     been burned with powder, is reported. The powder had been stolen, and the parents
     not wishing this known, had not called in medical aid.
          Packard & Haggett launched schooner L. A. Plummer, 400 tons, at Bath  Saturday.
     Four-masted schooner Charles E. Balch, 843 tons, was launched the same day from the
     yard of B. W. & H. P. Morse. Deering & Donnell are laying the keep for a 400 ton
     schooner for Bath parties.
          Pittsfield is to have a new town hall, to be 90 to 70 feet in size.
          Mr. A. H. Kelley has resigned the charge of Belfast High School to accept a position
     in the Chapman school of Boston, at a salary of $1,750.
          While the horse race at Pembroke on the Fourth was being witnesses by a  large
     crowd, one of the horses became unmanageable and bolted in among the spectators.
     Mr. John Perkins was knocked insensible, and it was feared seriously injured internally;
     A Mr.  Card had his wrist broken, and several others were slightly injured.
          Mrs. Dennis Torrey, of Deblois, recently found in yard what she supposed was a
     cartridge shell. As it had no ball in it, she attempted to remove the other material for
     the sake of the empty shell,  when an explosion followed, blowing off the ends of her
     thumbs and two fingers on one hand. The shell was a "cap" such as is used in
     exploding rend-rock, and had been  dropped by the river drivers.



Friday, December 25, 2015


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
          James Hartley, fell through the floor over the wheel pit at the Lewiston mill,
     Lewiston, a day or two ago, and struck on his back on the stone foundation. Both
     legs and an arm were paralyzed, and he died the next day.
          Joseph Forsaith, 15 years old, injured by a toy pistol on the Fourth in Lewiston,
     died Friday of lockjaw.
          The publication of a new Greenback organ, the "Candid Observer," was begun
     in Lewiston on the 14th. The name Solon Chase appears at its head for Governor.
          Night of the 11th, Eli L. Rogers was calling on a lady in Lewiston, when a man
     entered the room and inflicted four slight wounds on his head and face with a knife.
     George Pierce has been arrested for the assault, and placed under $1,000 bond.
          Honorable A. D. Lockwood, during a recent visit to Lewiston, informed a
     gentleman that he is making plans for a 60,000 spindle mill to be erected there next
     season if business holds good.
          The two Knowles boys, sons of Joseph who were burned so severely in the powder
     explosion in Lewiston July 5th, are now quit well. They bear horrible scars and one of
     them cannot use his hand. The Laughton boy is also on the road to recovery.

          Miss Hellen M. McDonald, who has been conspicuous through several suits,
     under the advice of General Butler, against parties infringing her patent rights on a
     "dress protector," died recently in Washington of consumption. General Butler has
     ordered her body embalmed and sent to Houlton, where her sister lives.

          Mr. Hiram Libby, Cape Elizabeth, has been confined to his house for several days,
     as the result of a bite from a vicious dog owned by John Hannaford.
          Honorable N. S. Littlefield, of Bridgton, is dangerously ill.
          Bowdoin commencement exercises were held the past week. The new Memorial
    Hall was dedicated with interesting and appropriate exercises. The Latin prize competed
     for by members of the Sophomore class, has been awarded to Ernest C. Smith, Augusta.
     Bowdoin College does not owe anything, and the surplus of the year above expenses is
     $2,188. it has $300,000 invested in endowment funds at a average of 5%, and never lost
     an investment. The present excellent financial standing is due in a great measure to the
     management of the treasurer, Prof. Stephen J. Young. A subscription has been started
     by the Class of 1871 for the cast of some classic statue, and a member of the Class of
     1860 will present another. Mrs. Thatcher has given a bust of Admiral Thatcher, and
     a bust  of General Chamberlain by Jackson has been presented by the Honorable
     Thomas W. Hyde, of Bath. The gifts of Mrs. Noah Woods, of Bangor this year to the
     college amount to $8,800. The Class of '82 have elected the following class officers;
     President, Charles H. Gilman; Secretary, Howard Carpenter, Executive Committee,
     George F. Bates, j. F. Libby, J. R. Jordan. It was voted to hold a  reunion next year
          Luke & F. H. Brown's bedstead factory at North Bridgton turns over fifty bedsteads
     per day.
          Stephen Grant, owner of Grant' Hotel, Brunswick died from dropsy on the 11th.

           L. B. Stoyell, Farmington, arrested for assaulting his brother, has been placed
     under $500 bonds to keep the peace.
           James S. Brackett has been chosen treasurer to the Phillips Saving Bank, in place
     of Elias Field, deceased.
          One of the Bluehill miners had over $250 stolen from his trunk, July 4th.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


                                                                MAINE MATTERS
          The town officers of Greenwood have sold  the Sylvester Yates place to Wesley
          The case of Jason W. Kimball, administrator  of the estate of Levi Philbrook of
     Gilead against the Grand Trunk railway, claiming $20,000 damages for the death of
     Levi Philbrook, on trial in the Unites States Circuit Court, was closed Saturday. Judge
     Webb directed the jury to return a verdict for the defendant, which they did, leaving their
     seats only a few minutes.
          Post Daniel A. Bean of Brownfield have engage Edgar Gilman  Pratt, Esq., of  Boston,
    to deliver the Memorial Day address at the town hall.
          "Aunt" Marcia Baes of Hartford, at the great age of 94 years, spins and knits all the
     yarn she can get hold of, and looks over her should for more.
          Oxford Democrat: Crosby Curtis and wife of Woodstock are one of the smartest
     couples in Oxford County. They live on the farm where Mr. Curtis was born, 87 year
     ago. Mrs. Curtis is 86. The live alone, and Mrs. Curtis does her own work, and is said
     by friends to be "as spry as a girl." They have been married 67 years, and have been
     members of the Methodist Church about the same length of time.

