Sunday, March 8, 2015


                                                     MAINE MATTERS
          Horace E. Kimball of Lewiston, mysteriously disappeared from his home on
     the 21st, and has not since been heard from.
          Mr. Bissonault's saw and grist mill, in Waite Township, was destroyed by fire
     on Tuesday week.
          Fred, youngest son of Mr. Frank Flye, was drowned at Augusta on Saturday,
     while fishing in the river.
         A raccoon weighing thirty-one pounds was shot in Cape Elizabeth, a few days
     since by Mr. E. H. Hays.
          The Skowhegan Clarion has a chapter of accidents.-Mrs. James Fellows fell
    on the ice and severely injured her spinal column; Widow Hall was struck in the
     back by the shaft of a sleigh and severely injured; Maxy Jewett, Jr. fell and broke
     his leg between the ankle and knee joint; Mrs. Ezra McIntire of Norridgewock,
     fell down cellar and was taken up insensible and has remained so ever since,
     fears being entertained that she cannot recover; Mrs. Hall of Palmyra, who had
     been sick for some time, while in a deranged state left her bed, during the
     temporary absence of the nurse, with nothing on but her nightclothes, and was
    soon after found under a tree a short distance from the house, frozen to death.
          It appears that Michael Bridgham, killed at Buckfield made a violent assault
      on the younger Bridgham, who fired only with the intention of frightening him
      away. The old man was seventy years old, and appears to have been eccentric or
      partially insane. Two hundred dollar were found upon the body wrapped up in
      bits of rags and paper in every conceivable shape. He often protested that none
      of his friends should have a dollar of it-that when he felt death approaching he
      would burn the whole of it. His sudden "taking off" prevented his carrying out
      his threat, however.
          Some burglars entered the sleeping room of Mr. W. Brewster, at Auburn on
     Friday night, and  rifling his clothes and those of his roommate, took the keys
     of the store of J. Dingley & Co., to which they proceeded and robbed the money
     drawer  of $25 or $30. Their entire night's work, says the Journal, netted them
     about $50 in money, and two silver watches.


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