Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Phillips, May 7th, to the wife of George Turner, a daughter.
Vinalhaven, May 13th, to the wife of Stephan Sprague, a son.
Naples, Me., April 29th, to the wife of A. W. Ayer, a daughter, Susan Wilson.
Alfred, May 12th, to the wife of E. Woodbury Fletcher, a daughter.
In this city, May 10th, by Rev. W. F. Eaton, William C. Herrick and Mrs.
Lizzie M.Allen, both of Portland.
Harpswell, May 14th, Charles E. Hacker of Brunswick and Content J. Prince,
of Harpswell.
Waterboro, May 15th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. F. C. Merrill,
Anthony K. Smith and Louisa A. Hanson, both of Waterboro.
Biddeford, May 12th, Thomas W. Barron of Portland and Mary A. Murphy of
In this city, May 17th, Mary U., wife of Dennis Towle and oldest daughter of
James and Mary McClusky, aged 30 years.
In this city, May 18th, Caro H., only child of Holman H. and Hattie E.
Waldron, aged 7 months, 18 days.
In this city, May 17th, Mrs. Jane Lunt Whitmore, aged 65 years, 7 months.
In this city, May 20th, Freddie E., son of Robert and Anna McDuffie, aged
3 years, 3 months.
In this city, May 21st, Moses E. Perry, aged 63 years.
Deering, May 20th, Lydia A.,wife of Rev. H. F. A. Patterson, aged 60 years,
11 months.
Westbrook, May 16th, Clara E., oldest daughter of Moses and the late Lydia
H. Chapman, aged 14 years, 6 months.
Falmouth, May 16th, Isaac Knight, aged 80 years.
Deering, May 17th, Almira, wife of Nathan Tibbetts, aged 78 years, 4 months.
West Sumner, April 24th, of cancer, John Chadbourne, aged 78 years.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
John Dawson of South Berwick, was fatally injured a few days ago by a fall
from a tree.
Mr. Hixon of Newfield has commenced work on a contract of for 100,000
salt boxes.
Joseph Hobson & Sons are shipping large quantities of saw dust to Boston
ice men. They shipped 600 cords last year.
Mr. Small, of the Biddeford Times has purchased the Seaside Reported and
will consolidate with the Old Orchard Sea Shell, which will appear about the
middle of June.
The Rockland Opinion nominates Samuel J. Anderson, D. H. Thing, William
M. Rust and George F. Church, for Congress. As substitutes Messrs. Murch, and
Ladd, Judge Gilbert, Dr. Der, Mr. A. McNichol, J. H. Martin and Dr. Parker. Dr.
Parker was a member of Governor Garcelon's Council. Mr. Martins is a Democrat;
Mr. Rust favor a consolidation of the Greenback and Democratic organizations.
These names are recommended to the Greenback State convention with a view to their
endorsement by the Democrats.
Patents issued to G. E. Twombly, Saco, toe-wright; W. M. Howland J. E.
Howland, Topsham, bench dog.
FIRES IN MAINE.-Farm buildings of Rev. A.W. Rideout, Presque Isle. Loss
$900; no insurance. Caused by burning straw in an adjacent field- Buildings
of Sylvester Nichols, Maysville, with contents. Loss $500-uninsured- Farm
buildings of William Thompson, near Bangor. Loss, $2,000'insured for $1,,000.
Buildings of Levi Hart, sparks falling from the chimney upon the roof. The house
was occupied by Sewell Wheeler, who lost most of his furniture, etc. -Buildings
of Frank Demeritt, West Peru by a little boy setting a pile of straw on fire to see
the smoke.-Gilman Jewett's saw mill, Hodgdon. Loss $3,000; no insurance.
Incendiary.-House of Daniel Daily, Gardiner, caused by a defective flue.-House
of Johnson Shaw, Stockton. Loss $1,000; insured $800.Cause, defective flue.
Friday, December 26, 2014
At the Dodwell concert Miss Cary will sing among other selections, a recitative
and aria of Handel's, and by request Sullivan's "Lost Chord" with organ and piano
One William J. Splain, stopping at the Preble House, made the acquaintance of a
guest, and induced him to let him share his room; after the guest was asleep Splain
stole the man's gold watch, chain and $8.00 in money, and cleared out; he was
traced to Haverhill, Mass., and was arrested.
The foundation for a four storied brick building is now being laid on Union Street,
to be occupied together with the State Liquor Agency rooms by Zenas Thompson, Esq.,
for the manufacture of carriages.
At Peak's Island on Friday evening of last week, Mr. Charles M. Sawyer, attempting
to swim ashore from a yacht, got entangled in the eel grass and was drowned. he
was about 35 years of age, and leaves wife and six children.
Professor Masse has resigned his position as teacher of French in the High
School, and Mr. Antoine Dorticos will have charge of all the classes in French,
and will give his whole time to this department, as one of the regular corps of
Colby's bookstore, which for some years past has been an attraction for
lovers of old books, is to be closed this week, and the stock removed to
Lowell, Mass.
Charles W. Sawyer, who was drowned last Friday at Peak's Island, left a
widow and six small children in very destitute circumstances, calling for
aid from the charitable; they reside at the corner of Green and Portland Street.
Last Saturday evening a dog which has acted strangely bit a little Foley
boy at Gorham's Corner, tearing his under lip down the chin; the dog was
chased and shot by officer Newcomb.
Tickets for Miss Dowell's concert, to take place at City Hall, Sept. 3rd., are
selling well; Annie Louise Cary will appear in two solos and a trio with Miss
Dodwell and Mrs. Hawes; Miss O' Brion, Messrs. W. Beckett, Will Stockbridge
and Kotzschmar. all great favorites of Portland, will also assist.
Joe Jefferson will appear in City Hall in October.
Capt. Howard Knowlton of the Minnehaha, Minneapolis,lost his pocketbook
containing $50 in the dock Saturday; Customs Inspector Wells found it an hour
afterwards floating on the water, and restored it unharmed.
The School Committee has authorized Dr. Spalding to make test for color-
blindness among the children of the public schools at such time as may not be
inconsistent with the work of the school.
Miss Marie Hersey has arrived home from Europe.
Honorable George P. Wescott has been seriously ill and is still confined to bed.
