Friday, January 31, 2014


                                                           MAINE MATTERS

                                                          OXFORD COUNTY    

          A little child of Mr. Robert Heuey, Andover, was playing about a tub of water
     Tuesday, and falling in was drowned.
          An entertainment a few nights ago at Reform Hall, Buckfield resulted in a fund
     of nearly $42.00 toward the erection of a hearse house, the site of which has already
     been given by Lucius Loring, Esq.
          A Brownfield correspondent writes; Somebody with a spirit of mischief emptied
     some kerosene into William Swan's well. Although he has cleaned it out it seems
     impossible to purify the taste of the water.-Quite a business is carried on in town
     raising hoop poles. A crop can be raised in from five to six years. They are used
     chiefly for nail kegs out in Pennsylvania.
                                                     PENOBSCOT COUNTY

          Alexander McLaine, of Mattawamkeag has killed 24 bears this season.
          E.E. Ring of Orono, in company with J. Fred  Webster, proposes to cut between
     8,000.000 and 10,000.000 feet of lumber on  Wytopitlock, Moluncus, Battle Brook, etc.,
     all of which will come into the first Mattawemkeag  drive.
                                                    PISCATAQUIS COUNTY

          The vein of slate recently discovered in Guilford and Foxcroft is over 100 feet wide,
     and 3/4 of a mile in length, and is  exceptionally fine quality. The vein is partly upon the
     farm of E. G. Herring, which has been bonded by the Messrs. Bennett, running southeast
     through the land of Messrs. William Thompson and A. Merrill.
                                                    SAGADAHOC COUNTY

          Frank Jackson was missing from the Rainier's crew, has been heard from in
     Liverpool. He got a chance to work his way to San Francisco from the Marshall Islands,
     and thence to Liverpool with a Bath captain.
          The Elm Street Baptist Church, Bath, last week received  a solid sliver communion
     service from Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Simpson of Somerville, Mass., former members of the
          G. W. Hanley, Bath, has contracted to build a ship for New York parties.
          Messrs. L. A. Thompson and John Blethen, Bath, have manufactured this summer
     700 tons of iron into clinch bolts for vessels built at the great shipbuilding port.
          The contract for repairs on the steamer State of Maine has been awarded to the
     original builders Messrs. Goss, Sawyer & Packard of Bath. The steamer comes to Bath
     this week.
          A turtle which was captured a few days ago in Winnegance Creek after a sharp fight,
     weighed 115 pounds, the upper shell being 22 inches long by 17 in width, and he was
     about a foot through. Near the head on the shell was cut B. C. A. B., 1776, and
     beneath was a rough representation of the Masonic  square and compass. Upon the
     under shell was carved "Liberty or Death."

                                                       SOMERSET COUNTY

          The trial  of Frank Walker of Embden, for the murder of A. R. Daggett was begun
     at Skowhegan, Tuesday.
          J. A. Smith of Norridgewock, fell recently from a beam in his barn, breaking or
     dislocating his spinal column.
                                                          WALDO COUNTY
          A fellow giving half a dozen names among them William Gilman was arrested in
     in Belfast, Thursday, for extensive swindling operation in Waldo County. He had been
     securing subscriptions for the Happy Home publication of Hill & Co.,  Augusta, and
     pocketing the receipts, the subscribers never getting the paper.
          Dr. R. Moody,  a physician in Belfast since 1820, died Thursday, aged 81. He was
     mayor of the city in 1860.
                                                    WASHINGTON COUNTY

          Messrs. A. H. Eaton and E. J. Crangle, Calais are building a fine mill at Forest City,
     on the line of the Vanceboro division of the Maine Central, for the manufacture of orange
     and lemon box shooks, hard wood flooring and long and short soft wood lumber.
          A sharper, going by the name of Bartlett and Munroe, but whose real name is Baxter,
     has swindled Eastport and Lubec  parties out of old junk, etc., to the value of $200 or
     $300. He also engaged about $600 worth of wool of an Eastport  firm, but their
     suspicions were excited and they decided not to ship it. The fellow claims to be  an
     agent for a Boston firm.
          William Underwood & Co., have rebuilt their sardine factory at Jonesport, and are
     rebuilding their lobster factory. They contemplate packing mutton this fall in large
     quantity-some 1,000 cans per day.
          Last year the Millbridge Packing Co., put up 24,000  cases of fish, but have not
     packed half that amount this year.
          William  E.  Morang of Eastport, has received the appointment of professorship
     in the Roger Williams University of Nashville, Tennessee.

                                                            York County
          A man named Littlefield, who was injured  by falling from a team in Biddeford
     last week, died Sunday.
          The first number of the Sanford Herald, T. P. James, editor and published, appeared
     Monday, 6th.
          The new skating rink in West Baldwin had a very successful opening last week.
     The skating surface is first class, and the windows with their many colored lights are
     a new and striking attraction for a country village. George A. Milliken & Co., have
     leased the entire building, and use first floor for a work room, employing about 30
     hands in the manufacture of clothing.
          The Greenback voters and others will meet at Hollis Center Thursday evening at
     7 o'clock. John M. Todd will speak at  that time.  Mr. McDaniel has completed his
     new post office at South Hollis except the painting, which will be done this fall. The
     office accommodate many who heretofore were obliged to go to Waterboro, West
     Buxton and Dayton for their mail.
          Monday night of last week officers raided the premises of William Roche at
     Springvale, and seized several hundred dollars' worth of goods stolen from country
     stores, and Sanford mills, arresting one of the thieves, Will Gerrish, Fal (as written)
     and Frank Bickford, the ringleader of the gang escaped. William Roche was waylaid
     while passing through Lebanon Wednesday, and assaulted by the Bickford brothers
     and beaten with stones about the head until unconscious, when they left him. Roche
     assisted in the capture of the burglars Monday night, and his assailants were the two
     that escaped.
          Hannah M., widow of the late Deacon John Frost, and mother of Honorable
    General A. Frost of Springvale, died on the 1st inst., aged 94 years. She was the
    oldest person in Sanford.
          Dr. Hammond proposes building an addition to Hotel Bartlett, York, of  40 feet,
      which  will give the house a capacity of 150 guests. S. S. Marshall has the plans
     all made for a 60 feet addition to Marshall House, increasing the capacity to about
     300 guests.




