Wednesday, August 21, 2013


                                                           IN THE COUNTRY


          The Washburn, brothers, Edward and William are passing their vacation at home.
          Honorable Samuel Watts and family are at York Beach, as the guest of his daughter
     Mrs. Charles Lewis.  Miss Hattie G. Levensaler and Miss Anna Robinson are at the
     same place.
          Mr. William H. Hewes, firm of Cunningham & Hewes ship chandlers, Savanah
     Georgia, is on a visit to his parents in Thomaston, accompanied by his wife. May
     their visit north be a pleasant one.
          Misses Frances and Abbie O'Brien, daughters of David O'Brien, Esq., left
     yesterday for St. John, New Brunswick, where they will take passage on ship William
     A. Campbell, Captain Halsey Harthorn, for Europe.
         Mr. Leonard Cooper, cut his right foot severely on Tuesday morning last, while at
    work in the shipyard of Gerry & Company.
          The Democrats sent to the Third Congressional Convention held at Augusta today
     the following: J. E. Moore, E. K. O'Brien, Thomas S. Fuller, Nevin Mehan, Oliver C.
     Lemond, John A. Patterson,  Clarence D. Payson.
          Mr. Niven C. Mehan and family are passing a few weeks at the beautiful camping
     grounds at Northport. Mrs. William  G. Rice, Mrs. E. L. Dillingham, Mrs. William
     P. Bunker, Miss Carrie Flint, Miss Lizzie Sumner and others, from this town are also
     at the  resort.
          Mr. Charles Copeland, of Boston, formerly of Thomaston, is frescoing the parlor of
     Mr. C. Sidney Smith.  Mr. Copeland is a genius, and skilled in his art.
              The first campaign flag of the season  was unfurled in this town on Saturday
     evening last, 24th  ult., by Honorable Edward O'Brien on the 87th anniversary of his
    birthday. The flag bears the names  Hancock and English, and on its fold are displayed
    beauiful portraits of these candidates. On the evening of the  flag raising some three
    thousand people were in attendence to witnesswere in attendence to witness the display.
    William E. Crawford, Esq., called the meeting to order, and nominated Hon. E. K.
    O'Brien  for Chairman, who accepted the position with  appropriate remarks  A speech
    was made by Horace O'Brien, followed by Atwood Levensale, Democratic candidate
    for  Senator, at considerable length. After the flag raising the Thomaston Band
    serenaded Honorable Edward O'Brien at his residence

                                                                                                                                                                                                      TENANT'S HARBOR

          Schooner G. W. Rawley, that left Hupper and Martins ice wharf, loaded with ice,
     on her passage to Virginia met with quite a disaster.  The schooner is commanded by
     Captain Edward Farnham, who is a smart and capable master. Tuesday afternoon 2nd
     ult., the schooner started, and had proceeded as far as Mohegan Isle, with a light breeze
     from the N. E. until about 9 o'clock p.m. when the wind died out, and the under-tow
     being so heavy it seemed impossible to manage the craft. While in the act of changing
     the main boom tackle, there came a very large rolling wave from the S. E., striking the
     schooner with terrific force,  causing her to shake so badly that she became unmanagable.
     As the main boom pennant was loose, there was no support to the main sail from one
     side, the consequence was the boom came across the stern with the rapidity of lightning
     striking the men and throwing them right and left. Two of the sailors were thrown over-
     board but through  the presence of mind of the captain and another man, they managed
     to rescue them from what might have been a watery grave. Although they were all happy
     to know they escaped with their lives and without broken limbs. The helm was entirely
     torn from its place, but the men succeeded in arranging a temporary one, and after much
     work got into Turky Cove, (St.  George) where the schooner will be repaired, then
     proceeded on what we hope will be a lucky trip.  Q

          We understand that the lower part of the Stetson Block has been rented to William
     Simonton or his sons, and is to be used as a grocery and exchange store. Farmer's
     produce and other merchantable property will be received here and forwarded to Boston
     and groceries given in exchange.
          Terpsichorian.  Mr. Durgin from Boston has been teaching a juvenile class in dancing
     and closed his term last Tuesday evening by a public exhibition at Megunticook Hall
    which was followed by a general dance. Music by the Meservey Band of Rockland. The
    exercises of the little ones were witnessed by a large number in the galleries and the general
    impression was that they performed their several parts remarkably well. Louise Emerson,
    the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stetson, only about five years of age, like a midget,
    seemed to attract especiall attention by her graceful and well timed movements, calling
    out applause several times. The occasion was one of the most plesant of the kind of the
          The Knox Woolen Company of Camden received  9 tons of wool last week from
    Prince Edwards's Island.
          Mr. John Hobbs from Boston but a native of Camden, is spending his vacation
     among his old friends.

          Lieutenent George O. Eaton of the U. S. Regular Cavalry and his sister Miss Laura
     E. Eaton, Assistant Matron of the Maine Industrial School for Girls at  Hallowell, are
     spending a brief  time at home, where their many friends are very glad to see them.
          Reverend Ammi Prince, now of Thomaston, late President Elder of the East Maine
     M. E. Conference, and from 1861 to 1867, a resident of Warren, occupied the pulpit of
     the Congregational Church on last Sabbath morning.  He bears well the weight of years
     that have come to him since Warren ceased to he his home, and the many friends who
     esteemed him as an earnest Christian minister, and remember with gratitude the good
      influence he exerted while a ciizen of our town,were glad of an opportunity to hear him
     once more.


          During the recent thunder shower, lightning struck a tree near the residence of  John
     Miller, Jr., shattering it very badly.
          Mr. Alden Seavey, while at Washington recently, made a formal call upon President
     Hayes, and expresses himself well pleased with the cordiality with which he was received
     by the President.  We should not be surprised if Mr. Seavey is appointed minister to some
     foreign country.
         Mr. George H. Demuth has purchased the blacksmithing tools of the late Philip Ulmer,
     and will at once erect a blacksmith shop near Maple Juice Cove.

          Mr. Albion Allen's family are most of them sick with diphtheratic sore throat.


          There is hardly the usual amount of news in Appleton. Mr. Frank Andrews has moved
     to Warren and Dr. Stevens has gone to housekeeping in his, Mr. Andrews, house.

                                                            DIX ISLAND

          Since my last communication matters on this island have moved on in the regular
     routine. The work at the quarries has made good programs under the direction of Mr.
     McIvor, the excellant superintendent, while all the outside business has been well looked
     after by Mr. Shehan, who with his clerk, Mr. Stanley Montgomery manage it with the
     Granite Company's store, and succeed in satisfactorily supplying the physical want of the
     denizens of this  island. The stone cutting is also making steady process under the faithful
     superinrendence of Mr. John A. Daly. A large amount of stone is now boxed and ready


          Much hay was out during the stormy weather of the last week, Charles Fogler having
     out 600 heaps. The hay crop is larger in this town than it was last year.
          F. H. Daniel, our Supervisor and graduate of the Eastern State Normal School, has out
    bills for a High School to commence August 30th.  We hope many may be able to improve
    this opportunity under so fine a teacher.

          The barn and farming tools of Charles Jewett of Dexter, Me., were destroyed by
     lightning Friday night. Lost $520,00, no insurance.

                                                                  A CARD
          The undersigned wishes to express her gratitude to those friends who so kindly
     contributed to replace her Sewing Machine lost by the late fire, and  for other favors
     received.      Mrs. John Keene.





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