          E. B. Ireland of Exeter has gone to Calais where he is to open a training stable. He
     has contracts for 12 horses and expects others later in the season.
          Bowen Holman, one of Bangor's oldest residents, and a native of Canaan, died
     Thursday, aged 89 years. He was for many years engaged in the cattle business, but for
     last 20 years has been a gardener. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. F.G. Rich.
          The death of Mr. Ambrose R. Field on Thursday will occasion sorrow among many
     friends in Bangor and elsewhere. He was 73 years old. He leaves a wife, two sons, Albert
      S. and Charles E. Field, and one daughter, Mrs. John F. Woodman, who will have much
      sympathy in their loss.
          Word has been received in Old Town that Ambrose Mador, of Treat and Webster
     Island, a log driver was drowned while at work at Huston brook. Just before Madore
     left for the drive he gave a friend $100.00, saying that he was to be drowned in the
     spring and directed Cyr to send the money to his mother in the provinces.
          The many Bangor friends of Captain G. A. Goodale, 23rd United States Infantry,
     will be interested to learn that his command left For McIntosh, Laredo, Texas on
     April 18th for New Orleans to be located until other movement of the war are made.
          Saturday forenoon Sumner Rich of Veazie and Frank Beal of Portland, while
     canoeing in the Penobscot above the dam at Veazie, were drawn into the current and
     swept over the fall.
          The news of the death in Scranton, Miss., on Tuesday week of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen
     Mitchell Plummer, formerly of Bangor, was a sorrowful surprise to their many friends in
     that city. It is stated in the dispatches from Mobile, Ala., that Mr. and Mrs. Plummer
     committed suicide, but the general regret at the of occurrence, and sympathy for the
     friends of the deceased overcome interest in the mournful details. Three little daughter
     are left in the desolate home.
          Deacon Daniel Ricker is soon to leave his naïve town of, Milo, to spend the reminder
      of his days with his son in Iowa.
          C. L. Ray has sold his hotel in Sangerville to Arthur Folsom of Greenville, C. F..
     Witham, the present occupant, has a lease for three years and will continue to run it.
          I, LW. Greene, proprietor of Green's Farm and cottages at Rangeley Lake, has been
     given permission by the fish and game commissioners to catch four deer in close time
     for the purpose of starting deer park.
          The Rev. D. B. Dow will deliver the Memorial address before the John Morgan
     Post at Guilford, Memorial Day.
          The funeral of William L. Sands, of Foxcroft took place at his late resident,
     Wednesday, Rev. C. C Whidden, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. The
     deceased leaves a widow and daughter. He was a member of Custer Command, W.
     V. U., and Calvin S. Doughty Post, G. A. R.


Friday, November 13, 2015


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                               (Glances About Town)
                Monday the first division of the Naval Reserve had a drill under the officers
          Lieutenants Clifford and Cam[p, at the Auditorium, and were inspected afterwards
          by commander Harrison G. Colby, U. S. N., who is on a trip of inspection of the
          Maine Naval Reserve. it is stated that Commander Colby will command this
         patrol district extending from Eastport to Cape Cod.
               Rev. Fay Mills, the distinguished young preacher whom Portland several years
          ago became greatly interested in through his evangelical labors here, and who has
          lately come into prominence by the renunciation of certain Orthodox beliefs,
          occupied the pulpit at the Congress Square universalist Church, Sunday.  The
          church was densely packed, both morning and evening.
               Mrs. Lousia Bailey, who resides with her son, Mr. A. Baily, Oxford Street,
          reached her 83 birthday last Thursday, April 28th.  She is one of the soul
          survivors of a family of nine children being the daughter of the late Honorable
          William Gould of Dexter.  Honorable John H. Gould of Hutchinson, Minn., and
          Addison, Esq., of Lawrence, Mass, are her two living brothers.
               The retirement of John Sherman from the State portfolio was desirable in view
          of the his infirmities, but it seems, nevertheless, a sad ending of a notable public
          career. It is nearly 44 years since he was first elected to Congress, and all his life
          from that time to this has been devoted to the public service, and for three decades
          he was a leader of his party and conspicuous for his ability and sincerity in the
          councils of the nation. Mention of his duties and offices and honors recalls the great
          events of the corresponding years.  Mr. Sherman took a prominent part in the
          memorable contests which elevated N. P. Banks to the Speakership of the House of
          Representatives; he was one of the Congressional committee of inquiry sent to
          Kansas, and ardently supported Fremont in 1856; during the historic Congressional
          struggles and debates of the three years preceding the Civil War. Mr. Sherman led
          the Republican forces in the house and when elevated to the Senate, was identified
          in a conspicuous manner with the financial measures which made the prosecution
          of the war possible. Indeed, from that time until his failing health Senator Sherman
          was regarded as the foremost financier of our public men, and his impress on our
           policy is a matter of historical record.  He was a staunch supporter of the
           Reconstruction measures, a prominent defender of the Republican policy of
           protection.  After serving, Senator Sherman was given the treasury portfolio in
           President Hayes's cabinet, returning to the Senate in 1881, and retained his seat until
           requested by President McKinley to assume the duties  of the head of the State
           Department. This is a remarkable career has few parallels in our history, and it is
           peculiarly pleasant to note that absolute honesty, sincerity and patriotism, joined
           to great natural ability and energy brought about Mr. Sherman's eminent success.