Wednesday, January 29, 2014


                                                      MAINE MATTERS

                                                    Androscoggin County

        Benjamin Jordan, an aged pauper who had been missing from the Auburn  Town Farm
     was found drowned in  Lake Auburn, Sunday. 
                                                        Aroostook County

          Thursday last the potato vat houses and engine house of Johnson & Phair's starch
      factory  at Easton, were burned with about 8,000 bushel of potatoes. The difficulty of
     getting material there so late in the season will prevent rebuilding this fall.
          The first three days of last week 17,000 bushels of potatoes were taken at Sherman's
     starch factory, and up to that time 73 tons of starch had been manufactured there.
          Mr. A. P, Bennett, an enterprising Linneus farmer, manufactures 8,000 pounds of
     butter annually, most of which is sold in Bangor.

                                                       Cumberland County
          The clam factory of Burnham & Morrill, Pine Point, will commence operations
     Monday next.
          The Cape Elizabeth and Scarboro  Fair last week was very successful, and the
     display in all department most  creditable. That of fruit and vegetables was
     particularly fine.    We noticed one huge cabbage that measured 18 inches across
     the top, and other vegetables displayed had attained enormous growth. Among
     the principal exhibitor in this department were Messrs. F. O. and N. Sawyer,  A.
     C. Chapin, C. P. Trickey, S. Scammon, E. C. Robinson, A. F. Hannaford, Tristam
     Jordan and J. Hannaford of Cape Elizabeth, and Miss Sarah T. Libby, Messrs. J.
     Plummer, H. S. Jones, G. McKennney, M. L. Lane, William Fogg, John Fogg and
     L. Milliken of Scarboro.  An excellent exhibit of canned fruit was made by Mrs. C. P.
     Trickery, Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. Robinson.
          The Universalist Church at Brunswick, with the stores under it occupied by Alonzo
     Day, E. N. Johnson and S. Maynard, was burned Saturday evening-Loss, $7,000, with
     no insurance.
          We have received one four-leaved, one five leaved, and one six-leaved clover,
     the last named being rarely seen. They were found growing near Prout's Neck, and
     picked by Miss Eva R. Coolbroth.
          At Burnham & Morrill's corn shop at Dunstan's  Corner, about 212,000 cans have
     been packed this season.
          Reverend Joseph Torrey for ten years pastor of the First Congregational Church,
     Yarmouth, has resigned the charge to the great regret of the community.
          The Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hardy, West Falmouth, was
     celebrated Wednesday evening, October 2nd. Some fourscore of descendants, friends
     and neighbors were present, and the venerable couple were made the recipients of
     many substantial tokens of affection and regard.

                                                        Franklin County

          Leonard F. Green, of Wilton, a member of the County Commissioners, and
     formerly a member of the legislature, died Friday.
          Ernest Prescott Searles of Farmington, the young boy who invented the steam
     oven, took the first prize on that article at the State Fair.  The State Commissioner
     of the World's Fair at New Orleans, has requested to have one of the  ovens sent on
     for exhibition at the exposition.
          William Frye of South Carthage, has just received a pension of $1,176.
          Phineas Gordon of Chesterville, was found dead in the woods near his house
                                                 Hancock County

          News has been received that Albert Stover, a  Bucksport young man, has been
     shot and killed on a cattle ranch in Dakota.
          Miss Abbie Congdon, Penobscot, now employs fifteen girls and runs fourteen
     knitting machines, manufacturing over 400 pairs of mittens daily. She is over run
     with orders and contemplates securing more machines soon.
          The Lawton Brothers, Southwest Harbor, are fitting up J. F.K. Freeman's building
      for the canning business.
                                                    Kennebec County

          The Hallowell Granite Co., have a $12,000 tomb nearly completed for Moffett
     & Doyle, of New York. They are also in process of cutting a tomb that will cost about
          The wife of Dr. E. G. Briggs, an Augusta dentist, has been stricken down with a
     disease that puzzles the doctors. Some two weeks ago, after working all day preparing
     to go to housekeeping, she felt a sensation of weariness came over her limbs, and
     sitting down immediately became helpless, and has since remained unable to move
     any part of herself, not even a finger. Physicians have examined her and find no
     disease of any kind.
          John Baker of Albion, arrested on suspicion of murdering Mrs. Newell Tuck in
     Albion, September 5th, has confessed that he assaulted the woman with the intent to
     commit rape, and held her by the throat till she became insensible when he took
     alarm and ran. He said he did not think she was dead when he left her.  His trial
     occurs in December.
                                                       Knox County

          John Graves of West Camden, fell from his shed a distance of 15 feet, breaking
      four ribs.
          Perry M. Blake, an experienced engineer, after an extensive survey of the water
     sources in the vicinity for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of supplying
     Rockland  with water from some other source than Chickenankie Pond, has
     reported favorably, and estimates  the cost of the leading mains at $77,00 and
     other mains $14,000.
                                                      Lincoln County
          Our Bristol correspondent writes: The fishing business here has been a failure,
     with the exception of a good catch of mackerel. There are six or eight fish buyers
     who have each bought in past years, from 1,500 to 3,000 quintals of cod and hake.
     The whole amount brought by these buyer the present year, will not exceed 1,000
     quintals-The canning factory of Judson Tarr, has canned nearly 11,,000 barrels of
     mackerel, each barrel making 100 one pound cans. The factory is still running.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                                               CITY ITEMS
                                                        Glances About Town

