Sunday, March 29, 2015
The banks in Lewiston and Auburn have the good fortune to hold none of
the paper of F. Shaw & Brothers, though most of the banks there have held the
paper up to within a year, and one or two of them up to within six months, and
all of them having perfect faith in the reliability of the firm's paper.
Twenty-six year ago Mr. Henry Oliver, of Houlton, got a piece of glass into
his hand. At times it troubled him considerably. A few days ago a sore appeared on
his hand, and from probing, quite a piece of glass was extracted.
E. W. Looney, Caribou, expect to buy 50 tons of raspberries this season. Last
year he bought 14 tons, for which he paid over $1,100.00.
Five lodges of Good Templars have been instituted in Aroostock County the
past month.
Our Washburn correspondence writes; The Washburn brass band instruments
have come, 18 pieces in all, though three if them are owned by individuals. The
band has taken quite a responsibility, and it is to be hoped that the citizens will
appreciate and help to make the burden lighter. Grass is unusually good and
large amounts of hay have been put into the barns. Still other amounts remain
uncut or have felt the drenching rains and showers. We have luxuriated on wild
strawberries; raspberries and blueberries are abundant. Hops do not look well as
last year. The largest hop field in this town has five acres; no scarcity of work at
hop-picking time. One man in Maysville, Mr. Currier, employed over fifty hands
last year. Potatoes are thrifty-bugs, ditto. Noticeable among the new buildings are
the Baptist Church, town house and Fred Farnham's dwelling house. The sewing
circle, supper and sale in aid of the church building, came off the evening of August
Land Agent Cyrus A. Packard is making a two week's tour through Aroostook
County looking after the state an school lands there. Each plantation has 1,000
acres of land reserved for school purposes.
Some 4,000 person attended the Temperance camp-meeting at Sebago,
Saturday. Rev. L. Luce-presided and made an address touching the constitutional
amendment, followed by Governor Robie on the same subject. An exhibition
drill was given by the Deering Zouaves, who were reviewed by the Governor.
Sunday there was an attendance of 8,000 person. The forenoon meeting was
devoted to the interest of reformed men. The afternoon meeting was conducted
by Major H. S. Shorey and there was speaking by J. H. Drummmond, Neal Dow
and B. C. Torey. The constitutional prohibitory amendment was particularly
At the Temperance camp-meeting Sunday at Sebago Lake sat side by
side three men whose combined aged amounted to 270 years.-Francis Radoux
of Portland, 93 years old, who served under the first Napoleon, second, S. C.
Higgins of Gorham, aged 89, and Camp-meeting John Allen of Farmington, who
has lived 88 years. All are in the enjoyment of good health.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Glances About Town
Samuel E. Spring's claims upon the Shaw Brothers amounted to $397,000;
he has an attachment of $800,000 on real estate, and on all the personal property
of the firm in the state.
Mrs. Caswell's parlor classes, and school for young ladies and children will
re-open at 96 Park Street, September 18th, and we take pleasure in referring all
interested to the advertisement in another column; this school is one that fully
deserves the success it has attained.
Roswell Libby & Co., are packing an average of 85 barrels per day, employing
nearly 100 hands, George E. Deering & Co. average daily 60 barrels or more, and
Charles A. Dyer & Co., 90 barrels or thereabouts; it is reported that the Winslow
Packing Company also contemplate having an establishment in the city for meat
and fish packing in the near future.
Lieutenant Peary has purchased Eagle Island, one of the most picturesque in
Casco Bay, belonging in the group near Harpswell; he is to erect a stone cottage
upon it.
Francis Landy, mate of schooner Mary Van Cleaf is bound over in the sum of
$1000 to answer to the charge of assaulting one Kern, a sailor with an iron bolt.
The 54th Anniversary of St. Dominic's Church was fittingly observed last
Sunday; Bishop Healy discoursed upon the life of the patron saint of this church.
John Dennis & Son of this city, propose to fill ten freight cars with canned
goods put up in this city; and send them direct to Portland Oregon, in about one
month, when the Northern Pacific road completes it connections; arrangements
are made to rush the train through in the quickest possible time, from Portland
on the Atlantic to Portland on the Pacific.