Wednesday, November 4, 2015


                                       PORTLAND-OLD AND NEW
                                          No. 10.-"Squire Morgan

          Old Squire Morgan is remembered by the old residents of Portland, a a small
     man who wore a very long cloak, felt hat with the brim turned down, and goggles
     when on the street.  In the house he wore a shade over his eyes. He had good
     features, but few people knew his face, as they had only seen him walking slowly
     along the street, speaking to nobody. He was an intelligent, but an eccentric man.
          Jonathan Morgan was born in Brimfield, Mass., in 1788 and graduated from
     the Union College in 1803.  He studies law and removed to Portland in 1820,
     where he published several books. He was an inventor but never invented any-
     thing of benefit to himself. He invented a cylinder stove and coffee mill and other
          When I was a boy, I used to see him at the Elm House sitting by the stove warming
     himself. At about eleven o'clock he would start for his lonely room.. He lived by
     himself, and in his last years he had a room on Cross Street where he died alone, in
     November, 1971, at the great age of 93 years and 8 months.
        Colesworthy wrote:
     There's old Squire Morgan!" Arthur cries,
          As bending 'neath the weight of years
     The pilgrim plods along, His eyes
          Are weak and dim, and dull his ears.
     The cloak for half a century
          Had done him service with the strap
     He buttons round. It seem to me
          He always wore the same gray cap.
     He's so peculiar, odd and queer,
          He find but few associates.
     His little chamber in the rear
          Of Huckler's Row, a neighbor states,
     Is filled with model pumps and mills
          His ingenuity has made;
     And half his drawers are lined with pills-
          He never calls the doctor's aid.
     With all his love of oddity,
          The patriarch has a generous heart,
     And on the street is always free
         His treasured knowledge to impart.
    As he the power of want has known,
         His sympathy is with the poor;
     Good men he loves, but hates a drone,
         And shuts the sniveler from his door."

Friday, October 30, 2015


           In Bangor, April 15th, Jennie T. Whittier, aged 59 years.
           In Bangor, April 16th, James Bell, aged 55 years.
           In Biddeford, April 17th, Sarah E. Hackett, aged 69 years.
           In Albion, April 16th, Mrs. Jemima W. Abbott, aged 76 years.
           In Bucksport, April 15th, James S. Hardy, aged 92 years.
           In Sumner, April 18th, Mrs. Mary Freeman, aged 91 years.
           In Friendship, April 16th, Mrs. Mary W. Morton, aged 62 years.
           In Benton, Mrs. Blake  Dow.
           In Auburn, April 11th, P. Augusta, widow of John V. Noyes, aged 73 years.
           In Brunswick, April 14th, George M. Rich, aged 40.
           At Cliff Island, April 29th, Lilly G., daughter of Frank W. and Lizzie
     Griffin, aged 11 years 3 months 1 day.
           In  Belfast, April 27th, Samuel J. Bruce, aged 62 years.
           In Lamoine, April 22nd, James H. Whittaker, aged 63 years.
           In Clifton, April 28th, Hattie M. Sumner, aged 16 years.
           In Rockland, April 22, Alden N. Brown,  aged 71 years 2 months.
           In Rockland, April 25th, Deacon Charles A. Young.
           In Bangor, April 27th, Marion G., widow of Benjamin F. Hawes, Jr.,
     aged 65 years.
           In Bangor, April 16th, Maria Louise, widow of Otis Gilmore.
           In South Orrington, April 25th, Allen A. Hoxie, aged 83 years.
           In Glenwood, April 28th, Charles Jenkins, aged 48 years.
           In Georgetown, March 27th, Mrs. Fannie D. Ratleff, aged 54 years.
           In  Phipsburg, April 22nd, Henry Peters, aged 15 years.
           In Bath, April 29th, Mrs. Rhoda W. Hyde, aged 83 years.
           In Belfast, April 23rd, Hester M. Macomber, aged 62 years.
           In Berlin, April 18th, Mrs. Phebe Haley, aged 72 years, formerly of Alfred, Me.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


          In Bowdoinham, April 16th, Susan G., widow of Isaac B.  Hall.
          In Oldtown, April 27th, Ephraim Sawyer, on his 76th birthday.
          In Brownfield, April 8th, Mrs. Nancy Jane Perry, aged 50 years.
          In Paris, Me., April 10th, Cullen L. Carter, aged 63 years.
          In East Fairfield, Mrs. Flora Pendexter  Varney, aged 25 years.
          At Rogue Bluffs, April 17th, Mrs. Sarah A. Watts, aged 58 years.
          In Paris, Me., April 13th, E. Grant Harlow, aged 26 years.
          In Union, April 13th, Hattie A., wife of William E. Cummings, aged 25 years.
          In Lewiston, April 23rd, Edward A. Emmons, aged 70 years.
          In Lewiston, Warren T. Reed, aged 66 years.
          In Lewiston, April 25, Lois W. Mayo, aged 60 years.
          In Bangor, April 26th, Silas L. Plant, aged 21 years.
          In Bath, April 23rd, Mary E., wife of Phillip Marr, aged 50 years.
          In East Summer, April 17th, Mrs. Adeline Robinson, aged 84 years.
          In Jonesport, April 19th, Daniel W. Pendleton, aged 23 years.
          In Pembroke, April 16th, James Sawyer, aged 90 years.
          In Calais, April 13th, Edward T. Sherman, aged 42 years.
          In Charlotte, April 10th, Ambrose H. Lincoln, aged 77 years.
          In Bath, April 23rd, Emma Merle, daughter of Charles and Georgia, aged 6 years
     7 months.
          In Bath, April 24th, Mrs. Mary Judge.
          In Bath, April 25th, Frances A. Gove.
          In Bath, April 16th, James S. Hardy, aged 62 years.
          In Winthrop, April 16th, Mrs. Loviza  (Louisa?) Fitz.
          In Sumner, April 18th, Mrs. Mary Freeman, aged 91 years.
          In Newtonville, Mass., April 28th, Edward W. Hodgson.
          In Parkman, April 22nd, Dr. Josiah Richards, aged 83 years.
          In East Livermore, April 23rd, Mrs. Mary D. Lees, aged 76 year 6 months.
          In Naples, Me., April 23rd, Mrs. F. F. Knight, aged 75 years 8 months.
          In Augusta, April 26th, Hiram McCausland, aged 34 years.
          In Saco, April 21st, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith, aged 76 years.
          In Biddeford, April 21st, Charles A. Wardwell, aged 72 years.
          In Saco, April 21st, Mrs. Elrickea Berry, aged 76 years.
          In Auburn, April 20th, Ella L., wife of Greenfield T. Davis, aged 46 years.
          In April 21st, Lucy J., widow of Honorable Edward T. Little, aged 76 years,
     10 months.
          In Durham. April 20th, Mrs. Mercy Vining, aged 85, 7 years 4 months.
           In Monmouth, April 20th, Mrs. Andrew Pinking.
          In Bangor, April 10th, Mrs. Francis E. Sanborn, aged 52 years 6 months.
          In Waverly, April 18th, Charles W. Seavey, formerly of Bangor, aged
     36 years.
          In Bar Harbor, April 13th, Mrs. Mary M. Bunker, aged about 56 years.
          In Salisbury Cove, April 15th, Fayette Campbell, aged 26 years 3 months.
          In Bangor, April 20th, Mrs. Emma J. Giles, aged 72 years.
          In Waterville, April 24th, Hiram P. Cousins, aged 83 years.
          In Levant, April 26th, Mrs. Hannah C. Berry, aged 71.
          In Bangor, April 26th, Mrs. Maria L. Gilmore, aged 65 years.
          In Cambridge, Mass. April 20th, Charles E. Elliot, aged 78 years-a native of
     Presumpscot Falls.
          In Naples, Me., April  23rd,. F. F. Knight, aged 75 years 8 month. (As above)
          In Friendship, April 20th,  James Geyer, aged 72 years.
          In Fairfield, April 18th, Margaret K. Smith, aged 27 years.
          In Dover, April 20th, Martin L. Robinson, aged 87 years.