          When Dr. Torrington went to gather his late crop of strawberries he found that
     some appreciative individual had anticipated him and stolen them all.
          A large and fashionable party gathered in Park Street Church on Wednesday
     week, to witness the marriage of Mr. Anton W. McKim, of the Montreal Mall, and
     Miss Bessie True daughter of George W. True, Esq., of this city; after the wedding
     reception at the house of the bride's father, the happy couple left for the West, with
     the best wished of many friends.
          The Commissioner of Patents has decided that the "Globe" trade marks belongs
     to General C. P. Mattocks and not to John Winslow Jones, the latter having conveyed
     it to a company from which it passed into the hands of  Mattocks.
          Merry's pony, with saddle and bridle weighed 423 lbs., 5 oz; three persons Messrs.
     W. L. Woodman, J. Murphy and M. A. Holden guessed 423 lbs., 4 oz., and take the
      pony among them; it is valued at $100.00.
          The portrait of Honorable W. W. Thomas, by Kittell, exhibited at Stubb's art
     store, is much admired; the portrait of Mrs. Lawrence by Miss Skeele, is also
     highly praised.
          The merchants and truck men of Portland have presented Mr. Florence J. Driscoll,
     of the Maine Central Railroad, with an elegant gold watch and chain for his constant
     endeavors to please shippers of freight in this city.
          On Thursday week a man named William Sally was arrested for grabbing the watch
     of William Shiel, a man 90 years old.
          Many friends on Thursday week, at St. Luke's Cathedral, attended the wedding of
     Mr. Charles D. Merrill, of the firm of Charles McLaughlin & Co., and Miss
     Elizabeth Deblois, daughter of President Jackson of the Maine Central Railroad.
          N.D. Winslow has resigned the captaincy of the Portland Cadets.
          Messrs. J. & W. Lucas are erecting a large wooden building at the foot of Preble
     Street for the purpose of manufacturing carbonized stone ware and pipe from
     Richardson's patent.
          Late Friday evening the office of Deering, Richardson & Co., lumber dealers,
    Commercial Street, was damaged by what appeared to be an incendiary fire.
          Dr. T. Fillebrown has been elected the chairman of the Executive Committee of
     the New England Dental Society.
          Harry Brown will open his studio in Motley's Block, over Owen & Moore's, some
     time  this week.
          On Wednesday evening of this week Stuart Rogers, under the auspices of the Y. M.
     C. Association, appears at City Hall, in his Monologue Entertainment; he comes with
     high recommendations as an entertaining reciter and impersonator.
          Last Saturday the authorities of the Fire Department tested at Peak's Island the new
     Johnson pump placed on the fire boat Mary W. Libby; it worked admirably, and Chief
     Cloyes says the boat will throw two streams at a wharf fire and do excellent work.
          Brig Carrie Bertha of this port, Captain Hall, from Turk's Island, for Phildelphia,
     has not been heard from since sailing September 6th, and it is feared she has been
     lost; the Captain's wife and child were on board, and she had a crew of five men.
          Mr. L. A. Goudy, the baker, gave his employees a clambake  last week and they
     returned the compliment by presenting him with a gold watch, chain and seal.
          Mrs. William Duncan who died lately on Lafayette Street, was one of the eleven
     members who formed the St. Lawrence Street Church, and was a native of Scotland,
     she was a noble Christian woman.
          Dr. T. Haywood Hays who has been attached to the Marine Hospital for some time,
     resigned and will enter the Baltimore Medical College; his friends in Deering
     presented him with an elegant photograph album the other night.
          The Argus tells that D. C. Colesworthy, of Boston, found among his paper,
     the "Mulligan Letters,"which had not been published. He was offered a big price for
      for it by a representative of one of the daily papers, but refused; Mr. Blaine's
      private secretary soon appeared and the letter is not  now (?) for sale. Mr. Colesworthy
      is a Republican.
          John A. Waterman, Jr., Bowdoin Class of '85, son of Judge Waterman of Gorham,
      has received the appointment of instructor in political economy and Latin in the
      Portland High School. 
          The master of the brig Carrie Bertha, reported over due is Captain Alvin B. Hall,
     of Deering; the second mate, Charles H. Prince, of Deering, is a nephew of the senior
     Captain Hall;  a son of Captain John Armstrong of this city is one of the seaman;
     Captain H. Prince, of Deering, is says he has not yet given up the brig as lost, and
      and shall not for two or three weeks to come; she is owned by Captain Alvin Hall
     and others of Yarmouth and Portland.
          In United States District Court before Judge Colt and Webb, the trial of Sergeant
     Kelley for shooting young Smith at Fort Popham has been going on during the past
     week; Kelley claims that the shooting was accidental.
          Rev. Marion Crosby has accepted the call of the Church of the Messiah, and will
    enter at once on the discharge of his pastoral duties.
          The People's Party State Convention in City Hall, Tuesday, was attended by 200 
     or 250 adherents of Butler and West, representing 13 counties; the resolution were a
     reiteration of those usually passed at Greenback conventions; the organization was
     made permanent, and the following chosen Presidential electors; Edwin Goodwin,
     South Berwick, Washington Gilbert, Bath; Howard F. Mason, Belfast; Levi B.
     Patten; at   large. Benjamin F. Green, Auburn, Fred A. Alden, Union;  a mass
     meeting was held in the evening.
          The case of Sergeant Kelly (Kelley)  was given to the jury Tuesday afternoon at
     3:30 and at 10 o'clock the foremen announced that they could not agree, and they
     were discharged; it is said the jury  stood six for acquittal and six for conviction; the
     case is to be tried again in December.
        At a special meeting of the School Board, Tuesday afternoon, Mr. E. F. Holden
     was chosen as teacher of the natural science in the High School in place of Mr.
     Morrill resigned; it was voted to allow teachers to attend the annual meeting
     October 17th, of the Maine  Pedagogical Society and that the subject of Introduction
     of Industrial drawing in the High  School be referred to the committee on that
     school with power.
          Mr. D. H. Chandler's "many friends," have presented the veteran musician with an
     elegant gold plated B flat cornet; a testimonial well deserved.