A new electric light company has been formed in this city, under the name
of the Consolidated Electric Light Co., of Maine, with capital of $500,000; the
officers are George A. Thomas, President, Clarence Hale, Secretary, and J. S.
Staples, Treasurer; operations begin at once in Portland, Saco, and Biddeford;
Augusts, Lewiston and Bangor, will be supplied before winter.
Mr. A. J. Blelthen, editor of the Kansas City Journal, formerly of this city,
is visiting with his family and stopping at the Preble House.
Mr. John H. Keating, of this city, recently graduated from a medical school,
is to settle in New Brunswick.
Mr. Clarence Hale has purchased the lot of land on Congress Street, opposite
the foot of Neal Street, and will probably build on it.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Glances About Town
The First Maine Regiment held an election to fill vacancies caused by the
promotion of Colonel J. M. Brown, last Saturday; John J. Lynch of Portland,
was elected Colonel; Edward H. Ballard, Augusta, Lieutenant Colonel;
Benjamin J. Hill, Auburn, Major; Captain Davis of the Mechanic Blues, was
elected Major, but declined.
Mr. Everett Smith received the thanks of the city council for his suggestions
in regard to the caterpillar pest, which he considered worse than the canker worm.
Captain Reid expects to have the Brooklyn loaded and ready to sail for Liverpool
by the 20th; as she lies at the wharf she receives many visitor; there is no leak.
Two vagrants giving the names of Thomas Gregor and William Haste were
arrested at the Cape last Sunday, and are lodged in Portland jail.
The City of Richmond recently made the run from Bar Harbor to this port in
8 hours and 10 minutes, showing the possibility of having a daily line with a
single steamer.
Captain B. J. Willard is having built at East Deering a steamer of 40 tons for
the Forest City line, to be used as a tug, an excursion steamer, or a water boat.
A Polo Club has been organized in this city; its member are I. Aaronson,
William Swett, J. E. Feehan, M. Winslow, J. V.Morway, H. Hammett and L.
Winship; they played their first game at Old Orchard with the Reds of that place,
last Friday; the Reds were victors by a score of 3 to 2. Walter Orne of Old Orchard
Club was severely injured.
Hundreds of persons who have been delighted with the truly artistic performance
of Punch and Judy at Greenwood Garden, will regret to hear that James Kelley
who managed the puppets died at the Maine General Hospital last Thursday of
inflammatory rheumatism; he was a native of Portland, and 35 years of age.
George Adams of Portsmouth, N. H., became insane while in this city last
Friday, and was put under restraint.
In the heavy shower of last Thursday afternoon, a ball of electric fire passed
entirely through the stable of Fernald & Sawyer, and thence through Kane's
conservatory to Congress Street, almost grazing several people but doing no
Mr. Torrington, the Montreal organist is visiting his friends at Peak's Island.
Honorable W. W. Thomas, Jr., arrived at Liverpool last Saturday.
Frederick Douglas and party passed through this city on Monday, en route to
Bar Harbor.
Honorable W. W. Thomas, Jr., arrived at Liverpool last Saturday.
Judge Webb of the United States District Court is suffering from a second
severe attack of erysipelas in the face.
Instances of burglary and sneak-thieving continue in this vicinity; at Cape
Elizabeth the cottage of James H. Smith was entered Monday night, and a
valuable gold watch taken from the sleeping room, together with clothing
and other property.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Glances About Town
Mr. George F. Lewis, one of the pioneers in the canning business, in this city,
died last Thursday aged 73 years; he commenced packing in 1849, in a small way
on Custom House wharf; his business steadily increased until his house has now
15 factories in this state and the province; he was a kind friend, a enterprising
citizen, and upright man.
The former residents of York County, last Friday, held a meeting and formed an
association, adopting a code of by-laws. Honorable Bion Bradbury was elected
President; Secretary; E. S. Ridlon,Treasurer; J. A. Locke, J. S. Ricker, J.H. Pike,
J. W. Deering, W.F.Lunt, R. O. Conant, and C. E. Jose, Executive Committee;
a committee was appointed to arrange for a mammoth clambake to be give
August 15th.
