Sunday, August 18, 2013
THE ROCKLAND GAZETTE, Thursday July 29, 1880
[Notices of births and marriages inserted free, but when sent by mail should
always be accompanied by the name of the sender, as a guarantee of authenticity.]
In this city, July 29th, to Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Tibbetts, a daughter.
In this city, July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Perry, a son.
In Thomaston, July 26th, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Mank, a son.
In Thomaston, July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Robinson II, a son.
In Hope, July, to Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield, a son.
In South Waldoboro, July 17th, to Mr. And Mrs. Lowell H. Wallace, a son.
In Brooklyn, New York, March 27th, Mr. John G. Gregory, of Rockland and
Miss Annie M. Carroll, of New York City.
In Waldoboro, July 20th, Mr. William H. Conant, of Belfast, and Mrs. Sarah
J. Wentworth, of Waldoboro.
In South Waldoboro, July 15th, by Rev. Orren Tyler, Mr. G. Brainard Pitcher
and Flora J. Winchenbach, both of Waldoboro.
[Notice of deaths are inserted free, but obituary notices beyond the date, name
and age, must be paid for at the rate of 5 cents a line. Poetry 6 cts. per line.]
In this city, July 26th, Mr. John H. Hunt, aged 79 years, 5 months and 15 days
At North Haven, July 14th, Eliza J., wife of Frances P. Cooper, aged 27 years.
In Gouldsboro, July 9th, Mr. Hiram D. Coombs, a native of Vinalhaven, aged
44 years.
In Appleton, July 14th, of cholorea morbus, Leroy, only son of Joel and Myra
Hart, aged 12 months.
In Orono, July 24th, little daughter of R. G. and M. F. Martin, aged 7 months.
In Union, July 25th, Mrs. Julia (Gilmore) Batchelder, widow of the late John
Batchelder, aged 83 years, 3 months and 20 days.
Dr. Tanner at noon yesterday entered upon his thirty-first day of fasting. Last
evening he was "sleeping quitely, with no change in his condition."
The Democrats of the Second District will hold a convention at Auburn, August
12th, to nominate a candidate for Congress. Mr. Fogg has been nominated by the
Dr. Samuel H. Tewksbury, one of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in
the state, died Tuesday at his residence in Deering, of acute pnuemonia. He has
been an invalid for some years past.
It is reported the Rev. W. H. H. Murray is doing a large commission business in
Liverpool, and has a prospect of coming back to the scene of his former labors and
wiping out all his indebtedness.
Edmund Wilson, of Thomaston, Joseph P. Bass, of Bangor and David Allen
have been designated by the National Democratic Committee as the Maine members
member of the campaign financial committee.
A well-known Thomaston Democrat sends us the publication a brief communication,
in which he says: "The most ludicrous farce that has been perpetrated lately is the removal
of Captain Samuel Watts of Thomaston, a sound Democrat and a worthy gentleman, from
Board of Electors at the request of E. K. O'Brien.
Dr, Wiggin has a new horse.
Ice water at Will Harrington's free for all.
We met Mr. Benjamin Litchfield on the street the other day. He looks hale
and hearty.
Lieutenant Commader A. S. Snow left home to rejoin his ship at South West
Mr. W. J. Robbins has a new and stylish milk wagon, handsomely painted and
Mr. Rand of Portland, has been selling a fine lot of horses at Berry Brother's
stable this week.
Mr. J. C. Barber has closed his provision market on Union Street, and is running
a grocery and meat wagon.
Mr Nelson Ulmer has leased the Lindsey House stable, and will carry on the same
boarding, sale and livery stable.
Mr. Kalloch request us to say that the Boston steamers will in no case leave the
wharf, going up the river, before half-past five a.m.
Mr. A. D. Pottle has resigned the position of Sexton of the Union Street M. E.
Church, and Henry Howard, Jr., now fills that position.
Mr. G. A. Gafford has put a new floor in his store this week. The old one was
worn out by the constant tread of customers who go there to buy their groceries.