Friday, January 24, 2014



          Lisbon Falls, September 28th, to the wife of B. Frank Pratt, a daughter.
          Ferry Village, October 2nd, to the wife of Fred McIntire, a son.
          Boston, Mass., September 23rd, to the wife of George A. Goodnough,
     formerly of Jay, a son.
          St. George, New Brunswick, September 23rd, to the wife of George Robinson,
     a son.
          Waterville, September 27th, to the wife of Increase Robinson, a son.


          In this city, October 1st., by Rev. John A. Bellows, Anson Mckim of Montreal,
     and Bessie True, daughter of George W. True of Portland.
          In this city, October 2nd,. at St. Luke's  Cathedral, by the Right Reverend, the
     Bishop of Maine, Charles Davis Merrill and Elizabeth Deblois, daughter of George
     E. E. Jackson, all of Portland..
          Lewiston, September 29th, Alexander Renfrew and Abbie N. Kimball, both of
          Windsor, Kennebec County, September 27th, Robert H. Jewell and Clara
      L. Godding.
          Auburn, September 27th, George M. Seavey and Alice M. Young, both of
          Hanover, September 29th, Melvin A. Rowe and Nettie Dicker, both of
          Biddeford, September 29th, John Goudreau and Alminie Letourneau.
          Steep Falls, September 30th, by Rev. G. W. Barber, Ralph H. Chick of Baldwin
     and Cora E. Nason, of Limington.
          Steep Falls, October 4th, by Rev. G. F. Moulton, John L. Dike of Sebago and
     Lillian A. Hebron of Standish.
          Limington, October 6th, by Rev. O. F. Moulton, William C. Bean and
     Victoria L. Allen, both of Denmark, Me.
          Great Lake Stream, September 30th, by Rev. George F. Jenkins of Princeton,
     Augustus E. Andrews of Great Lake Stream and Dollie Yeats of Plantation No. 21.
          Sebago, September 27th, Hiram W. Garey and Flora M. Burnell, both of
     North Sebago.
          Sebago, September 27th, William B. Shaw and Clara E. Burnell, both of
     of North  Sebago.
          North Bridgton, September 28th, Charles H. Lewis and Ella M. Knight, both
     of Lovell.
          Waterville, October 1st., Thomas E. Sherry and Bertha E. White, both of
          Augusta, October 2nd., William S. Stone and Nellie M. Goodell, both of
          Rockland, October 1st., J. M. French and Fannie R. Palmer, both of
          Damariscotta, October 1st., Rev. J. A. Morelen and Emma G. Donnell, both
     of Newcastle.
          Bangor, October 2nd, Arthur B. Campbell and Alice B. Sidelinker, both of
          West Baldwin, October 6th, by Rev. George W. barber, Clinton Dow and
     Mary S. Gatchell, all of Baldwin.

           In this city, October 2nd, Georgie H., infant  son of James H. and Clara
     Collins, aged 11 months, 2 weeks.
           In this city, October 2nd, Francis May, only child of Theodore and Mary
     Logan, aged 5 days.
          In this city, October 4th, Lorenzo D. Libby, aged 70 years, 7 months.
          In this city, October 4th, Harriet Lewis, wife of the late William C.
     Bradley, 74 years.
          In this city, October 4th, James Murphy, aged 73.
          In this city, October 5th, Annie M. Madden, aged 2 years, 1 month,
     5 days.
          In this city, October 4th, Harry A., son of Charles J. Cobb, Bucksport.
          In this city, October 3rd, Mrs. Mary M. Leven, aged 78 years.
          In this city, October 5th, Timothy J. McGlynn, aged 60 years, 4 months,
     5 days.
          Standish, October 2nd., Marietta F., daughter of H. T. and Ellen S.
     Cummings, aged 14 years, 10 months. [Eastern and Western papers please


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


             In Bath Mr. Philemon R. Russell to Miss Martha Robinson.
             In Saco Honorable Isaac Emery, of Biddeford to Miss Sarah Spring,
           daughter of Seth Spring, Esq.
             In Union, Mr. Abijah P. Judd of  Vermont to Miss Sarah R. Gilmore.

             In Bath on the 21st inst., Captain Calvin Waterman of, aged 57, formerly
          of Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
            In Augusta on Wednesday the 25th, Mr. Jacob Bassford, aged 55.
            In Litchfield on the 19th last, widow Jane Potter.
            On Wednesday the 25th inst., was drowned at Gardiner Village, Mr. William
          Stevens, Esq., of Litchfield.  He attempted to cross a timber which lay across the
          mouth of the Cobbesse-Contee stream, for the purpose of securing lumber in the
          Mill Dock, when he was blown into the stream in the most rapid part of the current.
          Every attempt to save the life of this promising young man was unavailing; and
          he was thus suddenly launched into the boundless ocean of eternity.  He leaves
          a numerous circle of friends and relations to deplore his untimely loss. His
          body has not yet been found. (Com.)


          Casualties. Mr. William Stevens, son Amos Stevens, Esq., of Litchfield, was
     drowned in the Kennebec River at this village on Wednesday morning last; and
     another person by the name of William Allard, yesterday lost his life in the same
     manner, while engaged about the mill dam of the  Messer's. Cooper in Pittston,
     opposite this village.
          The Mills in Brookes, Me., were destroyed by fire on the 11th last. Loss,
     2,500 dolls.

