Sunday, August 11, 2013
Mr. Dana T. Merrill of Auburn, University of Maine 1898, recently
appointed a Second Lieutenant in the regular army, has been assigned to
duty at Jefferson barracks, Missouri, and will leave for that point the present
week. He was a private in Company H 1st Maine Regiment at Chickamanga.
Private William D. Desjardines of Company C, First Regiment, died at his
his home in Lewiston Sunday, aged 23 years. He was taken ill of typhoid
fever since his return from Chickamanga.
Mrs. Curtis Guild died of neuralgia of the heart at the Poland Spring House
Thursday night. Her death was very sudden and entirely unexpected. She has
been apparently in good health. Mr. Guild and daughter were there and their
son Courtny was telegraphed for and arrived Friday noon. Mrs. Guild was a
well known Boston lady and has been enjoying life at Poland, Me., very much.
Her death is a shock to many friends and acquaintances in Massachusetts.
The men who are digging potatoes for C. L. Griffin of Mapleton claim that
his potatoes are yielding over 100 barrels to the acre, with no sign of rot.
The Hackett & Foss box factory at Robinson started up last week.
Rev. John Nason of the Free Baptist Church, Houlton, tendered his
resignation to take effect in December. Mr. Nason has been offered a position
in Rhode Island, and in December will move with his family to that state.
The church recently erected by the Baptist Society at North Oakfield is
nearly completed, and regular services are held by the past. Mr. Rev. Whittier
of Haynesville. Credit is especially due to A. D. Weeks, who give liberally to the
Nearly the whole male portion of the town of Washburn is scouring the woods
and roads toward Presque Isle trying to capture three desperadoes, who broke into
the Washburn post office Wednesday morning, blew open the safe and secured
$3000.00 worth of stamps, notes and cash from the post office and J. L. Woodman's
store. The people were awakened at 1:40 a. m., by the noise of a terrific exploison
and windows were thrown open in every direction by the anxious townspeople.
Those near the store saw three men scurrying away toward Presque Isle. The
robbers evidently knew the business, as there was no bungling in preparing the
fuse with which to blow open the safe containing the vaulables. At last reports
they were supposed to be in the woods near Washburn, but many think they
have been successful in getting away, and have made for some station on the
Brunswick polled a total vote of 807 at the recent election. T. S. McLellan cast
his 66th vote.
The funeral of Sumner Whitney, recently shot by desperadoes in Colorado, was
held at his mother's home in Gray Friday afternoon. The services were under the
auspices of the Masonic Fraternity and were conducted by Rev. E. M. Cousins.
By request the hour was telegraphed to Kokomo, Colorado, that the schools and
places of business might be closed during the services. The deceased was president
of the school board and member of the city government.
Thomas Stevens of Cumberland Mills, transfer boss for the Esty Warren
Lumber Company, was accidently killed Satuday evening in the Sand River
transfer yard at Farmington. A car struck him on the head and death was
instantaneous. He was 65 years old, and leaves a widow and a daughter.
A claim for damages has been filed at the office of City Clerk Jones
against the city of Deering by the heirs of the George S. Hodgdon estate.
The cause of the claim is the killing of one of their horses by electricity
conducted through a tree on Spring Street about two weeks ago. It will be
recalled that the tree received the dangerous electricity from an improperly
insulated electric light wire. Hence the owner of the victim of the accident
looks to the city for damages and the city holds the electric light company
who owned the wires responsible for the amount of damages recovered,
which it $150.00.
The following real estate transfers have been recorded in the Cumberland
County Registry of Deeds: John H. Wilson, of Deering to Franklin Hawkes of
Windham, a lot of land with the buildings thereon in Deering; Chauncey R.
Berry of Deering to Mrs. Julia A. Cummings of Portland, a lot of land in
Deering; John A. Marcqus to John Lester Maxwell, both of Bridgton a lot
of land in Bridgton; Walter S. Higgins et al. of Scarborough to Abby Foss of
Lewiston, a lot of land at Higgin's Beach; Julius Akeroyd of Boston to Carl G.
Horst of Athol, Mass., a lot of land at Rock Bound Park at Peak's Island;
Alfred L. Cousins to Melville W. Rand, both of Standish, one half acre part
of wild land in Standish; Lindwood R. Foster to Nathaniel H. Lawrence, both
of Naples, a lot of land in Naples; Charles B. Dodge of Concord, Mass., to
Giosppe Riccio of Portland, land at Grandview in South Portland; Harriet E.