Friday, October 23, 2015


          In this city, April 29th, Annie F. Goodhue, wife of George A. Dearborn,
     aged 26 years, 3 months, 4 days.
          In this city, April 29th, Michael Meskel, aged 38 years.
          In this city, April 28th, Patrick Kerwin, aged 73 years
          In this city, April 25th, Edmund J., son of Patrick J. and Nora E. Sheehan,
     aged 15.
          In this city, April 26th, Ferras Merad, son of Marta D. and Catherine Hamdony,
     aged 3 months,27 days
          In this city, April 27th, Mary Josephine, daughter of Lorenzo and Annie
     Wallace, aged 17 years, 4 months.
          In this city, April 30th, Ellen E., wife of James Quinn.
          In this city, May 1st., Norton J. Cook, aged 33 years.
          In this city, May 2nd, Alice Maud, daughter of Martha A.,and the late Isaac
     Gee, aged 27 years 2 month 7 days.
          In this city, May 1st, Madeline Louise, infant daughter of Frank J. and Mary
     E. Mitchell, aged 3 weeks.
          In this city, May 2nd, Ellen, wife of the late Richard Rogers, aged 50 years 1
          In this city, May 1st, Norton Cook, aged 33 years. (as above)
          In Deering, May 1st, Sophia Heseltine, aged 85 years 5 months.
          In Deering, May 1st., James Luther Jenks, aged 52 years 3 months 4 days.
          In Fryeburg, April  26th, John Locke,  aged 67 years.
          In Blanchard, April 14th, Mrs. Orin Littlefield, aged 32 years.
          In Lovell, April 23rd, Henry F. Stoddard, aged 59 years.
          Bradford, April 18th, Elbridge Rider, aged 66 years.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


          In Blanchard, April 21st, Forest E. Turner  and Nina E. Boynton.
          In Island Falls, April 12th, Thatcher Dupilsea and Amy Thornton.
          In Waterville, Ernfred Crosby and Minnie Foss.
          In East Corinth, April 22nd, John H. Eastman and Mabel M. McCard.
          In Standish, John S. Whitehouse and Grace R. Quint, both of Hollis.
          In Rockland, Frank M.  Robinson, of Cushing, and Carrie Winifred Varney,
     of Rockland.
          In Fryeburg, April 27th, by Rev. B. N. Stone, Herbert S. Lowd and Ada M. Jacobs,
     both of Conway, New Hampshire.
          In East Fairfield, Herbert Ames, of Fairfield and Susie Huntoon, of Norridgewock.
          In New Portland, April 16th,  Charles Tibbetts  and Dora Buck.
          In East Machias, April 9th, William F. Berry and Mrs. Sadie Fenalson.
          In Machiasport, April 20th, J. J. Wilde and Lillia R. Larrabee.
          In Whitneyville, April 17th, George Blanch and Addie E. McReavey.
          In Bangor, April 17th, Hiram L. Buzzell and Sarah E. Whitney.
          In Rockland, Charles H. McFarland and Grace R. Sylvester.
          In Groveton, New Hampshire, William C. Johnston and Elle M. Forbes.
          In Orland, April 16th, George M. Clement and Mamie Davis.
          In Cambridge, Jessie R. Nutting, of Parkman, and Fredonia F. Willard,
     of Ripley.
          In Cape Elizabeth, April 27th, by Rev. W. M.  Kimmel, Edwin L. Field, Jr.,
     of Gray, and Susan Strout, of Cape Elizabeth.
          In North Vassalboro, April 13th, Russell G. Ayer and Edna A. Priest.
          In Boston, Mass., April 18th, Willard W.Bridges and Elina May Caverly.
          In Holden, April 25th, George W. Jellison and Adelaide M. Kingman.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