                                                   ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE
          Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license from the Honorable Ariel Mann,
     Judge of Probate, within and for the County of Kennebec, so much of the real  estate
     of          JAMES COSTELLOW,
     late of Gardiner, in said county, yeoman, deceased, as will pay the sum of  sixteen
     hundred and four dollars thirty cents,  for the payment of  the just debts of said
     estate, and incidental charges; will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder,
     at the house of Hannah Costellow in said Gardiner, on Saturday, the twelfth day of
     May next, at  2 o'clock in the afternoon. Said real estate consist of the following
     described lot of land, viz;-One lot, being part of the homestead farm, consisting of
     sixty-four acres. One lot containing  twenty-seven acres, adjoin the aforesaid farm,
     under good improvement and with a barn on the same. Also, one other lot situated
    in Richmond, County of Lincoln, containing about forty-nine acres, one half of which
     is under improvement.
          The condition of the sale, will be made known at the time and place of sale.
                                                                                     JOHN BEEDLE, Administrator,
     Gardiner,  April 13th, 1827.


Sunday, January 19, 2014


                                                            EDITORIAL STRAWS

          Cheney's Pail Factory, at Kendall's Mills, Me., turns out sixty thousand pails
     per annum!-Where's Hingham!
           A contemporary says that W. W. Story, son of Judge Story, is rising in
     eminence as a sculptor and is placed, by some, in the same rank with Powers,
     Crawford and Greenough.
          Judson Hutchinson is now entirely recovered.
          Park Benjamin delivered a rhyming lecture in  Saco last week, on the Age of
     Gold. We should like to hear the gentleman before our lyceum.
          Returned Californians. Messer's A. L. Fox, Alford Dyer, Asa Bailey and Oliver
     Waterman all of this city, returned from California in the last steamer. News has been
     received of the death of Mr. Deering Johnson, of this city and also of Charles Haskell,
     of Saccarappa.
          We have received a letter from O. C. Nelson, of Upper Gloucester, now at
     Nevada City, California, who writes-The friends here from Portland and vicinity
     are well and doing first rate. Diggings good. His letter is dated Oct. 1. He sends us
     a remittance of  "mint drops" to the amount of $3.00 to pay for two years subscription
     to the Transcript.-The specimens are very fine.
          The Governor of California has sent a requisition for a man by the name of
     Johnson, of  Bangor, who recently returned from California with $5,000 in gold. He
    is charged with the robbery and murder of a man in California, for which crime two
    innocent persons have been hanged.
          The rum sellers of Augusta are at  their dark and dirty work again. One night last
     week they attacked the house of Mr. Whitney, daubed it with oil and paint, and then
     breaking a window defiled his parlor furniture in the same manner. We hope the
     temperance men of Augusta will ferret out the perpetrators of this vile deed.
                                         BURNING OF THE INSANE HOSPITAL
               This event, which we had barely time to announce last week proves to be a
     very serious  calamity. It is supposed the fire was caused by a defective funnel.
     There was no night watch. The north wing is saved entire, and part of the main
     building, but the building cannot be repaired at a less cost than $30,000 or $50.000.
             The loss of life is truly deplorable. The scene when the poor mad wretches were  
     dragged from the burning building, rushing back into the flames and perishing there,
     as some of the did, must have been horrible in the extreme. All the females patients
     were saved, but 28 male patients are missing most of whom probably perished in the
     flames. of the patients from this city, five, viz. Eben  L. Blake, Franklin Dennison,
     Nathaniel Flint, John Makey and James Barry perished; while Captain S. Dunham,
     Charles Coffin, Bridget Devine, Aaron Lewis, and Mary Doherty were saved. All
     these except Eben L. Blake, were supported at public expense. There were also a
     number of  private patients from Portland supported at private expense, who were
          Mr. Thomas Jones, an assistant, lost his life while nobly striving to save the poor
     inmates. Much praise is due to many of the attendants, indeed for their courageous
     effects in behalf of the sufferers.
          The following is a list of the dead or missing-Linscott, of Bangor; Armstrong,
     of  Gardiner,* Wyman, of Readfield;* Richards, Willis, McLelan, Pineo, Hodson,
     Harlow, Dennison, McKay, Payson, Norwood, Fuller, Barry, Blake, Atkinson,
     Wilson, Piece, Kinsel, Dennet, Heath, Carriel, Flint, Foster, Green, Jacobs,
      * Supposed remains found.
     The remains of eight bodies only have as yet been taken out, although there can
    be but little doubt that as many as 20 patients perished by suffocation.



Friday, January 17, 2014

THE PORTLAND ADVERTISER and Gazette of Maine, May 9, 1837


          In this city on Thursday evening, by Rev. D. D. Smith, Mr. George C. Thompson,
     of this city, to Miss Hannah C. Strout, of Cape Elizabeth.
          In this city, on Saturday evening last, by Rev. Mr. French, Mr. Robert Mitchell, of
    this city to Miss Everlina Susan Gilpartick, of Passadumkeak.
          In Gorham, by Rev. Mr. Atwell, Mr. Winslow Hall, of this city, to Miss Eunice
     M. Harding of Gorham.

          In this city on Friday, 5th inst., Miss Betsey B. Chadbourne, eldest daughter of
     Mrs. Mary Chadbourne, aged 23.
          In this city, Mrs. Margaret Riggs, 93.
          In this city, Albert, son of Mr. Henry Moor, age 5 years and 2 months.
          In Kennebunkport on Thursday morning last, very suddenly, Captain George
     Perkins, 40, an enterprising and intelligent ship master.
          In Berwick, Mr. Samuel Pray, 82.
          In Hollis, William Bradbury, 62; Miss Olive Brooks, aged 23.
          In Kennebunk, Mr. David M. Taylor, 20; Miss Mabel Boothby, 23;
     Rev. Shubael Tripp, Pastor of the Baptist Church. Samuel Bragden, 9.
          In New Gloucester, 15th ult., Mr. David Stevens, 32. 23rd ult., Miss
     Abigail F. Preble, 25.
          Lost overboard in a gale on the 24th ult., from jib boom of brig Governor
     Brooks, Mr. Thompson Barker, seaman, of Sanford, Maine.
          In Cape Elizabeth, Mr. Nathaniel Dyer, 66.
          In Freeport, Mr. Samuel Fogg, 76.
          In this city, April 29th, Mrs. Caroline C., wife of Mr. Solomon Sargent, 27.
          In Boston, 29th ult., Mr. Joseph Temple, of Sanford, Maine, 21.
          In this city of consumption, Mr. John Holland, aged about 40.
          In Gorham 3rd inst., Mrs. Nancy, wife of Mr. Samuel Elder, aged 55.
          Drowned in Hartland, Mr. Francis B. Longley, 32.