Three burglars were caught early last Friday morning in an attempt to break
into a restaurant on Commercial Street; they were William Herrick, James Friel,
and Michael Cady, and the were each bound over in the sum of $500.00.
Rev. C.H. Daniels, pastor elect of the Second Parish, pays a visit to Portland
this week, preparatory to his removal to this city in the fall.
Levi Shaw of Sebago and George H. Hall of South Windham, were arrested
at Peak's Island last Thursday for drunkenness and disturbance; one of them
kick Officer Brackett in the eye when the irons were put on.
Congress Square Church was well filled last Wednesday noon to witness the
marriage of Miss Mary G. Blanchard, daughter of the pastor of the church to Mr.
Frank Marshall, son of Professor J. P. Marshall of Tuft's College.
Amos Grover, formerly well-known as a business man in this city, died on
the 1st inst., aged 82; he was born in Bethel, and was for many years a grocer
on Congress Street, between Park and State Streets.
William E. Gould, cashier of the First National Bank, has exchanged his
residence in Deering for that of William W. Brown, on State Street.
Rev. B. D. Peck preached in his old pulpit, at Casco Street Church; last
Sunday; it is 22 years since he lived here, and his allusions to the past were
made in a most feeling manner, which deeply affected his audience.
Henry Parks makes his great ascension on a wire 2,000 feet long and 200
feet high, at Greenwood Garden on Wednesday
Friday, March 20, 2015
Deering, June 20th, Jason Carleton Libby, eldest son of Francis and Addie
Carleton Libby, aged 6 years, 5 months and 20 days.
"Tis seldom we chronicle the death of one so young who possessed a mind
so far advanced beyond his years. He was unwilling to do or say anything which
would displease God, and was never more happy than when talking about Him,
and of His goodness, making such inquiries as was beyond the knowledge of man
to answer. A dear lover of all things beautiful, with rare qualities of discrimination
united with a kind and loving disposition, and being devotedly attached to his
parents, he was to them more a companion than a child. Patiently bearing his
sickness of four weeks, and all remedies used without a murmur, he quietly passed
over the river. Bereaved parent's weep not that your darling has gone from you.
God's angels have borne this treasured flower, to that happy bower where
transplanted it shall bloom and thrive forever. Safe now in the arms of Jesus,
all mysteries cleared away, you saw him in his narrow home, surrounded by
flowers he loved so well and oh! how beautiful it was to view that sweet one
in his rest, you miss him in your home, but you could not recall him.
Lift death's dark veil and see
Your hearts are nearer Heaven's throne,
That angle waits for thee.
Dear mother we miss thee, our life cannot tell,
The sad, sad thoughts that in our hearts swell,
Our home once so happy, is lonely at best,
Since thou, dearest mother, hast gone to thy rest.
Say, mother, dear mother, why didst thou go,
And leave thine own loved one to mourn below.
Alas! the fondest ties of earth have been riven,
And the soul of our loved one wafted to Heaven.
As we list her voice, our eyes are dim,
And we cannot understand, the ways of Him.
Who laid his hand so heavily on us
To lead us, to Heaven, we hope and trust.
The way is oft dark, yet we try to look up,
And be lead by the Savior, who gave the sad cup.
He has promised to save , when earthly friends fall
And guide us always, though trials assail.
May this thought cheer our hearts, as we pass on
For we know the journey, at best is not long.
Ere we meet our loved mother, to part no more,
With Savior, and kindred, who have passed just before.
E.R. Martin.
MONMOUTH, June 16th, 1882.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In this city, August 4th, Mrs. Matilda H. Hooper, aged 75 years,11 months.
In this city, August 5th, Anna J., youngest daughter of William T. and Hannah
Murray, aged 1 year, 4 months and 4 days.
In this city, August 1st., Amos Grover, aged 82 years.
In this city, August 6th, George F., youngest son of William W. and Abbie
McDonald, aged 10 months.