Weston of Harrison to Annie Hanscom et al. of Bridgton, land in Bridgton;
E. R. Chadbourne of New York to Harriet Elizabeth Weston of Harrison,
land in Bridgton; Abbie K. Allen to Walter A. Page, both of Windham, land
in Windham; Daniel R. Tukey to Lida J. Webb, both of Windham, land at
Windham Centre; William F. Fees of Barnes, Kansas to Bates Torrey, of
South Weymouth, Mass., land in Falmouth to Samuel H. Houston, one half
of Clapboard Island in Casco Bay; Charles B. Dodge of Concord, Mass., to
Thomas M. Goudy of South Portland, three lots of land at Grand View;
Edward Lang to George B. Lang, both of Falmouth, a lot of land in Falmouth
on the northwesterly side of the road leading from Graves' Hill; Beulah M.
Baker of Portland to Nathaniel Harding, et al., of New Sharon, a lot of land
in Portland on the southwesterly side of Congress Street; Mary E. Bachelder,
et al., of Melrose, Mass., to Mary H. Ellms, of Melrose, a lot of land on
Littlejohn's Island; Reed O. Johnson of Orr's Island to Rebecca Sanborn of
Lawrence, Mass., a lot of land on Orr's Island.
The store of John S. Summersides at Gorham, was entered by burglars
last Saturday night, and groceries amounting to several dollars were taken. This
makes the third time within a month that Mr. Summersides's store has been entered
and goods of the same kind stolen. Entrance has been effected each time by forcing
the front door. Many rumors are afloat in Freeport concerning the late robbery,
but nothing definite as yet.
Philip M. Hill, of Cumberland was tried in Superior Court Friday on a change
of having eight short lobsters in his possession. Mr. Hill shipped a barrel containing
120 lobsters to S. A. Skillings in this city. Warden Benjamin Gribbin was present
when the barrel was opened on the wharf and he found in measuring that eight of
the lobsters were from one-half to three quarters of an inch short. The jury
returned the verdict of guilty, and the case goes to the law court.
Mr. and Mrs.Winfield Small of Westbrook observed their Silver Wedding
at their home on Union Street Monday evening. It was a very pleasant occasion.
The election was full of surprises, says the Boston Globe. For example there
was the old time Democratic town of Scarborough. For 98 years it had never given
anything but a Democratic majority. From the days of Thomas Jefferson to last
Monday it had stood for the Democratic party, and nothing but the Democratic
party. It was the banner town when Maine was the Democratic star of the East,
and it had never once failed to head the Democratic list of towns. After 98
years it went Republican. Joshua Moulton, 88 years years old, who for 68 years
voted the Democratic ticket was early at the polls; but his example had little weight
with the men of the days of Thomas B. Reed. The old man voted for Jackson
and Monday for Samuel L. Lord, but there were others who didn't and
Scarborough went Republican.
The arrest and arraigment and holding of Elmer Snowman, a well known
guide for the Franklin County Grand Jury, for alleged violation of the state fish
and game law, is expected to revive the antagonism amoung the guides to the so
called guide law, which was precipitated by James Mathieson the President of
the Guides Association, last year in his arrest and arraignment for trial. Snowman
has been guiding for some time without a license and is a member of the Rangley
Guides Association. Mr. Mathieson claims that the guides are against the Guide
Law and he expect the funds will be forthcoming to fight the case for Snowman.
The reunion of the First Maine Cavalry Association was held at Bucksport
Wednesday with 90 present. They received an enthusiastic reception by the
townspeople, business places and dwellings being profusely decorated. At the
business meeting the following officers were elected; President E. T. Getchell,
Brunswick; Vice-president, R. J. Dresser, Lewiston; C. L. Lang, Portland;
Treasurer, Edward Jordan, Bangor; Recording Secretary, O. S. Haskell,
Pittsfield; Corresponding Secretary, General J. P. Cilley Rockland.
P. H. Stratton of Ellsworth, has the contract to build the turntables for the
Washington County Railroad at Washington Junction and Eastport. They will
cost $200.00
Hnery C. Milliken, Jr., has been appointed Post Master at Nicolin (sic)
Lincoln (?)
The steam yacht Nigara, with Howard Gould aboard arrived at Bar Harbor
Game Warden Neal caused the arrest and fining of three more poachers at
Bar Harbor, Friday. They had been serving or trafficking in game birds out of
season and paid in an aggregate $120.00. To date $502.00 have been collected
in fines for selling or serving game birds out of season in Bar Harbor.