          Emigration From Maine-The following paragraph from the Boston Transcript
     may illustrate the success which will probably befall nine tenths of the emigrants
     from Maine to the far West. On advice to the man who is able to pay even the
     expenses of emigration is, stay at home. Maine has more comforts than a wilderness,
     and enterprise on the part of has citizens, and liberality on the part of her rulers,
     she may become as valuable as the richest of our Western neighbors.
          Benevolence-On board the steamboat Massachusetts which arrived at Providence
     from New York, last Wednesday, a venerable old man with a wife and ten children
     became objects of interest, and on inquiry it was ascertained that the father was
     named Sylvanus Harlow, who had emigrated with his entire family from his native
     residence in Maine, to the "land of promise' at the West, and located himself in
     Illinois.  There the family had been attacked by sickness, and seeing hopeless
     poverty approaching, he had gathered the little remnant of his property, and with
     that and his distressed family was returning to his abandoned home. Lieutenant
     Henry Bruce, of Boston, who had just returned from a three years' cruise in the
     frigate Brandywine, became possessed of the sad story, and the generous hearted
     officer immediately commenced a contribution, which soon amounted to sixty
     dollars, and which he threw into the lap of the destitute mother of the family; no
     less to the gratitude and astonishment of the unfortunate group in thus unexpectedly
     receiving ample relief in their necessities. Captain Comstock with feeling of no less
     generosity conveyed the family in the boat entirely without charge for passage or



THE PORTLAND ADVERTISE and Gazette of Maine, May 9, 1837

                                                           RUN AWAY
          From the subscriber on or about the tenth  inst., Eliza Storry, aged about
     14 years; said girl was placed in my care by the town of Lisbon, to be supported,
     and instructed by me, until 18 years of age; as she has left me without any cause
     of provocation, all person are hereby cautioned not to harbor or trust her on my
     harbor or trust her on my account, as I shall not pay any expense.
                                                                                            THOMAS SKELTON.
     Bowdoinham, April 17, 1837.

                                                   FOR SALE OR TO LET
           The old Tavern Stand formerly occupied by alexander Moorhead, situated
      near Bowdoin college, in Brunswick;- possession given immediately. Apply
      to JOHN McKEEN, Esq., Brunswick or
          ALEXANDER MOORHEAD, Portland.
     Jan 10.

                                                   PROBATE COURT
          Notice is hereby given, that the Probate Court heretofore holden at Jenk's Tavern
     in North Yarmouth on the second Tuesday of May, will hereafter be holden on the
     second Tuesday of September at ten o'clock, now kept by Alexander Gray, which
     is also to take the place of Court heretofore holden at Freeport on that day.
          Notice is also given that the Court heretofore holden at Bearce's Tavern in New
     Gloucester on the second Tuesday in July, will hereafter be holden at Charles
     Barrell's Tavern in Gray, on the said second Tuesday of July, at ten o'clock a, m.
                                                                                              BARRETT POTTER, Judge.
          Portland, April 19, 1837.

          The subscriber hereby  gives public notice to a concerned, that he has been duly
     appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of Ammi R.
     M. Cushman, late of New Gloucester, in the county of Cumberland, Esquire, deceased
     by giving bond as the law directs; he therefore requests all persons who are
     indebted to the said deceased's estate to make immediate payment; and those who
     have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to-
                                                                                                  ISAAC CUSHMAN
          New Gloucester, April 18, 1837.

          The subscriber hereby given  public notice to all concerned, that he has been
     duly appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of
     Abraham O. Gould, late of Portland in the County of Cumberland, ship master,
     deceased, by giving bond as the law directs, he therefore request all persons who are
     are indebted to the said deceased's' estate to make immediate payment; and those
     who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to
                                                                                 CHARLES DAVIDSON,
                                                                     JOHN D. KNMAN, his Attorney..
        Portland, April 18, 1837.
                                              ASSIGNEES'S NOTICE
          ELIZA B. SMALL, having assigned tot the subscriber all her property both
     real and personal, for the benefit of her creditors; agreeably to the provision of a
     law passed April 1, 1836-this is to request and notify all persons indebted her by
     note or account to make immediate payment to the subscriber. Said assignment
     bears date and twenty fourth day of March A. D. 1937, and notice to hereby given
     that three months are allowed to the creditors of said E. B. Small, to become
     parties to the assignment agreeably to the provisions of the law aforesaid.
                                                                                                   JOHN D. KNSMAN

