Friday, January 3, 2014

THE MACHIAS UNION, Machias, Maine July 5, 1881

                                                           BAR HARBOR

         " Visitors are looking up." Mrs. R. B. Scott of Baltimore, Maryland is building a
     cottage among the trees on School House Road. Asa Hodgkin is master builder.
     The cottage will show a front of 136 feet; two stories and finely finished outside and
     inside at a cost of about $13,000.  The site is one of the finest yet selected, overlooking
     the entire town and a vast country of water and land adjacent.
     Mr. Scott paid $5,000 for three acres of the hill.
          Mr. C. B. Pineo, formerly a teacher in Washington County, carries on the harness
     making and saddler business. He is also interested in real estate.
          Des Sile and Brewer are trading in groceries, small hardware, dry goods, etc; have
     have a central location and a full stock. M. I. B. Des Sile the senior partner is an
     active business man, owning quite largely in real estate.
          Mr. E. Des Sile, who has been postmaster for many years, is a brother of the first
     mentioned. He owns the "Hotel Des Sile" and cottages that rents he to summer visitors.
     The brothers are natives of Lamoine, formerly Trenton; are esteemed as honorable
     business men.
     The Rodick Brothers are probably the largest real estate owners in town.  They are
     rated at $300,000.
           Sometime about  1790 Rodick Senior settled on what is known as Rodick's Island.
     The Senior or the first settler died. He was succeeded by his son, who lived on the
     island until recently He died a few months since leaving the property and business
     to his sons, Rodick  Brother's, the present active real estate and hotel owners. It is
     said that the brothers have refused $50,000 for the island on which they were born.
          The Sears cottage is probably one of the most expensively finished inside the city.
     It will shortly be ready to occupy.
          The Press Association from Massachusetts were here two days recently. Mr. E. H.
     Elwell of the Portland Transcript, Mr. George W. Drisko of the Machias Union and
     Mr. Joseph Wood, Secretary of the Maine Press Association, were here at the same
     time. The newspaper men and women, too, appear to be a jolly set of boys!
          They were all astonished at the "size of Bar Harbor" and expressed themselves
     pleased with the mountain and the shore.
           The "possibilities" of Bar Harbor are yet debated. The city of 1890 will no doubt
     eclipse any other watering place in  America.
         The logs are not quite "all in." The McReavey drive or a part of it got nipped on
     Holmes Falls, but will float on the first rise of water. The upper drive of 1,200,000
     on Mopang is hung up; this includes John Ahern and J. R. Sullivan cut of 600 M.
     (M is a Roman Numeral for 1 thousand)
          Both gangs are operating cutting about 30 M daily for C. Sullivan and Sullivan
      and Ames. No single saws are at work.
          Robert and William McReavy have charge of one mill and John R. Geary and Edwin
     Miller have charge of the other mill.
          Mr. Burrage D. Bridgham recently sold his house here to Mr. Collin Smith at Machias,
     and has removed his family to Minneapolis, Minn. He was a good citizen. It will be
     remembered  that he removed to Jonesboro' last fall and was burned out.

          Mr. Stevens is doing quite a lively business since he opened his new store. In one
     day recently  sold eight new cheese; the cheese were fresh from the East Steam
     Factory. The company have the milk of about 23 cows and are doing quite a business.


          Messrs. L. A. Emery and A. P. Wiswell have been attending Law Court
     at Bangor.
          One of the most successful stores in Ellsworth is the millinery and dress goods
     establishment of Mrs. Ann F. Greeley. Mrs. Greeley is an earnest advocate of
     Woman's Rights and shows by example that woman is capable of maintaining them.
          C. C. Burrill, Insurance Agent will be located at Bar Harbor this season.
          Rev. T. F. White, Baptist minister, one of the most efficient and popular preachers
     in Ellsworth, is a native of Columbia, Washington County.
          Mr. Wyman, son of L. B. Wyman, Esq., of this city is one of the Class of '81,
     Maine State College of Orono.



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