The Cumberland Baptist Association began it session on Tuesday; sermons were
preached by Rev. E. S. Small of Brunswick, and Rev. F. W. Bakeman of Auburn.
Two of the Peak's Island rioters have been find $5 got arrested and bound over
on $800 for trial in Superior Court for aggravated assault on Mr. Brackets.
James D. Cole son of the late Charles O. Cole, artist of this city, died in
Washington on Friday week of rapid decline, and his remains were brought to
the city for interment.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Last Saturday off Seal Island light, near Machias, pilot boat Hercules collided
with schooner Maggie Quinn, and the Hercules went down with all on board, except
Harry Walker, the cook. The schooner was injured by the collision. The persons
lost are Captain Price, Daniel Daley and George Mulherrin, pilots, and Michael
McEwan, deck hand.
In the storm of Monday night of last week Archibald McKenney was drowned
in a noble effort to save his wife, who had walked off a bridge leading to the mill
in which he was employed. His son also jumped in to assist in saving his mother,
and he and his mother were rescued.
Mary, wife of William Harrington, of Eastport, drowned herself on Tuesday, being
discouraged by protracted illness.
John Alley, of Jonesport, first mate of schooner Sarah P., was washed overboard
and drowned in the 19th, of the trip from Calais to Boston.
Richard H. Goding, County Treasurer, died at Alfred, August 20th.
The descendants of Captain Theophilus Smith had a family reunion at the
old homestead in Cornish lately. Captain Theophilus was one of the pioneers
of Cornish, purchasing the premises of the homestead in 1788, and building the
house which is now standing, in 1803. He held a commission as Captain, signed
by Governor John Hancock. An honored descendant now occupies the mansion,
which he was refitted and somewhat modernized.
There are 118 boys in York county competing for the prize offered by
Honorable Stillman B. Allen, of Boston, to the lad who raised the best harvest
of corn this season.
At the meeting of the National Christian Temperance Association at Old
Orchard, on the 20th, Honorable Sidney Perham was elected President for
the ensuing year; Rev. Isreal Luce, Recording Secretary; Rev.. D. C.
Babcock, Corresponding Secretary; Honorable E. H. Banks, Treasurer. On
Thursday Captain J. B. Coyle presided, and made a pleasing speech. In the
afternoon Hon. Lot M. Morrill addressed an audience of nearly three thousand.
In reply to a question he said that for one million dollars of revenue received by
the government for the manufacture of intoxicants, it costs the government four
million to pay for the crime. A resolution was passed asking that Congress
prohibit the manufacture, importation and sale of intoxicating liquors. Mrs.
Partington spoke in the evening. On Friday, the Speakers were Rev. George W.
Vibbert, Hon. D. F. Davis, Rev. Mr. Le Lacheur, Gen. J.A. Hall, N. D. Parsons.
Capt. J. B. Coyle, I. B. Chadbourne, R. H. Murphy, C. H.. Starbird, and others.
Sunday was the great day, and one of the largest gatherings ever seen at Old
Orchard was in attendance. Rev. Mr. Pitblado spoke in the forenoon and Gen.
Neal Dow in the afternoon, followed by Gen. James A. Hall, and others. The
whole series of meetings was full of interest, and the good cause of temperance
was promoted by them.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
The 1-10-20th Maine Regiment Association holds its reunion at Norway, Me.,
September 17th.
Lucy Larcom ,the poetess, is spending a few weeks of the hay fever season at
Bethel, where last year she found relief.
Otis C. Hayford succeeds S. T. Corser as Superintendent of the F. F. & B. railroad.
At the reunion of the 8th, 9th, and 11th, Maine Regiment, held at Bangor, last
week, B. F. Strickland of Portland was elected President for the ensuing year;
Captain L. B. Rogers, Vice President; T.T. Tabor, Secretary and Treasurer. There
were about 100 veterans in attendance.
At Lincoln last Saturday, two girls named Shorrard and Hamilton, aged 15 and
16, were drowned while bathing.
Three two-story buildings which stood over the stream on Grove Street, Dexter,
were capsized on Saturday, by the giving way of the foundation, and went down
into the water. Two were store houses, and one the grocery and clothing factory of
George Bunker. No one was hurt, but the buildings and goods were much damaged.
Captain F. J. Sargent claims to have a valuable silver mine on his hand, near
Mr. Merrill's slate quarry at Brownville, on which extensive repairs have been
made, is now employing 65 men.
The Katahdin iron works are in full blast.
A temperance camp meeting was opened at the Richmond grounds on the 20th,
J. K. Osgood presiding. Rev. J. E. Wolfe, of Providence, preached a temperance
The Democratic county convention adopted the Greenback ticket.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Bluehill continues wide awake to the copper, mining, interest. Steam drills
and steam hoisting works have been put in the Douglass mine, and 35 men are
employed there. F. L. Bartlett is erecting experimental works for testing his
new process for the extraction of copper. If successful he will erect large works
at once for the manufacture of copper,vitriol and copperas. He has contracted for
2.000 tons of Douglass ore. Professor Hitchcock was on the ground last week.
He is to read an extend report upon this great copper belt before the American
The Hayford woolen mill, lately burned, is to be rebuilt, as it was a successful
Miss Anna P. Ladd, formerly of Augusta, is now chief clerk in the department
of the pension office at Concord, New Hampshire, for the payment of the mothers
and widows and orphans of soldiers. She has under her charge 20 to 25 clerks.
On Monday, 18th, at 4 p.m., a little girl of Robert Macomber of East Monmouth,
2 1/2 years old, wandered from home and was lost, while her mother was out of
the house for a few minutes. She was tracked a short distance in the road when
she took by-road on which a little pail and a lily were found, and here traces of her
were lost. A large number of persons made search for her all night in the severe storm.
More than 100 persons were hunting all day Tuesday, and at night nothing had
been discovered. She left home without hat or shoes, and with bare arms, and was
exposed to a terrible storm. Wednesday morning 200 persons joined in the search,
and the dead body of the poor child was found at 11 o'clock.
Nicolo Infantino, the Italian boy who assassinated Mr. Frye in Boston, worked
in Camden two years ago, and at that time was considered a very good boy. He
visited Camden a week or two before the murder, and told of his rich friend, Frye,
and he gave him $10 to come to Camden with.