In this city, August 2nd, John Albert Olson, aged 9 months.
In this city, August 2nd, Karl Ingelvetsen, aged 3 months 3 days.
In this city, August 3rd, Mildred, youngest daughter of Walter S. and Minnie E.
Armstrong, aged 2 months and 15 days.
In this city, August 3rd, George F. Lewis, aged 73 years and 9 months.
In this city August 2nd,. William Lowell, formerly of Wiscasset, aged 69 years.
West Gardiner, 20th ult., Mary B. Thompson, aged 63 years.
Litchfield, 10th ult., Martha E. Hutchinson, aged 31 years.
Mapleton, 12th ult., Anthony G. Davis aged 75 years, formerly of Gardiner.
Brookline Mass. (?), August 1st., Louise Reid, wife of Dana Estes, aged 30 years.
Readfield, Lewis Armstrong, Esq., aged 71 years and 2 months.
Bath, 30th ult., Moses P. Jewell, aged 36 years, 7 months.
Thomaston, 27th ult., Rev. John Wakefield, aged 86 years, 10 months.
Waldoboro, 23rd ult., Mrs. Rebecca Oliver, aged 92 years.
Waldoboro, 27th ult., John Edwin Miller aged 66 years.
Rockport, 25th ult., Mrs. Mary A .Davis aged 63 years.
Friendship, 28th ult., Nancy, wife of Malachi Delano, aged 68 years, 2 months.
Brunswick, 27th ult., Emeline Weld, aged 76 years.
Brunswick, 27th ult., Jeanette, wife of B. E. Swett, aged 51 years.
Brunswick, 28th ult., Walter S. McManus, aged 41 years.
West Harpswell, 31st ult., Bailey Bibber, aged 76 years.
East Hiram, Parmelia, widow of Stephen Wood, aged 94 years, 10 moths.
Stockton, 31st ult., J. Edith, wife of Dr. A. D. Bird, and daughter of James
M. Churchill, Esq.
Bath, 30th ult., Abbie E., wife of Warren Fowle, aged 61 years, 4 months.
Farmingdale, 28th ult., George Wheeler, aged 77 years.
Monarch, Colorado, 23rd ult., George F. Thomson, aged 25 years, 3 months,
formerly of Cape Elizabeth.
San Francisco, Cal., 21st ult., Hattie E., daughter of Horace D., and the
late N. J. Low, formerly of Maine, age 18 months.
Tamalpais, Cal., Lizzie E., daughter of Patrick and the late Ann McCauley,
a native of Portland, aged 16 years, 4 months.
Minneapolis, Minn., 30th ult., suddenly of meningitis, Henry Hanson,
youngest son of W.L. and Annie Hanson Keiler. (Boston papers please copy.
Standish, August 4th, Ezekiel Strout, aged 77 years and 21 days.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Harrison, 22nd ult., Benjamin W. Flint of Sweden, Me., and Abbie S. Weeks of
Harmony, 29th ult., Mr. Freeman T. Pierce and Addie A. Ward.
Rockland, 28th ult., Sewall A. Rich of Rockland, and Ellie S. Simmons of
Camden, 21st ult., Herbert L. Cross, of South Thomaston and Addie L. Reynolds
of Rockland.
Boston, 17th ult., Winfield S. Kenniston and Fanny A. Robinson, both Rockland.
Dexter, 18th ult., Frank Burns of Portland, and Hattie A. Cushman of Dexter.
East Pittston, 21st ult., George R. Manson and Hattie E. Elkins.
East Pittston, 21st ult., Charles Cooper and Annie M. Hallowell, of Pittston.
Topsham, August 1st., William B. Woodard, of Brunswick and Mary C.
Drinkwater, both Topsham.
West Casco, 29th ult., Josiah W. Allen and Ida E. Field, both of Gray.
Biddeford, 18th ult., George W. Hodge and Lizzie E. Miller both of
Auburn, 28th ult., Charles W. Cooper of Paris, Me., and Annie McAllister,
of Minot.