Downtown persons wishing to order coal can order by telelphone of D. N. Bird
& Co., or do any talking about coal with them, by calling W. H. Harrington's 257
Main Street, Spofford Block.
General Butler's yacht "America" and Captain Trueworthy's yacht "America"
both rounded Owl's Head together last Saturday. General Butler went east and
returned to this place yeaterday, leaving again this morning.
Mr. Kittredge, who has been doing business on Broadway, near Park Street, has
sold out his coal to Mr. C. U. Keene, has sipped his hay to Carver's Harbor, and is
going to return there with his family soon.
The "catamaran," or double boat, owned by Mr. Frost of the gas works, made her
trial trip last Friday. She exhibits marvelous speed, going by an ordinary sail boat
about fast enought to make it appear as though her competitor was stationary.
Mr. James Littlefield of Bangor, General Manager of the the Sanford Steamship
Co., with Captain Shute, pilot of the New Brunswick, visited Rockland last Thursday
and took soundings from steamer Hercules of the water off Tillson's wharf and found
the approach clear of reefs or obstructions and the depth of water sufficient.
Only two or three "drunks" before the Police Court within the last week. Richard
Rawley of St. George, an old offender in this line, was up today for this offense.
Rawley had also made some disturbance at the house of Officer Witham, at the South
End, and a complaint was made against him under the Tramp Law, upon which he is
yet to be tried.
Adjutant General George H. Beale was in town yesterday and met the Tillison
Light Infantry, at their tempory quarters in Merrill's Hall last evening. The General
expressed himself much pleased with the appearance of the company. The uniforms
were expected to arrive yesterday, but have been delayed. They will be received
within a week and the new rifles are also expected very soon. The company expect
to occupy their permanent quarters in City Hall next Tuesday.
The store of Cobb, Wight & Norton was broken into last night. The thief entered
by the window in the basement, at the foot of the stairs. The sill of the window is a
few feet above the ground. A box was placed outside to stand upon and the rogue
first bored a hole through the upper sash, near the fastening and began another, but
finding this too slow a process he broke out a portion of the pane just above the catch,
turned the fastening and raised the lower sash, thus making the way clear. The door
leading into the store at the head of the stairs is quite a stout one and was fastened with
a bolt. Here the fellow began by boring one or two holes part way through the door
near the lock, but getting impatient of slow methods again, he stove out one of the small
panels of the door and made as aperture large enough to crawl through, or to reach
through and draw the bolt. The money drawer in the store was broken open, but nothing
of value obtained. Only a few small articles have been missed from the store and it is
not supposed that the thief got much for his pains. He left behind an old chisel, which he
had used in his operations.
Death of John W. Hunt.-In the death of Mr. John W. Hunt, which occured on
Monday evening, our community has lost one of its oldest, best and most respected
citizens. Mr. Hunt was born in Lincolnville, February 11, 1800, and was therefore
80 years old. He possessed a vigorous constitution and under favorable circumstances
might probably have lived another decade, but a number of years ago he received
quite a severe injury from a fall, and though he recovered from its effects no doubt
hastened the general breaking down his health which terminated in his death as
mentioned. Mr. Hunt came to this city many years ago and was for a long time engaged
in the manufacture of lime, up to a date with a few years past. He was also interested
in shipping to some extent, but was lately unfortunate in his marine investments, and
those financial reverses, together with the loss of his second son, Captain S. P. Hunt
(who sailed on a voyage and was never heard from,) undoubtedly hastended the
breaking down of his health. Mr. Hunt was a most honorable, upright and worthy man
in all relations of life. He was quiet and unassuming, but honest, just and faithful to his
convictions. He was a member of the Universalist Church and Society, and was always
one of the most constant, faithful consistent and liberal supporters of its interest. Mr. Hunt
wife, to whom he had married some 50 years, survives him. His funeral took place
yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large circle of friends and neighbors.
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