     Portland, April 6, 1837.
          To the Honorable Justices of our Court of Common Pleas begun and holden at
     Portland, in and for the County of Cumberland, on the first Tuesday of March, A. D.
          ENENEZER FIELD and OTIS BAKER, both of Windham, in said County,
     yeomen, respectfully represent, that they are severally interested and seized in
     fee as tenants in  common with Aaron Hanscom and Uriah Hanscom, both of
     said Windham, yeoman, and other persons unknown in the following described
     piece or parcel of land, situated in said Windham, and being part of the
     Northeasternly half of the lot of land numbered forty five in the second Division
     of hundred  acre lots in said Windham and bounded as follows, to wit;
     Southwesterly by land owned by Elias Littlefield, being the Southwesterly half
     of the same lot;  Southeast by land owned by Lewis Libbey, and Gideon Libbey;
     Northeast by said Field's Land, being a part of the same lot, Northwest by the
     town road, leading from William Austin's, to Gray, containing forty two acres
     more or less, the said Field being seized as aforesaid, of six acres and eighty six
     square rods; and the said Baker being seized as aforesaid, of one sixth part, or
     seven acres and one seventh of an acre; and the said Field and Baker are desirous
     of possessing their undivided several parts of the premises in severalty.
     Wherefore,  the said Field and Baker, pray that their several shares may be set off
     to them to hold severalty according to the law n such cases made and provided.
                                                                                              EBENEZER FIELD,
                                                                                              OTIS BAKER,
                                                                                   by John Eveleth, their Attorney.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


                                                         INTENDED MARRIAGES
                                                   "Risk not through haste a life of love."
          Mr. Samuel F, Whittier and Mary Ann Rogers.
          Mr. Nicholas Sanders and Miss Catharine Cavery.
          Mr. John A. Mace, of Portland and Miss Nancy Gordon, of Readfield.
          Mr. William H. Puffer, of Boston, and Miss Sarah C. Swett.
          Mr. Joseph P. Dunn, of Portland, and Miss Mary Jane Curtis.
          Mr. Jeremiah G. Floyd and Miss Angeline Morrill.

                                                 "So learn ye whose vows are plighted,
                                                       That hearts are one when united."

          In this city, 8th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Merritt N. Cobb, to Miss Louisa
     L., daughter of the late Captain George Lewis, all of this city. [The printer was
     bountifully remembered, and in return can only say-
                                     "May all the hopes and joys they anticipate,
                                    Be blissfully realized in this marriage state,
                                    And peaceful comfort be their fate.
          In Woodstock, 2st inst., by Alden Chase, Esq., Mr. Herrick C. Davis, to Miss
     Lucy M. Felt, both of Woodstock.
          In Medford, Massachusetts, 7th inst., in the Episcopal Chapel by Rev. D. G.
     Haskins, its rector, Mr. George F. Fuller, to Mrs. Marianne only surviving
     daughter of Honorable William P. Preble, of this city.
          In Providence, Rhode Island, 4th inst., Mr. Clement Martin to Miss
     Rosannah Durgin, both of Brunswick, Me.
          In Biddeford, 6th inst., by Rufus Small, Esq., Mr. Jeremiah Small to Miss
     Susan Perry, both of Biddeford.

                                                       "This is the end of earth."

          In this city, 4th inst., Thomas Sheriden, aged 20 years. [Bangor and Boston
     paper please copy.]
          In Gorham, 4th inst., very suddenly James F., son of Ivory and B. H. Larrabee, aged
     3 years.
          In Sacramento City, California, October 21st., Samuel Drake, Me., age 26;
     Benjamin F. Atwood, Mass., aged 32.
          In Windham, 5th inst., Clarissa Ann, wife of Dr. C. G. Parsons, aged 43.
          In New York, 5th inst., at his residence, Uriah A. Pollard, Esq., aged 42, for many
     years a successful merchant at New Orleans, and only brother of Dr. A. W. Pollard,
     of this city.
          In Bath, Samuel S. Sloan, formerly of Boston, aged 78; Joseph Corliss aged 42.
          In West Bath, 1st inst., Mrs. Hannah Athearn, aged 84 years.
          In Westbrook, 11th inst., Sarah Josephine, eldest daughter of John and Sarah M.

                                                       BOY MISSING
          Left the house of Z. T. Thornton, Frost Street, Bath, without any known
     cause, on the 12th of November, George H. Partridge, son of the late H. N.
     Partridge, of Brunswick. He was 11 years old, light complexion, light hair and
     blue eyes, and had on when he left a blue broadcloth cap, grey Satinet jacket,
     black pants and plaid vest. Any one knowing where he may be found will
     confer a favor on his anxious mother by informing Thomas Eaton, Jr., Bath-
     or sending word to this office. [Editors will please note]