         Schooner Sandolph, 92 tons, built at Pembroke in 1869, has been sold in New
     York to St. John , New Brunswick, parties on  private terms.
          At Millbridge, Captain J. W. Sawyer is building a barque of 600 tons. She is for
     sale and can be launched about the 1st of September.
          Schooner H.G. Bird, for Rio Grande for West Indies, before reported  at Rio
     Janerio, Brazil in distress, bas been comdemned and sold for 1500 milrels
          Captain Eben Thorndike, of South Thomaston, late master of ship Baring
     Brothers, died in London 22nd inst. Will be buried there.
          Schooner John H. Converse from Bangor for New York, which went on the dry
     dock at Cape Elizabeth some two weeks since after being ashore of Seguin, returned
     her voyage last week, having repaired.
          Notice to Marines.-On and after July 15th, a fixed white light of the fourth order,
     lighting 270 degrees of the horizon, will be shown, from the new structure recently
     erected at Stage Harbor, on Harding's Beach, coast of Massachusetts.

           Schooner L. A. Burnham arrived at Delaware Breakwater 15th with loss of main
       and mizzen masts.
           Schooner Aurora, of Harrington, from Calais for Dover, put into Lubec 23rd to
     repair, having sprung a leak.
          Barque Fanny H.. Loring, of Portland, Soule (master), at New York from Nuevitas,
     (Mexico?), lost almost a whole suit of sails.
          Brig Izetts, Hix, from Union Island, for Camden, before reported at Charleston
     leaky, has repaired and sailed 13th.
          Brig Serena P. Smith, of Bangor, Trim, from Calais for Curacoa, of the N W
     coast of Venezuela, was totally wrecked at Aves Island, May 25th. The S. P.
     Smith registered 260 tons, was built at Brewer in 1859.
          Barque L. T.  Stocker, as shore on Cape Corrientes, N E Argentina, will be a
     total loss, together with the cargo. The vessel registered 364 tons, was built in 1855
     Harpswell and was owned in Boston.
          A steamer has gone from New Orleans to the assistance of schooner Tannhauser,
     ashore on Last Island. The schooner was bound from Rockport, Me., for Morgan
     City, La., with ice and was owned by Rockland, St..George and New Haven parties.
          Schooner Radiant, from Portland for South Thomaston, with 2500 bushels corn
     belonging to Folger & Conant, of Rockland, ran on a ledge in the Veskeag River,
     (Knox Co., Me.) and heeled over. Her cargo, which was all wet was transferred to
     schooner Fanny Berney, and take to Rockland.
          Barque Lizzie Merry, Merry, from Baltimore and Demarara for St. Pierre, West
      Indies, was totally wrecked at Aves Island, May 28th. The captain and crew arrived
     Caracoa 1st inst. where they are now awaiting transportation to the United States.


Friday, October 16, 2015


                                                         MAINE MATTERS
          A large wild cat has been killed at Lyman by a Mr. Smith.
          Mrs. Rebecca died at Cornish on the 14th. She was a descendant in the sixth
     generation of Francis Small, the first white owner of the Ossipee townships, for
      whom Cornish was originally called Francisboro.
          IN GENERAL.  Adjutant General Beal has issued an order disbanding the old
     First Regiment, Maine Volunteer Militia, and honorably discharging all field staff
     and non-commissioned officers. The new first regiment of infantry, is composed
     of Mechanic Blues and Montgomery Guards of Portland; also, light infantry
     companies at Auburn, Norway, Augusta Biddeford and Gardiner. The second
     regiment is composed of companies at Hampen, Oldtown, Dexter, Rockland,
     Skowhegan, Dover and Belfast.
          The Greenback State Committee met in Portland on the 18th and planned the
     opening of the campaign. A mass meeting is to be held at Etna, July 3rd, General
     Plaisted will speak at Farmington the same day. There is to be a meeting at Old
     Orchard, July 5th, to be addressed by General Weaver, General Plaisted and
     Solon Chase. Congressman Lowe, of California, is expected to address a mass
     meeting at Camden, July 15th.The State Committee is to meet a Auburn, July 6th.

          FIRES IN MAINE. Hat store of B. W. Harris Lewiston, loss $3,500, insured
     The building was owned by H. H. Beascham, now of Colorado, who is insured for
     $1,550.-Carriage shop of Joseph Williams, Bryan's Pond, insured for $1,900.-
     House of George French, Millbridge, insured for $1,500.-House of Erastus Hilton,
     Wells, loss $1,500, insured for $8,00.-Two barns of J. B. Jewell, Monticello.-
     Shingle Mill and gang at the outlet of Phillips Pond, owned by T. N. Egery  of
     Bangor, and run by Chamber and Billington.-The large boarding at Hiram Falls,
     owned by Isaac Emery, loss $6,000 insure for $4,200.-Two large barns owned by
     W. McCobb, Passedumkeag.-Farm building of Mrs. Philo Benson, Manchester,
     insure for $2,600.