Foxcroft, August 1st., Frank H. Merrill and Abby S. Foxcroft, both of New
Boston, Mass., 25th ult., Herbert Gray of Oldtown, and Hattie M. Brown of
Rockland, 31st ult ., Andrew Allen and Josephine Allen, both of Rockland.
Belfast, 23rd ult., Dinsmore S. Smith of Searsport and Annie B. Hayes, of
China, Me., 21st ult.,Wilder Young and Miss Hattie C. Carr, both of Freedom.
Searsport, 26th ult., Joseph H. Herriman and Clara W. Dickey.
Ellsworth, 31st ult., George H. Hughes of Bath, and Abbie E. Blonditt of
Gorham, New Hampshire, August 4th, by Rev. Herbert E. Foss, G. W.
Robinson and M.M. Thayer, both of Portland.
Auburn, August 1st., Wallace E. Mixer and Maria H. Elwell, both of
Shapleigh, 21st ult., Arthur C. Watson and Jennie Cole.
Friday, March 13, 2015
New York, Jan. 2nd.-Barque Josephine, of Portland, Captain Mitchell, hence
for Cardenas, Cuba, attempted to go to sea 31st, but the vessel being very crank
(sic,) was obliged send down foretopgallant and main royal masts. Night coming
on she bore up for Sandy Hook, and passed the light at 6 p.m., with reduced sail,
steering WNW 1/2 W, and soon after struck bottom in seven fathoms. Both
anchors were let go at 10 p.m., but both chains parted and the vessel drifted to
leeward, taking bottom at 11 o'clock. The foremast was out away, and in falling
the mainmast and mizzen topmast went with it. The vessel continued to thump
heavily until 2 p.m., when she went over into deep water leaking badly and gaining
on the pumps. Soon after she was taken in tow and brought back to port. Her
spars and rigging were saved.
A cable dispatch dated Liverpool December28th, states that the barque
Palermo, from New Orleans for Vige (?) is ashore on the Portuguese coast
and in a total loss. The Palermo registered 534 tons, was built at Bath in 1850,
and sailed for hailed from New York.
Accounts from Liverpool of the 11th state that the ship Thornton, from New
York, which went ashore at the mouth of the Mersey, has gone to pieces, and
her cargo is scattered along the shore.
Schooner J. H. Nichols, from Bangor for Philadelphia, was spoken 25th ult.,
off Montauk and reported having been driven across the Gulf three times. Several
of the crew were badly frost bitten.
Schooner E.B. Howard, from Swan Island for Hampton Roads, was abandoned
at sea 15th ult.
There were built and registered in the District of Portland, during the year 1867.
2 ships, 5 barques, 6 brigs, 18 schooners and 1 sloop, with a total tonnage of
On Kennebunk River, during 1867, were built 2 ships and 13 schooners.
There were lost during the past year 25 steamers, 39 ships, 34 barques,
43 brigs and 227 schooners; total number of vessels, 385; estimate total value
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The vote for Governor was as follows:-Chamberlain, $57,715; Pillsbury, 46,000;
Chamberlains' majority, 11, 715.
Luther Chamberlain, of Atkinson, has been elected a member of the board of
Agriculture of Piscataquis County. William S. Brown of Waldoboro', has been
elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the vacancy by the resignation of E.
Wilder Farley.
The Eastport Sentinel says James Kelly, of the town was lost overboard and
drowned on the 14th ult., from the schooner Senator Grimes on her passage from
Perry to Providence.
The tin shop of J. Seavey, at West Newfield, and the foundry shop of Asa Swett,
used for the storage of carriages, were destroyed by fire on the 14th ult. Mr. Seavy's
is about $700; Mr. Swett's about $1000; no insurance.
The red men of the forest have two representatives in our Legislature-Peapole
Sabbttis, who represent the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians, and Sockabasin
Swassian, who represents the Oldtown tribe.
In Gorham of Wednesday week, a boy named Parkhurst, fell head first into
a well, but caught the bucket at the curb, and descended with a thirty feet, landing
on his feet. He was taken out uninjured.
