Wednesday, March 4, 2015


                                                            CITY ITEMS
                                                       Glances About Town
          Captain Henley, who was stabbed, is rapidly recovering from his wound.
          We regret to learn that Miss Sarah Jewett suffered a severe injury of the
     thigh by falling in her house on Pleasant Street, on Friday week.
          A great treat is in store for lovers of music in the concert to be given under
     the auspices of the Army & Navy Union on Thursday evening of this week;
     Camilla Urso, with her violin, is enough to attract a full house, and when in
     addition we have all the other vocalists and performers down on the program,
     the entertainment must draw an immense audience.
         In a affray that took place on Danforth Street, on Thursday evening of last
     week, a man named Morissey was stabbed three times, so that his recovery
     is doubtful; three of the participants in the fight have been arrested.
          John White, the burglar who made such extensive raids on dwelling houses
      in this vicinity last summer has been sentenced to the State Prison for life,
      on two indictments leaving eight other still hanging over him; his wife a
      pretty and interesting young woman, was in court during his trial, and seemed
      to feel keenly the disgrace he had brought upon himself.
          Mr. Rich's annual statement of the trade and commerce of Portland is in
     an interesting document, and makes an encouraging exhibit of the progress
     of our city in recovering from the disaster of the great fire.
          In the case of adultery against F. O. J. Smith, a nol. pros. was entered on
     Monday by County Attorney Webb, owing to the failure of a witness to
          George A. Green goes to jail for seven months for larceny.

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