          We are sorry to learn that there is no change in the State seal, as lately reported,
     but that the new one is an exact copy of the old, preposterous pine tree and moose,
     and all.
     The Universalists are holding their convention a Brunswick.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


                                                          MAINE MATTERS
          The brothers Huntington, of Richmond, one of whom shot Sheriff Millay, lately
     claim that the sheriff had no proper warrant for forcibly entry of the house occupied
     by them. The controversy is between the owners of an undivided estate.
          Richmond correspondent E. writes: Of the 2,000 migratory quails that come to
     Maine, fifty have been distributed in this vicinity. Considerable excitement prevails
     here over the shooting of Sheriff Millay. It is reported that we are to have a weekly
     paper published here.
          William Sutherland, a carpenter, 35 years old, fell from a ship repairing at
     Houghton's wharf, Bath, last Saturday and was drowned.
         Waite Potter, of Bowdoin, was shot in the jaw by his granddaughter, who was
     practicing with a pistol, last Saturday. She snapped it at him, supposing it was
     not loaded.
          Postal: Jackmantown office is discontinued; Mrs. Catherine Adams is appointed
     post-mistress of Parlin Pond.
          Honorable Thompson H. Murch was re-nominated for Congress by acclamation at
     the Greenback district convention in Belfast on Tuesday.
          Mr. George  Anderson, a student of dentistry at Belfast, who was a teacher of
      English to the Russian officers on the Cimbria at  Mt. Desert, continues to have
      pleasant correspondence with his pupils, who are now scattered over the world.
     The Russians express a desire to visit Maine again.
          Mr. Henry J. Loso has been very successful in transplanting large forest trees at
     Belfast. A white maple he moved in the winter weighed with the mass of earth attached
     to it about ten tons. Last winter he transplanted 131 trees, one of them 14 inches in
     diameter three feet  from  the ground.

          Harvey Tarbell, of Meddybemps, had his left hand cut off in a shingle machine
     at Milltown, on the 19th.
          The Republican convention for the fifth district met at Machias on the 17th, and
     nominated Seth L. Milliken, of Belfast, for Congress, and Seward B. Hume, of
     Eastport for editor. David Tillson and T. R. Simonton were competitors for the
     Congressional nomination.  Mr. Milliken is a native of Camden and about 47 years old.
          The is some scandal afloat in regard to the Methodist clergyman, Rev. John Morse,
     recently transferred from Dexter to Calais, and the presiding elder, it is reported, has
     directed him to cease preaching for the present.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


                                                 MAINE MATTERS
          Vinalhaven has caught the "sea-serpent" where he can be viewed at leisure. Mr.
     J. Goodwillie, of Boston, who has been stopping at Vinalhaven, informed us on
     Monday that on the previous day, he with several other visitors at the island, saw on
     the shore at Lane' Island an immense jelly fish laying twisted in and out among the
     rocks. The head was flattened out very thin, covering an area several feet in diameter,
     while the body was tubular and some four inches in diameter, and probably larger
     when in the water. The whole length, when extended Mr. Goodwillie thought would
      have been nearly sixty feet, and if the creature had been in the water, those who saw
      it had no doubt it would have been taken for the veritable "sea serpent."

          Honorable F. M. Fogg is addressing his constituents in Oxford County this week,
     and next week speaks in the principal towns of Franklin County.
          T. H. T. writes that C. T. Wyman, of Franklin Plantation, has sold his silver mine
     to Messrs. Carleton & Davis, of Portland, who intend to organize a company to work
     it. Grass is looking finely, wheat, rye, and oats are doing well. In every potato field
     bugs are at work.
          Deacon Joel B. Thayer died at Paris, Me., last week, aged 81.

          Susan Pond dropped dead at Bangor Sunday night from heart disease combined
     with  trouble in regard to her husband, who is in jail for breaking into Castine  post
     office. She leaves  three children, two of them in the orphan asylum.
          In a lecture at Bangor, last Friday, Professor W. F. Stewart, the well-known
     geologist said there are now 20 companies in Maine who are at work on mines as
     as good as any in the county, and that Maine ought to encourage these enterprises,
     as the prosperity of the State is involved.
          The Shaw Brothers at Kingman lost $5,000 worth of bark by fire last week.
          Mr. James Hayes, of Bangor, caught a burglar name John Carson in his house one
     night last week, and after a struggle held him until the police arrived. Carson had
     entered the room of a young lady, who screamed for assistance, and he was holding
     hand over her mouth, when Mr. Haynes discovered him.

          The Maine central railroad furnished a special train from Portland for the State
     Congregational Conference at Dover last week. It was  noticed that the smoking car
     remained entirely unoccupied during the trip, and was left off at Waterville. The
     hospitable courtesies of the Dover and Foxcroft people are the theme of praise of all
     the delegates.  The report of the Secretary, Rev. A. S. Park, of Gardiner, shows that
     membership of the Congregational churches in Maine is 21,489, of whom 70 per
     cent. are females. One church has no male members. During the past year 635 have
     been added by confession of faith. More pastors have been settled the past year than
     previously, and there has been an increase of $8,000 in donations to benevolent objects.
      An animated debate was held in regard to issuing a manual of evangelical doctrine and
     of Congregational polity, and the proposition was defeated. Rev. E. Chase of Biddeford
      preached the annual sermon before the Maine Missionary Society. Joshua Maxwell, for
      many year treasurer, reported the present indebtedness to be $3,700. The average salary
      of the missionaries is only $550. The claims of Bowdoin College were presented by
      Dr. Warren of Portland, Professor Ladd, Professor Sewell and others. Bangor Seminary
     was shown to be doing a good work. The standard is much higher than formerly, and
     applicants for admission are sent back for more thorough preparation. The Classical
      School at Hallowell had its claims presented  by Messrs. Burr and Ney. The meeting
      of the Woman's Board of Missions attracted a very large audience. The conference will
      be held next year with the Willston Church, Portland.