The Democratic Convention nominated for Senator Capt. C. A. Sylvester, of
Camden instead of N. Thompson, the Greenback nominee. H. A. Morgan, of
Appleton, was nominated for Commissioner, and William H. Rhodes for
Asa Glover, of Camden, has succeeded in domestication a small flock of
wild black ducks, hitherto considered incapable of domestication.
There is to be a great Greenback clambake at Rockland on Saturday, 30th,
and the Rev. Mr. De La Matyr will be one of the speakers.
F. W. Parker of Alva is building a new saw mill, and repairing his old mill.
The Democrats nominate the Greenback ticket, substituting Benjamin F.
Smith, Wiscasset, for Attorney, instead of F. E. Harvey, of Damariscotta.
The soldier carved from Hallowell granite, for the Boothbay monument is
completed and will soon be placed upon the site designed for it. It was modeled
by the Packard Brothers, of Chelsea, and is spoken of as a most creditable
piece of work. It is some what larger than life size.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
In this city, August 18th, George I. Waterhouse, aged 34 years.
In this city, August 20th, Mary, widow of the late James Driscoll, aged 66 years.
In this city, August 21st, Catherine Hyland, aged 55 years.
In this city, August 30th, Walter Sewell, youngest son of Edward S. and Mary
Doten, aged 6 months, 6 days.
In this city, August 17th, Johnny B., son of Charles B. and Ruth Todd, aged 4
years, 3 months.
In this city, August 22nd, Lydia G., wife of Charles F. Robinson, aged 81 years,
4 months.
In this city, August 25th, William H. Howard, aged 48 years, 11 months.
In this city, August 25th, Martin McMann, aged 50 years.
Washington, D. C. August 21st, James Duprey Cole, youngest son of the late
Charles Cole, of this city.
Auburn, August 22nd, Mrs. Olive S. Marr.
Boston, August 25th, Fanny, widow of the late Eliot Jordan of Cape
Elizabeth, aged 88 years, 7 months.
Buxton, August 19th, B.. D.Lane, aged 77 years, 1 month, 4 days.
Pittston, August 18th, Robert F. Gould, aged 33 years, 6 months.
San Francisco, California, August 14th, Adeline E., daughter of J. J. and
Lucy E. Knowlton, formerly of this city, aged 19 years, 11 months.
Deering, August 23rd, John Murch, aged 70 years, 11 months.
Cumberland Center, August 24th, Mary A., wife of Nathan L. Huston,
aged 50 years, 3 months.
West Warren, August 21st, Carroll Wadsworth, only child of Dr. J. P.
and May C. Bixby, aged 10 months, 13 days.
Lewiston, August 21st, Lizzie, wife of Albert Harding, aged 38 years,
9 months.
Auburn, August 20th, Bertha May, daughter of John A. and Etta M. Greenleaf,
aged 1 year, 11 months.
North Fryeburg, August 14th, Mrs. Madison Howe.
Jefferson, Lincoln County, August 18th, Samuel C. Currier, aged 20 years,
11 months.
Bremen, August 20th, Augusta P., wife of William Keene, aged 47 years,
6 months.
Waterville, August 20th, Mrs. Delia Shepherd, aged 72 years.
Cape Elizabeth, August 19th, of diphtheria, Sophronia F., widow of Joseph
Woodbury, aged 30 years.
Cumberland Mills, August 19th, Phebe A., widow of the late B. B. Frost,
formerly of Denmark (Me..) aged 84 years.
Limington, August 17th, Nancy, widow of the late Thomas Richardson,
aged 30.
Alfred, August 20th, Richard H. Goding, aged 47 years.
Dresden, August 16th, Nettie A., wife of Joseph E. Goding, aged 47 years.
Bath, August 17th, Elisa McCorrison, aged 17 years, 4 months.
South Leeds, August 14th, Susan, wife of Morgan Brewster, aged 73 years.
Augusta, August 19th, Eliza Lane, wife of George W. Cofren.
Litchfield, August 18th, Orrington Berry, aged 58 years.
Auburn, August 17th, Stephen Preble, aged 68 years.
Dixfield, August 14th, Walter Foss, aged 75 years.
Bath, August 18th, Lucretia, wife of William K. Evread (?) aged 48 years,
9 months.
Bath, August 18th, Susan, wife of Abel Fish, aged 79 years.
Dover, New Hampshire, August 15th, Charles E. Cluff, Kennebunk,
aged 31 years.
Millbridge, August 15th, Deacon William E. Wallace, aged 31 years.
Hebron, August 13th, youngest son of A. R. and Mary L. Fogg, aged 4 months.
Mariaville, Hancock County, August 10th, George O. Frost, aged 23 years.
Franklin, August 10th, James K. Williams, aged 23 years, 3 months.
Bath, August 16th, Clarissa, wife of Jonathan Preble, aged 77 years, 5 months.
Bath, August, 17th, George W. Duncan, aged 68 years, 4 months.
Hollingsburg, Pennsylvania, August 11th, suddenly, J. M. Coolbroth, formerly
of Portland, aged 80 years, 5 months. (City papers please copy.)
New Portland, August 15th, Priscilla Carville, aged 19 years.
Covington, Kentucky, August 12th, Gilbert G. Bradbury, formerly of
Maysville, (Presque Isle) August 7th, Dr. James McConville, aged 67 years.
Maysville, August 17th, Isabelle S., daughter of Charles Whitney, aged 24 years.
Rockland, August 11th, Mrs. Abbie E. Lock, aged 32 years, 3 months, 25 days.
Thomaston, August 15th, Ella S., wife of CaptainWilliam A. Pressey, aged 32
years, 9 months, 17 days.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
One of the largest political gathering ever held in Androscoggin County
met at Lake Auburn on the 21st. There were five brass bands in attendance.
Senator Blain was unable to be present. The speakers were D. F. Davis, Eugene
Hale and N. Dingley, Jun.
There was an unusually interesting reunion of veterans at Lake Auburn last
week, and the 17th Maine made a call upon its surviving members. Col. T. A.
