Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCER and Eastern Chroncile, Gardner, Me. February 20, 1829


              In Dresden, by Benjamin Prescott, Esq., on the 12th inst., Mr. Thomas
          Campbell of Newcastle to Miss Ellen H. Pung, of Dresden.


              In Jonesboro, Mr. Samuel Morse, aged 68, a Revolutionary pensioner.

              In Wayne, Kennebec County, instantaneously on the 29th ult., Captain James
          Gage, aged 55 years.  While sitting in his chair in perfect health and cheerful spirits,
          his wife passed out the door for a moment, when on her return she found him
          prostrate on the floor nearly expired. He was a man universally loved by his wide
          circle of aquaintance; a kind and tender husband, a worthy parent, and a valuable
          member of society; and in truth it may be said that he was a man of the strictest
          honor and intregrity, discharging his obligations to others with a punctuality rarely
          found. He had but a short time previous to his death, selected a place for his
          remains; a person to superintend his burial and a preacher to deliver a discourse
          which was ably prounounced by Rev. F. A. Hodsdon. The funeral was attended by
          a numerous and respectable table concourse of people who were ready to join with
          the afflicted family to mourn his loss. The night preceding his death he was exercised
          with very pleasing dream such as being possessed of a most beautiful  flock of lambs,
          of sailing  very pleasantly accompanied with a very joyful company, who were
          discoursing to each other, saying how easily and beautifully we glide along by the
          land, &c. There was nothing appeared to either elevate or despress his spirit from
          the time he awoke in the morning until near noon when he died, and it is not probable
          he had any time for reflection after the fit struck him till he was no more, but
          appeared calm and pleasant like his dream. He was ever mindful of his approaching
          sudden dislocation' and appeared willing to commit himself in the care of
          Omnipotence who he firmly believed accomplishment of his work, bring all human
          family to participate in the joys everlasting felicity. Captain Gage was no sectarian,
          nor was he fond of any sect; it was truth, reality and matter of fact that he pursued,
          and when he found them he always them embraced the whether in  books or by art. It
          was a matter of indifference to him from what source they  were derived, but what
          God had founded in the nature of things was the grand object of his pursuit

              In East Pond Plantation (now Newport) on the 21st ult., of consumption, Mrs.
          Bestey Lander, wife of Brother Abram I., aged 37.  The life of Mrs. Lander may
          truly be said to have been a Christian one.  Exhibiting her religion more in deed than
          in words, she preformed with examplary fidelity the various duties of social life. She
          had been lingering in sickness for nearly one year, during which time she was not
          without doubt; but in her last illness, which was extremely painful, she was steadfast
          in the belief, that God would, in due time restore all men to a state of holiness and
          happiness.  Death did not find her in a state of unpreparedness, neither did its
          approach alarm her. This soul rejoicing doctrine which gave her such glorious joy
          in life, afforded her the greatest consolation in her dying moments. Her faith
          remained immoveable when casting her eyes  for the last time upon her affectionate
          husband and and her four dear little children.  Then it was that her soul triumphed in
          her Redeemer's love, and went calmly to rest in a glorious immortality. We hope
          our bereaved brother will be comforted by the earnest hope of a future and happier
          union with the departed object of his affection, where tears are wiped from off
          faces and where sorrow and sighing can never come.-Com.

                      ALL persons are cautioned against purchasing a note of hand for eight
                      dollars and thiry cents, bearing the date October 1828, signed by the
                      subscriber, and payable by William Connor, or order, as said note has
                      been paid to said Connor.  ANDREW M'CAUSLAND
                      Gardiner, Feb. 11, 1828.




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