Friday, October 9, 2015


                                                 MAINE MATTERS
               We last week mentioned the death of Mr. Payne, injured by the cars near Lake
        Sebago. A correspondent writes of him: He was 25 years of age and has been foreman
        for D. W. Clark & Co., for six years, having in his employ 15 to 125 men, all of
        whom he controlled with an unerring and rare judgment for one so young. He was
        born in England and had been in this country since 1868. He leaves a wife, who is
        daughter of Isaiah Morton, of Standish.
               The examination and graduating exercises of the Class of 1880, Gorham Normal
        School, took place on Tuesday, 22nd. The exercises in the evening consisted of music,
      declamation, essays, class chronicle's and  prophesies, address to the class by Mr.
      Cortell, and singing of the class song written by Miss Mildred Blake. The graduating
      class number 28.
              The commencement exercises of the Cape Elizabeth High School will take place
      at the town hall on Friday of this week at 2 p.m.
              The following members of the Senior class have been appointed to speak at the
      Bowdoin commencement, having taken highest rank during their college course:
     Salutatory in Latin, Frederic W. Hall, North Gorham; English orations, William
     Chapman, Bowdoinham; Walter L. Dane, Kennebunk; Horace R. Given, Brunswick;
     Franklin Winter, Bethel; Philosophical Disquisitions,  A. H. Holmes; Bridgton;
     Harry L. Maxey, Portland.
          We have received No. 3, Vol. 4, of "Old Times," published by A. W. Corliss,
     Yarmouth. It contains a very interesting account of Walter Gendall, on of the early
     settlers of Spurwink, and afterwards of North Yarmouth, an independent citizen, who
     was often in hot waters, as being an Episcopalian he could not conceal his contempt
     of the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay. He died like a hero in 1688, in a effort to carry
     ammunition to a party beset by Indians, at North Yarmouth. He had just strength
     after being shot to throw the ammunition within of his friends, and say, "he had
     lost his life in their service." This interesting and valuable memoir is prepared by
     Dr.  Charles E. Banks, of Portland.
          The dead body of Mary E. Stover, formerly of Sullivan, was found on the flats of
     Trenton, last week. There was no evidence of foul play, and she appears to have been
     drowned. The past five years she had lived in the family of Elbidge Moseley, of
          It is reported last week that Honorable R. D. Rice, of Augusta, formerly one of
     the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, and lately engaged in railroad
     enterprises had become violently insane. The Augusta Journal says the report is
      totally without foundation. He was quite sick for a few days, and is convalescent.
     His intellect is clear and strong as usual.
          Mrs. D'Orsay last week saved a little boy from drowning at North Yarmouth, at
     great personal risk.
          A lad named Fogler at Waldoboro, purchased a revolver the other day, and in
     examining it sot his sister, aged 12, in the abdomen. The bullet did not penetrate the
     bowels, and she will probably recover.
          The mills at Wiscasset are doing a good business. Mr. Hobson has men in his employ
     who have worked steadily for him 25 years, which is a good record fro both employer
     and employee.
          A boy named Frank T. Hewitt was put on board the steamer Cambridge at Boston,
     by his mother, to go to his home in Thomaston, on the evening of the 14th. He was due
     at Thomaston by the forenoon of the 15th, but has not since been heard by any of his

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


                                                 MAINE MATTERS
          The wife of Peter Gamage of Lewiston, married a few weeks ago,  died last
     Saturday from the effects of an abortion.
          Honorable W. P. Frye will be unanimously re-nominated for Congress at the
     convention which meets on the 24th.
          The Bates commencement exercises promises to be of unusual interest this year.
     Some of the best musical talent in the country is engaged for the concert to be given
     Tuesday evening, June 29th. There will be a field day, and a reunion of the Class of
     1870. Edward Everett Hale delivers the oration Wednesday evening. The exercises
     begin Sunday, June 27th, and continue four days.
          Dr. Bigelow, lately State Liquor Commissioner, has brought 70 acres of land in
      Livermore, and is to engage in mining.
          Athletic reports were held by the Bates students last Saturday. The winners of the
     several runs, jumps and throws were Hayes, Martin, Woods, Deshon, Judkins, Ranklin,
     and Tarbox, of '80.; Nevens, Sanborn and Rideout, '81,; Carpenter, Norcross and
     McKenney, '82.  The match game  of baseball was won by the Colby's 11 to 10, after
     a warm contest.
          There is a great jam of logs at the Aroostook Falls, in the lumber belonging
     principally to Messrs. Murray and Dunn. Mr. Dunn has 8,00,000 feet caught at
     this place.
          John Gilks, an operative in Titcomb's shingle mill at Houlton, lost his life in a
     shocking  manner on Tuesday 15th. He was holding  a log against the saw, when the
     saw struck him on the head, completely severing the upper part of the head, and
     killing instantly.
          The Yarmouth  brass band serenaded Dr. A. H. Burbank last Friday evening, as an
     expression of gratitude for a liberal donation from this public-spirited citizen.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


                                                              CITY ITEMS
                                                      (Glances About Town)

