Sunday, January 5, 2014

THE MACHIAS UNION, Machias, Maine, July 5, 1881

                                                     Administrator's Notice
           THE subscriber hereby gives public notice to all concerned, the he has been duly
     appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of
                                                    JAMES DONAHOE late of Trescott
     in the County of Washington, deceased by giving bond as the law directs; he therefore
     request's all persons who are indebted to the said deceased's estate make immediate
     payment; and those who have any demand thereon to exhibit the same settlement to
     him.                                                                               JOHN B. DONAHOE
          June 29, 1881.

          THE subscriber hereby give notice that Maggie S. Buzzel; of Columbia,
     Washington County, Maine, by her mortgage  deed dated June 19, 1880,
     conveyed to me the undersigned the following described real estate situate
     in Columbia aforesaid and bound as follow; Beginning at the North West corner
    of John Davis' lot on the town line, thence North the town road to land of Edmund
     W. Stevens; thence West to the land of Mrs. Sarah J. Grant; thence South to
     said town line; thence East to the point of beginning;-excepting and excluding
     from said lot, the house lot and building formerly occupied by J. Pillsbury Foster,
     being a lot of 16 1/2 rods from South to North, and six rods from East to West,
     containing 100 rods more or less; for particulars see Washington Registry book
     157, page 5. The condition of the foregoing conveyance been broken I claim to
     foreclose the same and cause this notice to be published for that purpose.
                                                                                  TEMPEL C. STEWART
     Harrington, June 20, 1881.

           NOTICE is hereby given that JOEL WORMELL  and ELMIRA WORMELL
     by their mortgage deed dated December 1st, 1868, both of  Cutler, Washington
     County, Maine, conveyed to the subscriber the following real estate located in
     Cutler; bounded as follows:-Beginning at a spruce tree at the Northeast corner of
     the land known as the Edmund Gadscombe lot, running East two degrees South
     to the shore of Little Machias Bay to a stone; thence North forty rods in a corner;
     thence West two degrees South thirty-seven rods to a corner; thence North forty
     rods to a large rock; thence West until it comes to land belonging to John
     Dickinson; thence South two degrees East  to the above mentioned place of the
     beginning reserving from the above described premises conveyed to Leonard
     Wormell twenty acres of land in the Southeast Corner of the afore described lot;
     for particular description of lot, also reserved lot see Book 121, page 140 of the
     Washington Registry . The conditions of said mortgage deed having been broken,
     to foreclose the same and give this notice for the purpose.
                                                                                   EUNICE C. THURLOW
                                                                            Adm'x estate of Charles T. Thurlow,
          Cutler, June 24,  1881.

                                                            FOR SALE

          The Farm in Perry, Me., formerly known as the Nutt Farm, containing 47
     acres more or less, about equally divided into Mowing, Tillage and Pasture
     land. The buildings consist of a house, carriage house, and an excellent barn.
          The farm is situated in the centre of the prosperous town of Perry and is near
     Schools, Churches, and Stores, and at the head of the tide water. The prospect
    from the house is very fine-the taxes are light, and the location very desirable. The
    town of Eastport, one of the best markets in Eastern Maine where the Boston and
     St. John Streams make daily landings in Summer, is less than six miles distant.
     For terms apply to J. Q. A. TUTTLE, Perry, or to F. M. Holmes, 45 Commercial
     Street, Boston.


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