Sunday, January 12, 2014


                                                              MATTERS IN MAINE

          The nomination of Joseph Nye, of Waterville, for State Constable, has been
     unanimously confirmed by the Governor's Council.
          Thomas L. Reed, of Hollis, had all of his left hand but the thumb taken off by a
     circular saw, on Tuesday week.
          The Machias Union says that Captain Stillman Ray, at Millridge, killed eight
     geese on the 3rd inst.,-four at one shot.
          Andrew J. Tracy, at work in a mill in Steuben, had two of his fingers and a thumb
     sawed off one day last week, and the same day James Davis lost his two fingers.
          On Wednesday week the barn and L (el) belonging to Samuel R. Bailey of  East
     Pittston were totally destroyed by fire. About two tons of hay were in the barn at the
          Deacon Wentworth Dresser, of Brunswick, while passing from one room to another of
     his house, on Wednesday week, fell and instantly expired. He was about 70 years old.
          The trial of the Bowdoinham Bank robbers, at Bath, is assigned for Tuesday the
     23rd inst.
          Chief Justice Appleton thinks that cases that have been in court ten years have been
     long enough. The lawyers will hardly agree with him.
          Ephraim A. Watson, an industrious and respectable young man, in the upper part of
     Saco, had his right hand sawed off by a circular saw, on Monday week.
          At Fort McClary, Kittery Point, 120 men are employed in taking down the walls
     which have been building for two years past. They are to be rebuilt according to
     the notions of the new engineer.
          On the nomination of George Fuller to be Postmaster at Bangor was written, in
     the President's well known autograph, "Soldier's of good record, A. J." The
     nomination was immediately confirmed.
          Jacob C. Havener, of  Waldoboro', was killed on the night of the 9th inst., on board
     a schooner of West Quoddy, by being struck by the main boon. The body was taken
     into Eastport.
          Mr. Greenleaf Smith, who recently died in Gerrish, was for many years the Drummer
     for that region. When but a lad of nine years he was sent for from a distant community
     to drum at military parades, the messenger inquiring for "Mr. Smith, the Drummer."
         On the 7th of July Mr. Rice, of Monson, brother of Honorable J. H. Rice, was thrown
     from the top of two coffins, upon which he was seated in his wagon, and was so severely
     bruised and paralyzed that he has never been able to move himself since.
          A little son of J. Ward Howe, of Canton, aged four year, while coasting, fell into a
      well which the snow  had drifted, and was drowned.
          Six divorces have been decreed at the present term of the Supreme Court at
          The disappearance of Miss Maria L. Patterson, of Saco, on her way home from
     New York, has caused some excitement in Saco. At last accounts nothing had been
     heard from her.
          Mr. E. A. Barton, of Casco, writes us that on the 13th inst., after two hours chase
     he succeeded in shooting a nice wild goose that had strayed from the flock. That was
     "a wild goose chase,' not altogether fruitless.
          The Argus says that in Bath on Friday week, Frank Jordan fell into the river, when
     his employer, Colonel Hardy, immediately jumped in and rescued him. The Colonel
     was encumbered with a heavy overcoat and the wonder is that he was able to even
     save himself.
          The Biddeford of Journal say that more than two weeks ago, Miss Maria, youngest
    daughter of Captain Benjamin  Patterson, of Saco, last New York where she have been
     visiting among friends, to return to her home, since which time no traces of her
     whereabouts have been discovered. (As written in the paper.)
          The funeral of Honorable George Evans, at Gardiner, on Tuesday week, was
     attended by a large number of the State, including a delegation from the Cumberland
     Bar, and several citizens of Portland. The stores were closed, flags displayed half-
     mast, and many of the building draped with mourning.
          A destructive fire occurred at Freeport on Thursday week. It broke out in the
     cellar of the store of Oxnard & Soule, which was entirely consumed, together with
     the store occupied by Mr. McLean, shoe dealer, Miss Stetson, milliner, Mr. Dill,
     confectioner, and the offices of Mr. Clark, Dr. True and Honorable  S. A. Holbrook.
     Loss estimated at $20,000; insurance $11,000. Supposed to be the work of an
          The County Temperance Association will hold a convention on Wednesday of
     next week, 24th inst., afternoon and evening in  Rev. Mr. Adams church, South
     Falmouth. The campaign is favorably opened for the voting upon the amendment
     to the  Liquor Law, and a large and enthusiastic gathering is anticipated. The
     friend of the cause in the city are expected to attend in large numbers.


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