Roberts, of Portland, the father of the regiment and of the association was made
President by acclamation and was received with cheers. There were present
comrades from Texas, Massachusetts and from many counties of Maine,
including three who had lost one leg, four who had lost one arm, and one who
can move only on crutches. Lieutenant Lord, of the regular army, came all the
way for Texas to attend the meeting. He was last seen by many of his comrades
lying on the battlefield of Chancellorsville with one foot shot away, waving his
sword and cheering his comrades on to the fight. After dinner speeches were
made by General Mattocks Young, of the navy and Lieut. Lord. The day was
perfect, and the reunion was greatly enjoyed by all who attended.
There is much dissatisfaction expressed by the French residents of the county
at the shooting of Boulier, which they say was not necessary. But the evidence was
sufficient to satisfy a coroner's jury that the officer was justified in firing upon the
criminal as he did.
On the night of the recent storm John D. Sawyer, of Gray, in a fit of
somnambulism, dreaming his house was on fire, threw a pillow out of the
window, and let his child down upon it, and then jumped out himself.. The child
was not injured, but Mr. Sawyer hurt his back seriously.
M. S. Leighton won the silver cup at a shooting match in Falmouth last
Mr. Kimball's "Ridge Cottage: at Bridgton was the scene of a brilliant
illumination in honor of the guest on Wednesday evening of last week. The
whole house and grounds were ablaze with lights of all hues, and adorned
with flowers most tastefully arranged. No display of the kind surpassing it
was ever seen in that vicinity. The band assisted in the festivity.
A large bear chased the carriage of Charles Weymouth quite a distance
the other night, at Side City, Bridgton, and only gave up when Mr. Weymouth
drove into the dooryard of Moses Stickney.
Miss Lizzie Knowles, a young lady seventeen years of age, died a few days
since at Harpswell from poisoning. An infant child of Mr. A. E. Pinkham died
nearly three weeks ago from being poisoned by a paint obtained from a painted
box, and Miss Knowles being at work in the family, and washed and applied
cloths to the face of the child. In about five hours a scratch on her hand began to
swell and be painful, and this extended through the whole system, causing a
lingering and painful sickness, which resulted in death.
Miss Elva R. Elder, formerly of Windham has accepted the position of
principal of the Laguna Honda school in San Francisco.
Joseph M. Hopkins of Farmington, aged 82, dropped dead while at work in
Thwing's tannery on Monday.
One farmer in Strong sells 6,000 lbs., of wool this season. Luther Niles of
Rangeley, has sold over $1,300 worth of wool of his own raising.
Rev. J. S. Swift in an article in the Chronicle, says that the native choke-
cherry is on of the most valuable of all the cherry tribe of fruits in Franklin
county. The better varieties are much used in pies, sauces, puddings. etc.,
and ought to be more generally cultivated.
A. J. Blethen, Esq., of Portland, formerly Principal of the Little Blue School
at Farmington, take the Greenback stump in Franklin county this week.
Friday, December 12, 2014
New York, August 30th.-Captain Haskell of schooner Mary E. Palmer, writes to
explain that the "captains of the two Palmer schooners-Mary E and William B-at
Norfolk, 28th, from Guantanamo Bay, did not clear from the Custom House at Key
West, Florida, but were subject to the orders of the North Atlantic Squadron officers,
and was therefore no mistake made by the aforesaid captains, as has been published."
The captains were detained 24 hours by orders from Washington.
Bath, August 31st.-At G. G. Deering's yard the new big 4-masted schooner is
half framed out. The schooner William C. Tanner is receiving half time survey, and
the Ralph M. H. Hayward was given an overhauling.
Edgartown, Mass., August 30th.-Arrived schooner Kate Walker from New
York for this port, with coal, grounded on Chappaquiddick Point, this morning.
She will float with the slight damage, at high water tonight.
Boston, August 31st.-The brig N. P. Doane made an unsuccessful attempt last
night to raise the schooner S. A. Paine, which sank in Broad Sound, off Fawn Bar,
while inward bound on Tuesday morning from Deer Isle. She will be stripped and
Hyannis, August 30th.-Schooner Lucy Hammond reported ashore, was floated
yesterday afternoon, and remains here.
Vineyard Haven, September 1st.-The disabled schooner George W. Glover,
which was towed in here recently from Nauset by the British schooner Harry,
proceeded in tow this morning for New Bedford, where she will be repaired.
Schooner Florence Randall, Thompson, (captain) , from New York for
Ferdinanda,(Prague?) went ashore Wednesday forenoon on the south point of
Big May Island, south of Edisto Island, South Carolina. She is buried in the sand
to the turn of her bilges-chances of saving the vessel are poor. The Florence
Randall was built in Bath in 1882, and hailed from Port Jefferson, New York.
Boston, September 5th.-The owners of fishing schooner Etta M. Doughty,
which was dismasted by collision on La Have (Canada?) with British steamer
Columbia, will bring suit against the owners of the steamer to recover damages.
The four-masted schooner Mary Palmer, from Norfolk for Boston, coal laden,
went ashore on Georges Island during a dense fog on Monday. She lies at high
water, with the assistance of a tug.
New York, September 3rd.-Schooner E. H. Weaver, Captain Faulkingham, from
Philadelphia for Bridgeport, Ct., went ashore on Romer Shoals early this forenoon.
Several attempts have been made to float her, but without success. The E. H.
Weaver was built in Bath in 1882, and hails from New Haven, Connecticut.
Vineyard Haven, September 4th.-Schooner H. I. Whiton, from Kennebunk for
New York lost port anchor on Nantucket Shoal last night. Procured another
here from (schooner?) Susie D.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
At Meadowbank House, Fortrose, Scotland, August 7th, to the wife of John
MacKay, a daughter.
Canaan, August 7th, to the wife of John W. Davis, a son.
Bridgton, August 11th, to the wife of Hiram Brown, a daughter.
Kingfield, August 13th, to the wife of Leonard Landers, a daughter.
Allen's Mills, August 15th, to the wife of J. Frank Hutchins, a son and
South Thomaston, August 14th, to the wife of Silas Pitts, a son.
Skowhegan, August 16th, to the wife of Dr. Fellows, a daughter.