Brig Narraguagus of Cherryfield, during the recent earthquake at Frederickstad,
Santa Cruz (Bolivia) was driven up into the town 400 feet above high water mark,
where she was left by the receding waters, a total loss. Crew saved.
The dwelling house of Captain Charles H. Smith, in Cape Elizabeth, with all its
contents, were consumed by fire on Thursday evening of last week, the occupants
barely had time to escape. The fire originated from the furnace. House and furniture
insured for $4,000.
Rev. J. S. C. Abbott is to lecture at Farmington, on the 18th inst., on the subject
of "France and her Emperor."
Miss Mellissa Rice has been appointed Post Mistress at Cape Porpoise.
The new Mayor of Gardiner, Mr. Gray was almost unanimously elected, but
one vote being thrown against him.
Five young men were arrested last week charged with setting the fires which
have recently occurred in Saco and Biddeford. Three of them named Tuttle,
Goodwin and Cole, were held to answer in the sum of $1000.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Horace E. Kimball of Lewiston, mysteriously disappeared from his home on
the 21st, and has not since been heard from.
Mr. Bissonault's saw and grist mill, in Waite Township, was destroyed by fire
on Tuesday week.
Fred, youngest son of Mr. Frank Flye, was drowned at Augusta on Saturday,
while fishing in the river.
A raccoon weighing thirty-one pounds was shot in Cape Elizabeth, a few days
since by Mr. E. H. Hays.
The Skowhegan Clarion has a chapter of accidents.-Mrs. James Fellows fell
on the ice and severely injured her spinal column; Widow Hall was struck in the
back by the shaft of a sleigh and severely injured; Maxy Jewett, Jr. fell and broke
his leg between the ankle and knee joint; Mrs. Ezra McIntire of Norridgewock,
fell down cellar and was taken up insensible and has remained so ever since,
fears being entertained that she cannot recover; Mrs. Hall of Palmyra, who had
been sick for some time, while in a deranged state left her bed, during the
temporary absence of the nurse, with nothing on but her nightclothes, and was
soon after found under a tree a short distance from the house, frozen to death.
It appears that Michael Bridgham, killed at Buckfield made a violent assault
on the younger Bridgham, who fired only with the intention of frightening him
away. The old man was seventy years old, and appears to have been eccentric or
partially insane. Two hundred dollar were found upon the body wrapped up in
bits of rags and paper in every conceivable shape. He often protested that none
of his friends should have a dollar of it-that when he felt death approaching he
would burn the whole of it. His sudden "taking off" prevented his carrying out
his threat, however.
Some burglars entered the sleeping room of Mr. W. Brewster, at Auburn on
Friday night, and rifling his clothes and those of his roommate, took the keys
of the store of J. Dingley & Co., to which they proceeded and robbed the money
drawer of $25 or $30. Their entire night's work, says the Journal, netted them
about $50 in money, and two silver watches.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Our brethren of the press are well represented in the State Legislature, both in
character and numbers. The following editors are members; John I. Stevens of the
Kennebec Journal, Nelson Dingley, Jr., of the Lewiston Journal, N. A. Foster of the
Portland Daily Press and William M. Rust of the Belfast Age.-Mr. Nash, Assistant
Clerk, is editor of the Hallowell Gazette.
The Military Asylum at Togas, near Augusta, caught fire from a defect in the
flue of the furnace, on Sunday evening and was entirely destroyed. The sick and
all the inmates were cared for at Augusta. Major Cutter, who is at the head of the
Asylum is quite sick in Augusta. The buildings was a very large and costly one,
and the loss must be heavy. The Lewiston Journal say the soldiers rekindled the
fire after it was once extinguished, broke into the dispensary stores, got beastly
drunk and fought among themselves, and one of them was frozen to death.
Schooner Palmerston of St. John, New Brunswick, ran ashore on Squirrel
Island near Wiscasset, on the night of the 24th ult., and took fire from the cabin
stoves and was burned; hull a total loss, rigging partly saved. The mate E. Levy
of Tremont, Me., and seaman Martin and Malier, of New Brunswick, were lost.