          Mr. Charles J. West, teamster, who was injured some time since by lifting a
     heavy weight, died suddenly from bleeding of the lungs, at his home in Deering,
     on Thursday week; Mr. West was a man much respected; he leaves a wife and five
     children, who have the sympathy of their friends and acquaintances.
          On Thursday week, in a collision on the Western Promenade, Mr. William H.
     Sanborn's horse was killed, and Mr. McCann was thrown out and badly bruised.
          Messrs. Cleaves and Adams have set out this season upon Little Chebeague
     Island, 310 shade tree, and every one is living and growing.
          Dr. Mason proposes a reunion of the former members of the Portland Light
     Infantry, now scattered over the country; if the old boys could all be got together
     they would have a lively time.
          At a concert given at St. Dominick's Hall, on Thursday night of last week,
     Reverend Father McKenna was presented with $500.00
          Dr. Eliphalet Clark, at his resident on Pleasant Street, Woodford's has raised
     an abundant crop of choice strawberries, some of which have measured five and
     five and a half inches in circumference.
          We learn that Mr. E. E. Thaxter, the young sculptor of this city now in Florence,
     Italy, has sold there his statue, "The Reproof,"  for $1,000.
          The following are the officers of the Ocean Street Horse Railroad Company
     for the ensuing year: President, David Moulton; Director, David Moulton, Charles
     Goodridge, Daniel H. Reed; Clerk and Treasurer, Edward P. Payson.
          The creditors of George A. Whitney have accepted an offer of 35 cents on the
     dollar, made by W. H. Sandborn.
          Ira C. Stockbridge has the folio for  June; also "General James A. Garfield's
     Grand March," "The Blue Alsatian Mountains," and "The Lass on Shore."
          Miss Jennie drew was fined $1 without cost for the assault on the editor of the
     Item, as Judge Knight said she had strong provocation.
          It is proposed to divide the Catholic diocese of Maine and New Hampshire, and
     install Father John E. Barry, of Concord, bishop of the new diocese.
         Among the graduates of Smith College at Northampton, Mass., last week, was
     Miss Ida E. Devoll, daughter of  Mrs. Sarah W. Devoll, M. D., of this city.
          Neal Dow is building a block of four houses on Neal  Street, which are intended
     as tenements for medium sized families.
          We have the Auditor's Annual Report, containing the Mayor's address and the
     annual departments reports for 1876-80. It is neatly printed by Messrs. Ford & Rich.
          At Bucknam's tannery, Morrill's Corner, on  Friday week, a rack filled with leather
     fell on Mr. Hugh Little, an employee, and broke his arm.


Friday, October 2, 2015


                                                          CITY ITEMS
                                                  (Glances About Town)
          The Portland Packing Company received a silver medal at the Berlin Fishing
          On Thursday week Mr. James McGlincy was found dead on the floor his chamber at  his
      residence on Danforth Street; Dr. Bray pronounced the cause of his death to be apoplexy,
     resulting from his habit of washing his feet in cold water on rising; Mr. McGlincy was
     57 years old, he was born in Londonderry, Ireland, came to this city in 1842, and was long 
     engaged here in the wholesale liquor traffic, by which he amassed a fortune; in 1862 and
     1863  he was Councilman from Ward 4; he leaves five children, four daughters and a son.
          Mrs. William E. Gould has been elected President of the Woman's Maine Missionary
     Society of the Congregational Church.
         George Stinson & Co., of this city, have prepared electrotype portraits of Garfield
     and Arthur, which will be followed by plates of the Democratic nominees; the political
     papers will find a ready use for them.
            The crazy man who undertook to pull down the post-office stole Captain Benjamin
     Jones' yacht Clarence, and was putting out to sea when he was overhauled and brought
          The third time goes it; and Maine has her candidate for the presidency  after all;
     Blaine and Solon Chase failed, but General Dow carries off the nomination.
          At the annual shoot of the Portland Cadets,  last week, Capt. N. D. Winslow
     made 24 out a possible 25, and won the first prize.
          On Friday night of last week Capt. Chase's store on Jewell's Island was broken into
     and a set of sails, valued at $30, was stolen.
           Dr. Weeks, wife and daughter, and Mrs. C. R Milliken and Misses Milliken, of this
     city are in London; Mrs. Breslin and Miss Stevens are in Florence.
            Mr. Henry E. Buck, the well-known card-writer who was so popular here last
     year has returned to this city for the summer, and may be found on Congress Street,
     opposite United States Hotel.
          The new Carriage mart of F. O. Bailey & Co., on Plum Street, has a flooring capacity
     of 16,000 square feet.
          Mrs. Mason, who is 103 years old, the oldest lady at the Home for Aged Women,
     walks about the house, wears glasses occasionally for reading or sewing and still
     does her own dressmaking.
          Waite the defaulting president of the Brattleboro Bank was seen in this city, how he
     got away from here does not appear.
          Mr. Warren A. Bidder, of this city, has purchased for $3,000 Andrew J. Chase's
     place in Deering.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


          In this city, June 14th, Vivia Z. Lord, aged 17 years.
          In this city, June 14th, Mrs. Annina Nollett, aged 54 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 15th, James H.  Bush, aged 29 years 9 months.
          In this city, June 15th, Mrs. Mary Thurston, formerly of Falmouth, aged
     53 years.
          In this city, June 17th, Sarah J. McTaggart, aged 27 years.
          In this city, June 17th, William Parks, aged 16 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 14th, Julia A., daughter of William T. Holt of Colorado, aged
     2 years 7 months.
          In this city, June 28th, Mrs. Elinda, wife of John Fairman, aged 31 years 6 months.
          In this city, June 19th, John T. Andrews, aged 60 years.
          In this city, June 15th, Sarah E. Ricker, aged 30 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 19th, Elliot F. Clark, aged 64 years 7 months.
          In this city, June 19th, Phebe, wife of William Stowell, aged 33 years 11 months.
          Deering, June 17th, Charles J. West, aged 51 years.
          Deering, June 20th, Mabel P., only child of B. M. and Carrie Richardson,
     aged 2 years 1 month.
          Cape Elizabeth, June 14th, William Small, aged 75 years 4 months.
          Cumberland, June 10th, Hannah, wife of James Shaw, aged 76 years, 6 months.
          Long Island, Casco, Bay June 12th, Thomas A., son of Thomas A. and Annie
      Doughty,aged 7 months 20 days..
          Boston, Mass., June 16th, Rachael Pomeroy, formerly of Portland, aged 35 years.
          Paris, Me., June 14th, Deacon J. B. Thayer, aged 81 years 2 months.
          Limerick, June 14th, Dr. Charles W. Milliken, of Skullsburg, Wisconsin, aged
     44 years.
          Bangor, June 15th, Austin L. Jenkins, aged 23 years 7 months.
          Belfast, June 14th, Henry S.  Parker, aged 50 years 7 months.
          Lewiston, June 25th, Benjamin H. Stevens, aged 68 years  9 months.