Rockland, August 13th, to the wife of R. A. Crie, a son
Warren, August 14th, to the wife of W. G. Counce, a daughter.
Cape Elizabeth, August 18th, by Rev. S. F. Wetherbee, Alfred P. Jewett and
Lucy A. Betts, both of Cape Elizabeth.
Cape Elizabeth, August 20th, by Rev. A. F. Hutchinson, George W. Roach
and E. Annie Barker, both of Cape Elizabeth.
Deering, August 19th, by Rev. C. A. Hayden, Caleb Montgomery and Lois A.
Leland, both of Deering.
Saco, August 13th, John H. Leavitt of Scarboro, and Bessie Merrill of Saco.
Biddeford, August 18th, Mark A. Knowles and Nellie J. Chase, both of
Buxton, August 17th, Stephen W. Carle of Gorham and Sarah L. Pennell,
of Buxton.
Centerville, August 10th, Otis W. Perkins of Wilton, and Mary Doyes of
New Vineyard.
Bristol, August 16th, Stearns L. Graves and Mrs. Mary D. Erskine, both
of Bristol.
West Waterville, August 17th, Charles H. Benjamin and Cora L. Benson,
both of West Waterville.
Columbus Falls, August 8th, Judson Wass, of Columbia Falls, and Annie
E. Dyer of Cape Elizabeth.
Harrington, August 13th, W. O. Perry, and Lota A. Cummings, both of
North Monmouth, August 13th, by Rev. L. G. Dudley, Samuel M. Pinkham
and Jennie L. Thompson, both of West Gardiner.
Winthrop, August 10th, John H. McLlroy (?) and Mary A. Stanley, both of
Ellsworth, August 10th, Albin H. Carlisle and Mary A. Moon; August 15th,
George W. Card and Abbie E. Garland; August 16th, Oscar Staples and Dora
Moore, all of Ellsworth.
Brooklin, August 17th, Rodney W. Smith and Jennie L. Herrick, both
of Brooklin.
Fairfield, August 17th, Edward E. Haskell of Garland, and Lida H. Otis of
Deer Isle, August 20th, Frank C. Hayes and Lucy A. Howard, both of
Bristol, August 10th, George N. Young and Annie M. Sproul.
Fairfield, August 18th, George C. Murr of Ottumwa, Iowa, and Mrs.
Maria W. Morrill of Fairfield.
Madison, August 17th, Walter E. Blunt and Stella Andrews, both of
North Anson.
Stevens' Plain, Deering, August 20th, by Rev. Dr. Shaller, J. L. Horr, M. D.,
of Cumberland Mills, and Addie A. Babb of Stevens' Plains.[ No cards]
Dresden, August 23rd, George Nudd and Hattie Williams.
Cornish, August 10th, Clarence A. Chilis (Chillis?) and Asenath A. Thompson,
both of Newfield.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Bath, May 30th-Brig 30th, G. F. Henderson has been repaired and released.
Schooner Joseph M. Hayes has been charted to go to Nassau to load the cotton
saved from the wrecked ship Caledonia.
Cardenas, Cuba, May 27th, Captain Andrews, of barque Au Sable, before
reported condemned is awaiting instructions by mail from owners.
Ship Leonora, 2, 498 tons, built in Belfast in 1861, overhauled in 1881, has
been sold at New York for Austrian account at $20,000.
Gloucester, June 8th-G. W. Plummer today sold schooner Laughing Waters
to Portland parties.
Schooner Edward Johnson, formerly of Belfast, 400 tons, eleven years old,
has been sold to Capt. David Warren, and others of Isleboro, at $6,000.
Schooner Martha Nickels, of Addison, has been sold to Captain Cole and
Perry, of Harrington, at $500.
At Bath, Messers. Deering and Donnell will launch this week two fine
fishing schooners named "Grover Cleveland," and "Mabel Kennison." The
former is all rigged and ready for sea.
Vineyardhaven, June 3rd-Schooner Francis E. Hallock, from New York, for
Bangor is here with centerboard broken. A diver is at work.
Fishing schooner Henrietta Francis of Portland, was towed into Boston 4th
inst., by British steamer Marengo. The steamer reports at 10 p.m. the 3rd, off
Nassau was run into by the schooner, and had poop rail and mast gaff carried
off. The schooner was only slightly damaged.
Schooner G. G. King, at Salem 5th inst., from Fredericton, New Brunswick,
reports on the afternoon of the 3rd, when off White Head, was run into by schooner
Lewis Clark, of Bangor, and has port quarter stove in deck load, shifted, and main
rigging damaged. The Lewis Clark lost bowsprit and all head gear. At the time
of the collision the G. G. Clark was winged out.
Vineyardhaven, June 6th-Schooner M. B. Mahoney, of Bangor is ashore at
Cape Poge, full of water.
Ship Clarissa B. carver and British steamer Glamorganshire have been in
collision at Japan. steamer reported leaking badly. The Carver was here from
Yokohama for New York, and is reported to have been abandoned in a sinking
condition. The Carver registered 1,114 tons, and was built in 1876 at Searsport,
where she was owned.
Vineyardhaven, June 6th-Schooner E. K. Smalley, of Machias, and Dolphin
of Ellsworth, at this port, lost both anchor and chain on Nantucket Shoals,
yesterday. Schooner Mary Brewer of Rockland, at Edgartown had foresail
blown away.
Schooner Emma H. Drummond, of Bangor, Higgins (master,) in ballast
from New York to Nevitas, has been lost on a reef off Maternillas, Cuba
No lives lost.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
N. F. Clapp, the absconding collector of North Anson, has written from Canada
to the selectmen of the town stating that his affairs are not as bad as reported, and
wants to compromise with them. He says if he gets the place he wants, neither the
town nor his bondsmen will lose a cent. He refers to the customs collectorship
at Moose River to which he would have been appointed, but for the discovery of
his financial crookedness.
Mr. W.S. Crocker of St. Albans, fell from a stool a few days ago and broke
her arm.
Wednesday, Mr. Ephraim Bragdon, of Freedom, was riding along the road when
he passed a fellow whom he some time ago had arrested for an unpaid tax. When
the man got in the rear of the wagon he fired a revolver at Mr. Bragdon, but the
ball glanced and inflicted only a flesh wound. The would-be assassin was
Samuel Kincaid, of Columbia, has received a $2,100 back pay, and get a
pension of $13 per month hereafter.