Sunday, January 12, 2014


                                                              MATTERS IN MAINE

          The nomination of Joseph Nye, of Waterville, for State Constable, has been
     unanimously confirmed by the Governor's Council.
          Thomas L. Reed, of Hollis, had all of his left hand but the thumb taken off by a
     circular saw, on Tuesday week.
          The Machias Union says that Captain Stillman Ray, at Millridge, killed eight
     geese on the 3rd inst.,-four at one shot.
          Andrew J. Tracy, at work in a mill in Steuben, had two of his fingers and a thumb
     sawed off one day last week, and the same day James Davis lost his two fingers.
          On Wednesday week the barn and L (el) belonging to Samuel R. Bailey of  East
     Pittston were totally destroyed by fire. About two tons of hay were in the barn at the
          Deacon Wentworth Dresser, of Brunswick, while passing from one room to another of
     his house, on Wednesday week, fell and instantly expired. He was about 70 years old.
          The trial of the Bowdoinham Bank robbers, at Bath, is assigned for Tuesday the
     23rd inst.
          Chief Justice Appleton thinks that cases that have been in court ten years have been
     long enough. The lawyers will hardly agree with him.
          Ephraim A. Watson, an industrious and respectable young man, in the upper part of
     Saco, had his right hand sawed off by a circular saw, on Monday week.
          At Fort McClary, Kittery Point, 120 men are employed in taking down the walls
     which have been building for two years past. They are to be rebuilt according to
     the notions of the new engineer.
          On the nomination of George Fuller to be Postmaster at Bangor was written, in
     the President's well known autograph, "Soldier's of good record, A. J." The
     nomination was immediately confirmed.
          Jacob C. Havener, of  Waldoboro', was killed on the night of the 9th inst., on board
     a schooner of West Quoddy, by being struck by the main boon. The body was taken
     into Eastport.
          Mr. Greenleaf Smith, who recently died in Gerrish, was for many years the Drummer
     for that region. When but a lad of nine years he was sent for from a distant community
     to drum at military parades, the messenger inquiring for "Mr. Smith, the Drummer."
         On the 7th of July Mr. Rice, of Monson, brother of Honorable J. H. Rice, was thrown
     from the top of two coffins, upon which he was seated in his wagon, and was so severely
     bruised and paralyzed that he has never been able to move himself since.
          A little son of J. Ward Howe, of Canton, aged four year, while coasting, fell into a
      well which the snow  had drifted, and was drowned.
          Six divorces have been decreed at the present term of the Supreme Court at
          The disappearance of Miss Maria L. Patterson, of Saco, on her way home from
     New York, has caused some excitement in Saco. At last accounts nothing had been
     heard from her.
          Mr. E. A. Barton, of Casco, writes us that on the 13th inst., after two hours chase
     he succeeded in shooting a nice wild goose that had strayed from the flock. That was
     "a wild goose chase,' not altogether fruitless.
          The Argus says that in Bath on Friday week, Frank Jordan fell into the river, when
     his employer, Colonel Hardy, immediately jumped in and rescued him. The Colonel
     was encumbered with a heavy overcoat and the wonder is that he was able to even
     save himself.
          The Biddeford of Journal say that more than two weeks ago, Miss Maria, youngest
    daughter of Captain Benjamin  Patterson, of Saco, last New York where she have been
     visiting among friends, to return to her home, since which time no traces of her
     whereabouts have been discovered. (As written in the paper.)
          The funeral of Honorable George Evans, at Gardiner, on Tuesday week, was
     attended by a large number of the State, including a delegation from the Cumberland
     Bar, and several citizens of Portland. The stores were closed, flags displayed half-
     mast, and many of the building draped with mourning.
          A destructive fire occurred at Freeport on Thursday week. It broke out in the
     cellar of the store of Oxnard & Soule, which was entirely consumed, together with
     the store occupied by Mr. McLean, shoe dealer, Miss Stetson, milliner, Mr. Dill,
     confectioner, and the offices of Mr. Clark, Dr. True and Honorable  S. A. Holbrook.
     Loss estimated at $20,000; insurance $11,000. Supposed to be the work of an
          The County Temperance Association will hold a convention on Wednesday of
     next week, 24th inst., afternoon and evening in  Rev. Mr. Adams church, South
     Falmouth. The campaign is favorably opened for the voting upon the amendment
     to the  Liquor Law, and a large and enthusiastic gathering is anticipated. The
     friend of the cause in the city are expected to attend in large numbers.


Friday, January 10, 2014


                                                            CITY ITEMS
                                                      Glances about Town              

          A Promenade and Dancing  Assembly, for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum,
     will be given at Mechanic's Hall on Friday evening of this week, music by
     Chandler's Band, here is the opportunity for a good time in a good cause and there
     will  undoubtedly be a large attendance.
          On Tuesday week Michael Cary, while at work with the sawing machinery at  
     the Grand Trunk depot, was caught by a shaft and whirled around ten minutes,
     his legs striking a plank at every revolution, the men at work with him not having
     the presence of mind to shut off the steam; both of his legs were so shockingly
     mangled that it was feared that he would have to suffer amputation of them.
          Mr. William Akerman, the well known railroad conductor, died in this city last
     week after a long and painful illness, his funeral on Sunday was attended by a large
     number of his friends who wished to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of
     a most estimable man.
          Burglars did so brisk a business about town last week, that our citizens begin to
     think it is time the police force was increased; a petition to that effect is at the
     Merchants Exchange, where all can sign it. Among the stores recently entered by
     burglars are those of Charles Day, Jr., & Company, and Green, Read & Small; the
     thieves didn't get much for their trouble.
          The Odd Fellows of this city will celebrate a National Thanksgiving of the
     Order, to commemorate its unbroken unity during the last war, at the Universalist
     Church, Congress Square, on the 26th inst.; Mr. Edward P. Nowell, of Portsmouth
     will deliver a poem on the occasion.
          On Wednesday night of last week a fire broke out in the carpet store of J. T.
     Killborn & Co., Free Street, which damaged their stock and building about $18000,
     covered by insurance; the fancy goods stock of Bowen & Merrill was about totally
     destroyed, valued at $11,000 and insured for $6,000.
          A sailor just returned from sea and who had an old grudge against Mr. C. P.
      Knapp, attempted to kill him one day last week; he approached Knapp with uplifted
      knife, and but for the interference of Officer Foster would have given him a fatal
          The Rev. Charles W. Hayes, Assistant Rector of St. Luke's Church, commenced his
     labors last Sunday; he is very earnest and effective speaker, and will no doubt be
     cordially received by the entire Parish.
          The homestead lot of the late Honorable Eliphalet Greely, on Pearl Street,
     containing about 11, 500 feet, was sold at auction last week for $5,300; Captain
     John Lovett was the purchaser, and he got a good bargain.
          The house of E. Ripley on Deer Street was entered on Sunday and robbed of
     two watches and money, in all to the value of $100.
          On Saturday evening Dr. Hunkins was thrown from his carriage on Middle
     Street, by its coming in contact with a post, and sustained severed injuries on both
     knees; the vehicle was badly smashed.
          Mr. O. H. Stone has resigned the charge of the Congress Street Grammar
     School, and will return to Massachusetts; his health has been very poor these last
     few months.
          E. M. Patten & Co., have got back into Exchange Street in the capacious store
      erected by John Neal; Mr. Patten is a veteran auctioneer, having been in the business
      for a quarter of a century.
          The employees of the Horse Railroad Company surprised ex-Superintendent
     Gerrish one evening last week, with the present of a handsome gold chain and seal,
      valued at about $60.
          Charles P. Kimball, Esq., has been elected President of the Mechanic's