The annual meeting of the Kennebec Central Railroad was held at Gardiner,
Monday afternoon. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted showing that
the closing year has been a most profitable one. Dividends were declared at 6 per
cent. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Weston Lewis,
President; H. P. Winslow, Treasurer; H. S. Weber, Clerk; West Lewis, A. C.
Stiyhen, J. S. Maxcey, J. C. Atkins and F. S. Thorne, Director.
Albert Bowie of Gardiner has been awarded the contract for building the stone
and brick work of the new Hollingsworth and Whitney mills at Winslow. It is an
extensive job requiring 10,000,000 of bricks and between 4000 and 5000 cubic
yards of stones.
Rose E. White of Chelsea indicted for the murder of her husband, was arraigned
before Judge Whitehouse in the Kennebec Superior Court Saturday forenoon and
pleaded not guilty.
The woolen factory at Gardiner has been leased two years to Messrs. Taylor,
Tilloston and Wall, and will start on full time about October 1st. They will
commence on the manufacture of frieze cashmeres and employ 50 people to
begin with the preference to be given to Gardner people. Mr. Taylor has had
35 year's experience in the business, was formerly a woolen manufacturer in
England, and was at one time superintendent of the woolen mills in Lebanon,
New Hampshire.
Captain A. C. Bachelder of Rockland has sold schooner Helen, having
capacity of 2008 barrels of lime, to Perry Brothers of that city, who will use
her in their lime business.
Captain Ichabod Willey of the wrecked schooner Bartlett of Thompson,
and Captain von Harten and a Negro of Beanfort, North Carolina, were
drowned last week off Hilton Head by the capsizing of their sailboat, while
on their way to inspect the wreck of the Bartlett.
Mr. Hiram Dunton after an absence of 45 years, is visiting friends and
relatives in Appleton.
Albert J. Crocket of Rockland has had his pension increased from $12.00
tp $17.00.
The fishing schooner Maud Muller, Captain Turner, went ashore Sunday
evening on Seal Island ledges in the thick fog and is a total loss. The vessel was
bound for Portland with a trip of 50,000 pounds of mixed fish. The crew.
consisting of fourteen men were taken off the wreck by the fishing schooner
Lizzie Maud and arrived at Rockland Monday. The vessel was partly insured.
The five daughters of Andrew Wadsworth of Camden, all have scarlett fever,
but in a mild form.
The annual reunion of the Fourth Maine Regiment and the Second Maine
Battery occurred in Rockland, Wednesday with 100 or more members present.
The following officers were elected: Joseph Mears, President; Charles Jameson,
First Vice-president; K. K. Rankin, Second Vice-president and W. H. Simmons,
Secretary and Treasurer. It was voted to hold the next reunion in Rockland.
The death of Major Ulmer leaves a vacancy in the Office of Clerks of
Courts in Knox County. which Governor Powers must soon fill by nomination.
There are two candidates, Honorable T. H. Simonton and Register of Probate
E. K. Gould of Thomton (sic) Thomaston (?) The nomination will be made
for confirmation at next month's session of the council. The term of office of
C. E. Atwood of Biddeford, Inspector of Factories will expire November 25th.
No candidate has appeared against him.
Mr. J. A. Jewett is rebuilding his mill dam at the head tide across the
Sheepscot River. The dam which has been taken down is the same structure
built 90 years ago. Some parts of it were found to be as sound as the day the
timbers were put in place. The rebuilding will occupy about three weeks time.
The J. Pickard Fish Company and the Maddock's Packing Company at
Boothbay Harbor are having a splendid business and the sardine factories are
are exceedingly busy.
Frank Tibbetts, chief draughtsman of the Massachusetts State Tophgraphical
Survery has made a preliminary examination of the outlet of Dyer's little pond,
Jefferson, with a view of Trask Brothers, and E. W. Peaslee, the proprietors,
draining about 100 acres of marsh land. The examination proves it to be entirely
Thomas Holden, one of the crew of the fishing steamer William A. Wells,
was instantly killed at Pemaquid Beach, Monday morning while assisting in
coalling the steamer. The stage upon which the coal was run out tipped in some
way, throwing Holden to the rail of the steamer and then overboard. He was
about 50 years old and single. Millard Blaisdell, another of the crew, has his nose
severely injured.
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