Mr. Paul Pinkham, of Millbridge, a blind man, has followed the lobster
business for 13 years. His boat is guided by his wife, but he hauls the traps,
takes out the lobsters, and puts on bait, as well as if he could see.
Thieves secured between $5000 and $600 worth of booty in the American
House, Calais, Saturday night. Among the principal losers were Mr. Hall,
the American express messenger, Mr. Prescott of Bangor, and W. W. Roberts
of the firm of McLellan, Mosher & Company, Portland.
The 12 year old son of Fielding Mallock fell from a wharf in Eastport, Monday,
and was drowned.
Mr. A. E. Neill caught a 25 pound salmon May 3nd, at Union Mills, but the
day he caught it was close time and the Fish Warden was compelled to demand
$25 for the violation of the fish law. Mr. Neill with the enthusiasm of a true
sportsman, said he paid cheerfully for the sport of landing such a bouncing
B. Franklin Cleaves, the well-known carriage builder at Addison, dropped
dead near his home Wednesday evening.
Captain N. H. Costello of Wells, was drowned Monday in attempting to ford
the river between Atlantic and Clark's beach. He lost control of his horse and
the wagon was upset.
A boat in which two boys were sailing was capsized Saturday at Biddeford,
and one of the, Nahum Morrison, was drowned.
Charles E. Dimmock has been appointed Postmaster at Limerick in place of
Ford who has resigned.
Captain Hartley Weare of Ogunquit, while lifting a stone on Sunday week
injured himself internally so that he died the next day.
General Hooker has engaged rooms for himself and family at Old Orchard
House during Encampment. The Indians delegates are expected to quarter at the
Sea Shore House.
FIRES IN MAINE.-Waterford House, Waterford. Loss about $7,000; partly
insured. Captain Appleby will probably rebuild at once. House of Mrs. Down's
Fort Kent, most of furniture being saved. Building of Gustave Ericson,
Woodland, with horse and stock. Mrs. Ericson was severely scorched in tying
to save the animals. The fire communicated by burning woods. Buildings of
A. L. Fenlason, Limestone, taking from burning woods. Loss $1,400. Elder
Knight's residence and outbuildings in Auburn, at a loss of $5,000; the
family were in bed at the time of the fire and barely escaped with their lives.
The building in Belgrade known as Titcomb Academy, probably set by tramps.
Loss $800; no insurance. House owned by Easton Brother, Milltown, loss
$500; insurance $800. House of Nathan Hart, St. George.
Friday, December 5, 2014
John Swan, who died Thursday at Camden, aged 91, carried on paper
manufacturing in that place over fifty years ago, and about the same time started
the first temperance pledge to abstain except when thought necessary.
The Powder-mill privilege on Oyster River, Warren, has been purchased
by C. A. Rollins of Boston, who contemplate, in conjunction with other
Massachusetts capitalists, to erect some kind of a manufacturing establishment
Mr. George B. Sawyer, of Wiscasset, has resigned the position of Secretary of
the State of Pomological Society.
At the factory of General C. P. Mattocks, of Boothbay, 665 short lobsters were
recently seized. General Mattocks in the author of the bill under the provisions of
which this seizure was made.
George Quint died in Lovell, May 31st, aged 67. He was the oldest and last
surviving member of his family, of that generation. He was a kind husband
and father and a good neighbor. For many years he has been a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church. The funeral was on Wednesday June 3rd, the Rev.
Mr. Pottle preaching the sermon, and the Odd Fellows celebrating their burial
service, Mr. Quint having been a member of their order. He leaves a widow
and one son and five daughters.
Mr. F. Sullivan was shot at early Monday morning on the street in Bangor
by John Spellman, who then fled but was arrested. No motive was assigned for
the shooting. Sullivan was uninjured.
S. D. Cushman, of Dexter, while eating a piece of cheese recently, felt a
sudden twinge in the end of his tongue, which almost immediately began to
swell and grow black. A doctor applied a powerful acid to the tongue, and
the swelling was reduced. Mr. Cushman thought some small poisonous insect
must have bitten him or there must have been a particle of virulent poison in
the cheese.
Mr. John H. Hathaway, of Medway, was thrown from a team Tuesday
of last week, and striking a log which lay by the side of the road, was so
badly injured that he died Wednesday.
The Transcript correspondent writes; We are to have a newspaper started
in Lincoln next Thursday. Frank Yelland is engaged to edit it.
A poem upon Mount Desert by Mrs. Francis L. Mace of Bangor, will
appear in the July Harper's. It is to be profusely illustrated by Henry Fenn.
Herbert Walker, of Oldtown, 23 years old, was drowned Friday by
falling out of his boat in a fit.
W. S. McNeely of Plymouth, committed suicide on the 2nd, by hanging. He
was injured in Boston last spring and since that time has been greatly depressed
in spirits.
General H. Crane has been appointed postmaster at Milo, in place of Clara
M. Owen, removing. it is stated "for good reasons."
Mr. Charles Pomeroy, who is connected with the Carleton woolen mills,
Sangerville, found on his return from a recent fishing trip that his wallet, which
he left in his room has been robbed of $730 in notes and $150 in money.
The first regular meeting of the Hotel Proprietor's Association of Maine
was held Friday in Bath and was largely attended. President M. S. Gibson
reported a good deal of interest awakened among hotel men. There are at
present 68 members. In the state are 200 hundred prominent hotels, and he
had no doubt they would all join. The Industrial Journal was selected as
the organ of the association. The next business meeting is to be held in
Bangor, September 15th. It was voted to hold the next annual session in
John White, hailing from Burlington, Vt., who represented himself as
being deaf and dumb and destitute, robbed the Commercial House, Bath,
on night last week of jewelry, etc., to the value of $25. He was arrested in
Rockland , Thursday.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
John Spaulding of Lewiston, in a fit of jealousy, shot at his wife Tuesday,
inflicting a flesh wound on her head.
Dr. R. L. Harlow, a distinguished physician of Auburn, died Wednesday, aged
56 years. He was a surgeon in the army during the war, and his health had been
very infirm ever since.
