Sunday, March 22, 2015


                                                          CITY ITEMS
                                                     Glances About Town
          Mr. George F. Lewis, one of the pioneers in the  canning business, in this city,
     died last  Thursday aged 73 years; he commenced packing in 1849, in a small way
     on Custom House wharf; his business steadily  increased until his house has now
     15 factories in this state and the province; he was a kind friend, a enterprising
     citizen, and upright man.
          The former residents of York County, last Friday, held a meeting  and formed an
     association, adopting a code of by-laws. Honorable Bion Bradbury was elected
     President; Secretary; E. S. Ridlon,Treasurer; J. A. Locke, J. S. Ricker, J.H. Pike,
     J. W. Deering, W.F.Lunt, R. O. Conant, and C. E. Jose, Executive Committee;
     a  committee was appointed to arrange for a  mammoth clambake to be give
     August 15th.
          Three burglars were caught early last Friday morning in an attempt to break
     into a restaurant on Commercial Street; they were William Herrick, James Friel,
     and Michael Cady, and the were  each bound over in the sum of $500.00.
          Rev. C.H.  Daniels, pastor elect of the Second Parish, pays a visit to Portland
     this week, preparatory to his removal to this city in the fall.
          Levi Shaw of Sebago and George H. Hall of South Windham, were arrested
     at Peak's Island last Thursday for drunkenness and disturbance; one of them
     kick Officer Brackett in the eye when the irons were put on.
          Congress Square Church was well filled last Wednesday noon to witness  the
     marriage of Miss Mary G. Blanchard, daughter of the pastor of the church to Mr.
     Frank Marshall, son of Professor J. P. Marshall of Tuft's College.
          Amos Grover, formerly well-known as a business man in this city, died on
     the 1st inst., aged 82; he was born in Bethel, and was for many years a grocer
     on Congress Street, between Park and State Streets.
          William E. Gould, cashier of the First National Bank, has exchanged his
     residence in Deering for that of William W. Brown, on State Street.
          Rev. B. D. Peck preached in his old pulpit, at Casco Street Church; last
     Sunday; it is 22 years since he lived here, and his allusions to the past were
     made in a most feeling manner, which deeply affected his audience.
          Henry Parks makes his great ascension on a wire 2,000 feet long and 200
     feet high, at  Greenwood Garden  on Wednesday

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