Simmons' bronze statue of the Soldier is to be unveiled in the public park at
Lewiston at an early day. Governor Chamberlain has been invited to be present
and participate in the exercises. This is the first bronze statue owned in Maine.
Contribution amounting to about $600.00 have been raised in Augusta for
the benefit of Mrs. R. A. Scholes who lost by the recent fire everything in the
world upon which she relied for the support of herself and four young children.
The Maine Standard has passed into the hands of Messer. Eben F. Pillsbury
and William E. Smith. It is a handsomely printed and ably conducted sheet.
Six or eight State Constables paid Gardiner a visit on New Year's day, and
stirred up quite an excitement. They made some seizures but were roughly
handled at Mr. Maher's store.
Mr. Crosby, President of the Senate and Mr. Woodman, Speaker of the House,
are cousins and natives of New Hampshire, and were classmates in Bowdoin
A baby show was recently held at North Leeds at which there was a
lively attendance of twenty babies, and considerable music.-"Mrs. Sylvester's
twins" got the premium.
The Eastport Sentinel says the store of John B. Pearce was entered by thieves
on the night of the 24th ult., who carried off about fifty dollars worth of gold.
Johnny Longfellow has again broken out of Ellsworth jail, and again been
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Glances About Town
Captain Henley, who was stabbed, is rapidly recovering from his wound.
We regret to learn that Miss Sarah Jewett suffered a severe injury of the
thigh by falling in her house on Pleasant Street, on Friday week.
A great treat is in store for lovers of music in the concert to be given under
the auspices of the Army & Navy Union on Thursday evening of this week;
Camilla Urso, with her violin, is enough to attract a full house, and when in
addition we have all the other vocalists and performers down on the program,
the entertainment must draw an immense audience.
In a affray that took place on Danforth Street, on Thursday evening of last
week, a man named Morissey was stabbed three times, so that his recovery
is doubtful; three of the participants in the fight have been arrested.
John White, the burglar who made such extensive raids on dwelling houses
in this vicinity last summer has been sentenced to the State Prison for life,
on two indictments leaving eight other still hanging over him; his wife a
pretty and interesting young woman, was in court during his trial, and seemed
to feel keenly the disgrace he had brought upon himself.
Mr. Rich's annual statement of the trade and commerce of Portland is in
an interesting document, and makes an encouraging exhibit of the progress
of our city in recovering from the disaster of the great fire.
In the case of adultery against F. O. J. Smith, a nol. pros. was entered on
Monday by County Attorney Webb, owing to the failure of a witness to
George A. Green goes to jail for seven months for larceny.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Glances About Town
It is now considered settled that Rev. Mr. Bolles will remain with the Congress
Square Universalist Society, at an advanced of $500, making his salary $8000 for
the new year.
In the case of Hill, tried for arson, the jury returned a verdict of guilty; exceptions
will be taken so that the case will go up to the full court.
The fine sleighing brings out our handsome Portland sleights; one we saw
the other day manufactured by Martin, Pennell & Co., was a most beautiful piece
of workmanship, fit for a Queen to ride in.
Tenney, of the Brunswick Telegraph, looked in on us the other day; he accused
us of growing fat, and accounted for his own leanness by living on cow beef; that
come of imitating the cannibals and eating his enemies.
On Friday week a horse belonging to Irving Blake was frightened by a snow
slide on Exchange Street, and starting off at a furious rate soon cleared himself
from the pung (sled) and leaped over a sleigh in which were Mrs. J. B. Coyle and
her son; the sleigh was nearly demolished and Mrs. Coyle was taken up in a
insensible condition; her injuries were afterward found to be not so serious as
was feared, although her face was considerably bruised, and her shoulder badly
sprained; the boy was not injured.
The safe built for the Norway Savings Bank by C. Staples & Co., was exhibited
at the corner of Middle and Exchange Streets one day last week. It has a very
discouraging look for burglars.
The Merchant's Exchange will be removed to the new Thomas Block on
Exchange Street as soon as it is finished, which will be in the course of a few
A young man was found frozen to death in a sleigh, in the streets of Brooklyn,
N. Y., on New Year's day.
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