Dingley & Strout, the Auburn shoe manufacturers moved last week into their
enlarged establishments.
Mr. James H. Phair opened his fine new hotel at Presque Isle this week.
J. W. Collins has erected a dry house in connection with his starch factory
at Bridgewater, as the drying capacity of the old one has not been sufficient
in time past.
A two year old child of Joseph Coffin of Yarmouth was instantly killed by a
fall Saturday.
The 80th commencement of Bowdoin College takes place June 21-28. The
following is the program: Sunday, 10:45 a. m. sermon by Rev. E. N. Packard of
Dorchester, Mass. 4 p. m. baccalaureate sermon by Professor Samuel G. Brown,
D.D. Monday 8 p.m. Junior Prize Declamation. Tuesday Class Day exercises,
illumination and dance on the green in the evening. Wednesday 9 a. m. Phi
Beta Kappa meeting. 10:30 a. m meeting of the Alumni 3 p.m. address,
commemorative of the late Prof A. S. Packard, D. D.. by Prof. Egbert C. Smyth,
D. D of Andover, Mass. 8 p.m. vocal and instrumental concert under the
auspices of the Senior Class. Thursday 9 a. m., prayer meeting of the Alumni
and friends in Y. M. C. A. room. 10:30 a. m., commencement exercises, followed
by dinner in memorial Hall, 10:30 a. m., reception by the Faculty in Memorial
Hall. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. examination for admission continued.
Mrs. Sheridan is building a large hall at West Baldwin to be used as a
skating rink.
Theodore B. Edwards has been appointed Postmaster at Gorham in place of
Millett removed
Mr. Gilbert Kempton on Saturday killer a 208 pound bear in the street at
Phillips, which has been raiding his sheep pens. He got $35 for the carcass.
A. W. F. Belcher, a director of the Sandy River National bank, and proprietor
of Belcher block, died Monday in Farmington.
The recently reorganized Lamoine Packing company has begun operations in
canning lobsters and sardines, employing about 75 persons.
Mr. Robbins of Green's Landing has a son 21 years old who weighs but about
33 pounds. He is about the height of a three year-old child.
The Democratic committee of Kennebec County wrote to the Postmaster
General complaining of the appointment of Kirk, a Republican, as postmaster
at the Soldier's Home, Togus, characterizing it as the work of a "combination of
intriguing Republican politicians." It appears, however, that the appointment
was recommended by the managers, a majority of whom are Democrats. The
present governor of the home, General Stephenson is also a Democrat.
Mr. N. E. Potter, of Augusta owns a colt of the same age as the one
mentioned by our Old Orchard correspondent, 11 months, which stand 15
hands high, and weighs 950 pounds.
John Kirk has been appointed Postmaster at Togus, in place of Smith,
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Glances about Town
Mrs. Mary Osborn, residing on Munjoy Hill, was 99 years old on the 3rd, and
enjoys good health; she is the oldest lady in the city.
General Appleton, Post No. 128, G. A. R. of Ipswich, Mass., will visit Portland
during the National Encampment, with fifty men and a drum corps; our old will
remember the General who was for many years a worthy and honored citizen of
Portland; and the Post will carry a beautiful flag presented by the General's son D.
F. Appleton, Esq., of New York.
Mr. J. C. Pettengill of Woodsford, while at work at Hampton, New York, ran a
splinter into his middle finger, causing lockjaw and blood poison; it was a serious
case, but he has now recovered.
Miss Grace Deering, daughter of Major J. W. Deering, has been assigned the first
part in the graduation exercises of her class at the seminary she is attending in
The Boy's Literary Society have formed a company of Cadets, Lewis K. Austin,
Mr. Frederick Fox, of this city, graduated last week at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
The burglars returned the second night to Whyley's store at Woodfords, and
helped themselves to what the like best; they are a free and easy gang.
The priest of the diocese of Portland presented Bishop Healey with a purse of
$2,000 on the anniversary of his consecration.
Burglars took $92 Saturday night from the house of M. H. A. Muller, Congress
Street; the rascal coolly peeled and ate oranges in Mr. Muller's sleeping room, after
overhauling his clothing, but without awaking him; attempts to enter other houses
are reported.
A movement is making among Portland physicians to remove the Maine
Medical School from Brunswick to Portland, and a hearing on the matter is had in this
city, this week, by a committee of which Honorable J. W. Bradbury, of Augusta and
Judge Appleton are members.
In the case of Mr.. Clough, wife of Mr. David D. Clough of Woodfords, who died
last Saturday after a lingering illness in which she was a great sufferer, a post mortem
examination disclosed the fact that the due of her death was consumption occasioned
by degeneracy of the lungs.
The members of the Salvation Army were brought before Judge Gould last week,
who ordered them discharged; Judge Gould's decision was that they could parade with
drums week days, but not Sundays.
The brigantine Anna P. Odel which arrived at this port Thursday from Porto Rico
with cargo of sugar, reported the death of one of the mates on the on the passage from
yellow fever, and that the vessel was placed in quarantine and was thoroughly
Collin Crossland, who arrived from Nova Scotia Friday, was swindled out of $75,
his year's saving, by a woman at the Portland & Ogdensburg station who borrowed the
money ostensibly to pay charges on her baggage; previously to asking for the money
she pretended to engage the unsophisticated fellow to work for her husband.
On Friday evening of last week the Universalist Church at Stevens Plains gave the
new pastor, Rev. Mr. Shinn an informal installation and reception at which addresses
were made by Rev. Dr. Weston, David Torre, Esq., and Rev. Mr Crosley; Mr. Shinn
expressed his thanks for the cordial welcome which has been extended to him.
George A. Rogers, Faulkner, Mass., was in this city last week, making
arrangements for the balloon ascension to take place June 24th, at the National
Encampment; the balloon is 120 feet in diameter and requires 45,000 feet of gas
to inflate it.
Captain Alvin Hall has placed on his lot in Evergreen Cemetery a monument to
the memory of his son, his son's wife and child, his nephew Charles Prince, all lost
by the floundering of the brig Carrie Bertha at sea, and of his brother Appleton Hall
lost at sea may years ago; there is on other monument in the cemetery with four names
upon it of personal. all lost at sea-two sons of Captain David Keazer, and the wife and
child of one of them.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
In this city, June 7th, Charles, son of James A. and Mary E. Howard, aged 6
years, 7 months.
