Sunday, March 29, 2015


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
               The banks in Lewiston and Auburn have the good fortune to hold none  of
     the paper of F. Shaw & Brothers, though most of the banks there have held the
     paper up to within a year, and one or two of them up to within six months, and
     all  of them having perfect  faith in the reliability of the firm's paper.

          Twenty-six year ago Mr. Henry Oliver, of Houlton, got a piece  of glass  into
     his hand. At times it troubled him considerably. A few days ago a sore appeared  on
     his hand, and from probing, quite a piece of glass was extracted.
          E. W. Looney, Caribou, expect to buy 50 tons of raspberries this season. Last
     year he bought 14 tons, for which he paid over $1,100.00.
          Five lodges of Good Templars have been instituted in Aroostock County the
    past month.
          Our Washburn correspondence writes; The Washburn brass band instruments
     have come, 18 pieces in all, though three if them are owned by individuals. The
     band has taken quite a responsibility, and it is to be hoped that the citizens will
     appreciate and help to make the burden lighter. Grass is unusually good and
     large amounts of hay have been put into the barns. Still other amounts remain
     uncut or have felt the drenching  rains and showers. We have luxuriated on wild
     strawberries; raspberries and blueberries  are abundant.  Hops do not look well as
     last  year.  The largest hop field in this town has five acres; no scarcity of work at
     hop-picking time.  One man in Maysville, Mr. Currier, employed over fifty hands
     last year. Potatoes are thrifty-bugs, ditto. Noticeable among the new buildings are
     the Baptist Church, town house and Fred Farnham's  dwelling house. The sewing
     circle, supper and sale in aid of the church building, came off the evening of August
          Land Agent  Cyrus A. Packard is making a two week's tour through Aroostook
     County looking after the state an school lands there. Each plantation has  1,000
     acres of land reserved for school purposes.
          Some 4,000 person attended the Temperance camp-meeting at Sebago,
     Saturday.  Rev. L. Luce-presided and made an address touching the constitutional
     amendment, followed by Governor Robie on the same subject. An exhibition
     drill was given by the Deering Zouaves, who were reviewed by the Governor.
     Sunday there was an attendance of 8,000 person. The forenoon meeting was
     devoted to the interest of reformed men. The afternoon meeting was conducted
     by Major H. S. Shorey and there was speaking by J. H. Drummmond, Neal Dow
     and B. C. Torey. The constitutional prohibitory amendment was particularly
               At the Temperance camp-meeting Sunday at Sebago Lake sat side by
     side three men whose combined aged amounted to 270 years.-Francis Radoux
     of Portland,  93 years old,  who served under the first Napoleon, second, S. C.
     Higgins of Gorham, aged 89, and Camp-meeting John Allen of Farmington, who
     has lived 88 years. All are in the enjoyment of good health.

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