Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                                               CITY ITEMS
                                                        Glances About Town

          When Dr. Torrington went to gather his late crop of strawberries he found that
     some appreciative individual had anticipated him and stolen them all.
          A large and fashionable party gathered in Park Street Church on Wednesday
     week, to witness the marriage of Mr. Anton W. McKim, of the Montreal Mall, and
     Miss Bessie True daughter of George W. True, Esq., of this city; after the wedding
     reception at the house of the bride's father, the happy couple left for the West, with
     the best wished of many friends.
          The Commissioner of Patents has decided that the "Globe" trade marks belongs
     to General C. P. Mattocks and not to John Winslow Jones, the latter having conveyed
     it to a company from which it passed into the hands of  Mattocks.
          Merry's pony, with saddle and bridle weighed 423 lbs., 5 oz; three persons Messrs.
     W. L. Woodman, J. Murphy and M. A. Holden guessed 423 lbs., 4 oz., and take the
      pony among them; it is valued at $100.00.
          The portrait of Honorable W. W. Thomas, by Kittell, exhibited at Stubb's art
     store, is much admired; the portrait of Mrs. Lawrence by Miss Skeele, is also
     highly praised.
          The merchants and truck men of Portland have presented Mr. Florence J. Driscoll,
     of the Maine Central Railroad, with an elegant gold watch and chain for his constant
     endeavors to please shippers of freight in this city.
          On Thursday week a man named William Sally was arrested for grabbing the watch
     of William Shiel, a man 90 years old.
          Many friends on Thursday week, at St. Luke's Cathedral, attended the wedding of
     Mr. Charles D. Merrill, of the firm of Charles McLaughlin & Co., and Miss
     Elizabeth Deblois, daughter of President Jackson of the Maine Central Railroad.
          N.D. Winslow has resigned the captaincy of the Portland Cadets.
          Messrs. J. & W. Lucas are erecting a large wooden building at the foot of Preble
     Street for the purpose of manufacturing carbonized stone ware and pipe from
     Richardson's patent.
          Late Friday evening the office of Deering, Richardson & Co., lumber dealers,
    Commercial Street, was damaged by what appeared to be an incendiary fire.
          Dr. T. Fillebrown has been elected the chairman of the Executive Committee of
     the New England Dental Society.
          Harry Brown will open his studio in Motley's Block, over Owen & Moore's, some
     time  this week.
          On Wednesday evening of this week Stuart Rogers, under the auspices of the Y. M.
     C. Association, appears at City Hall, in his Monologue Entertainment; he comes with
     high recommendations as an entertaining reciter and impersonator.
          Last Saturday the authorities of the Fire Department tested at Peak's Island the new
     Johnson pump placed on the fire boat Mary W. Libby; it worked admirably, and Chief
     Cloyes says the boat will throw two streams at a wharf fire and do excellent work.
          Brig Carrie Bertha of this port, Captain Hall, from Turk's Island, for Phildelphia,
     has not been heard from since sailing September 6th, and it is feared she has been
     lost; the Captain's wife and child were on board, and she had a crew of five men.
          Mr. L. A. Goudy, the baker, gave his employees a clambake  last week and they
     returned the compliment by presenting him with a gold watch, chain and seal.
          Mrs. William Duncan who died lately on Lafayette Street, was one of the eleven
     members who formed the St. Lawrence Street Church, and was a native of Scotland,
     she was a noble Christian woman.
          Dr. T. Haywood Hays who has been attached to the Marine Hospital for some time,
     resigned and will enter the Baltimore Medical College; his friends in Deering
     presented him with an elegant photograph album the other night.
          The Argus tells that D. C. Colesworthy, of Boston, found among his paper,
     the "Mulligan Letters,"which had not been published. He was offered a big price for
      for it by a representative of one of the daily papers, but refused; Mr. Blaine's
      private secretary soon appeared and the letter is not  now (?) for sale. Mr. Colesworthy
      is a Republican.
          John A. Waterman, Jr., Bowdoin Class of '85, son of Judge Waterman of Gorham,
      has received the appointment of instructor in political economy and Latin in the
      Portland High School. 
          The master of the brig Carrie Bertha, reported over due is Captain Alvin B. Hall,
     of Deering; the second mate, Charles H. Prince, of Deering, is a nephew of the senior
     Captain Hall;  a son of Captain John Armstrong of this city is one of the seaman;
     Captain H. Prince, of Deering, is says he has not yet given up the brig as lost, and
      and shall not for two or three weeks to come; she is owned by Captain Alvin Hall
     and others of Yarmouth and Portland.
          In United States District Court before Judge Colt and Webb, the trial of Sergeant
     Kelley for shooting young Smith at Fort Popham has been going on during the past
     week; Kelley claims that the shooting was accidental.
          Rev. Marion Crosby has accepted the call of the Church of the Messiah, and will
    enter at once on the discharge of his pastoral duties.
          The People's Party State Convention in City Hall, Tuesday, was attended by 200 
     or 250 adherents of Butler and West, representing 13 counties; the resolution were a
     reiteration of those usually passed at Greenback conventions; the organization was
     made permanent, and the following chosen Presidential electors; Edwin Goodwin,
     South Berwick, Washington Gilbert, Bath; Howard F. Mason, Belfast; Levi B.
     Patten; at   large. Benjamin F. Green, Auburn, Fred A. Alden, Union;  a mass
     meeting was held in the evening.
          The case of Sergeant Kelly (Kelley)  was given to the jury Tuesday afternoon at
     3:30 and at 10 o'clock the foremen announced that they could not agree, and they
     were discharged; it is said the jury  stood six for acquittal and six for conviction; the
     case is to be tried again in December.
        At a special meeting of the School Board, Tuesday afternoon, Mr. E. F. Holden
     was chosen as teacher of the natural science in the High School in place of Mr.
     Morrill resigned; it was voted to allow teachers to attend the annual meeting
     October 17th, of the Maine  Pedagogical Society and that the subject of Introduction
     of Industrial drawing in the High  School be referred to the committee on that
     school with power.
          Mr. D. H. Chandler's "many friends," have presented the veteran musician with an
     elegant gold plated B flat cornet; a testimonial well deserved.



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