In this city, June 4th, Nellie S., daughter of Sabra A. and the late Thomas H.
Powel, aged 28 years, 8 months.
In this city, June 4th, Sarah Jane, daughter of John and the late Fannie McKensie,
of Maitland, Nova Scotia, aged 15 years and 3 months.
In this city, June 3rd, John H., only child of Thomas F. and Nellie Burke,
aged 1 years.
In this city, June 2nd, Antonia Francis, aged 60 years.
In this city, June 2nd, Willis H. Beaman, aged 11 months.
Martinsville, Ind., May 29th, Sarah P., wife of Charles Hamilton of
Martinsville, and daughter of the late Dexter Valentine of Harmony, Maine, aged
48 years.
Deering, June 6th, Mollie E., wife of David D. Clough, aged 38 years.
East Deering, June 2nd, Charles V. Merrill, youngest son of the late William M.
Merrill, aged 31 years, 4 months.
Saco, June 1st, Rev. Stephen L. Waterhouse, aged 87, years, 3 months.
Oakland, June 1st, L. K. Moody, aged 63 years.
Orono, June 2nd, Ann b., wife of the late Dr. William H. Allen, aged 68 years,
10 months, 15 days.
Albion, May 20th, Jonathan H. Fuller, aged 78 years, 6 months.
China, Me., May 21st, John Pinkham, aged 87 years.
New Portland, May 30th, Ivory Page, aged 70 years.
Scarboro, June 4th, George Morrill, aged 50 years, 3 months, 22 days.
North Bucksport, June 1st, Lizzie May, daughter of the late Moses Blaisdell,
aged 16 years, 7 months, 22 days.
Belfast, May 30th, Ellen F., wife of John Young, aged 38 years, 5 months.
Norridgewock, May 30th, Climena Hight.
Chesterfield, May 30th, Weighty E., wife of William Butlerfield, aged 50
years, 5 months.
Temple, Franklin, May 3st, William Deane, 84 years.
Auburn, May 30th, Zoe, daughter of S. K. Ballard, aged 4 years.
Lewiston, May 31st, Sarah, wife of John Y. Scruton, aged 60 years, 6 months.
Lewiston, May 28th, Mrs. Eula A. Worthing.
Lewiston, May 20th, Belle V. Morse, aged 35 years, 6 months.
North Turner, May 30th, Fred L. Merrill, aged 19 years.
New Gloucester, June 2nd, Carrie, wife of Josiah Foot.
Cape Elizabeth, May 31st, Frank C. Winslow, aged 68 years.
Gorham, June 1st, Mrs. Harriet Weeks, aged 79 years.
North Scarboro, May 31st., Abigail Libby, aged 81.
West Baldwin, May 24th, Mercy P. Rowe, aged 25 years.
Gardiner, May 31st, infant son of Charles H. Berry, aged 8 weeks.
Farmingdale, May 28th, Ralph S., son of Frank E. Marshall, aged 6 months.
Augusta, May 29th, Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gaslin, aged
28 years.
Rockland, June 1st, Bernard W. McNamara, aged 18 years.
Rockland, June1st., Richard E. Bartlett, aged 22 years.
St. George, May 29th, J. Gilchrest, aged 22 years.
Cushing, May 28th, James R. Malcom, aged 52.
Thomaston, May 31st, Elsie Kelleran, aged 38.
South Thomaston, May 31st, Bartlett Oliver, aged 85 years.
Jefferson, May 30th, Ephraim Marriner, aged 78 years.
Hartford,(Lewiston-Auburn area) June 1st., Hattie, wife of Rufus H. Potter,
and daughter of John Thompson, aged 25 years.
West Sumner, June 2nd, Martha S., wife of William S. McGowen, aged
27 years.
Bangor, June 2nd, Betsey E., wife of the late Eben Steward, aged 38 years.
Bangor, June 2nd, Mrs. Bridget Mogan, aged 45 years.
Bangor, June 2nd, Grace L., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson,
aged 5 years.
Bangor, June 30th, Julia M. Delaney.
Bath, May 28th, Mrs. Harriet E. Brown, aged 38 years (?)
Skowhegan, May 31st, Mr. R. Fairbrother, aged 77 years
North Anson, Augusta A. Benjamin, aged 22 years.
Carratunk, May 28th, Mrs. Lizzie Martin, aged 27 years.
Salon, May 30th, Absalom Parkman.
Cherryfield, June 2nd, Jessie, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. D. Campbell,
aged 11 months.
Eastport, May 28th, John Coggin, aged 42 years
North Berwick, May 30th Amos Longley, aged 58 years.
West Newfield, , May 31st, Lenora Linscott, aged 83 years.
West Newfield, May 31st, Mrs. Lenora Linscott,, aged 83 years.
Bristol, May 30th, Nellie G. Cudworth, aged 68 years, 1 month.
Aurora, May 30th, Robert Milliken, aged 68 years, 1 month.
Whitneyville, May 28th, Alice, wife of Amos Kennedy aged 28 years.
Damariscotta, June 3rd, Peter Connell, aged 68 years, 7 months.
Edgecomb, May 28th, Hollister Davidson, aged 67 years, 8 months.
Appleton, May 27th, Frank Jones, aged 35 years.
Thomaston, Clara Vinal, wife of Aaron Winchenback, aged 34 years,
5 months, 15 days.
Lincolnville, May 31st, Huldah B., wife of J. H. Mohoney, aged 40 years,
5 days.
Whitefield, May 28th, John T. Luce of Union, aged 34.
Bethel, May 20th, Zilla, daughter of Edward Chapman, aged 17 years.
Bethel, May 9th, O. C. Frost, aged 73 years.
Barstow, Florida, May 27th Lillie F., wife of Fred W. Fernald, formerly
of this city.
San Antonio, Texas, June 4th, Mr. Mary S. Norton (nee Russell) aged 72.
East Sumner, May 21st, Mrs. Elias A. Tucker, aged 61 years.
In Waldoboro, June 1st, Thomas Weaver, aged 60 years, 3 months.
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