Friday, January 17, 2014

THE PORTLAND ADVERTISE and Gazette of Maine, May 9, 1837

                                                           RUN AWAY
          From the subscriber on or about the tenth  inst., Eliza Storry, aged about
     14 years; said girl was placed in my care by the town of Lisbon, to be supported,
     and instructed by me, until 18 years of age; as she has left me without any cause
     of provocation, all person are hereby cautioned not to harbor or trust her on my
     harbor or trust her on my account, as I shall not pay any expense.
                                                                                            THOMAS SKELTON.
     Bowdoinham, April 17, 1837.

                                                   FOR SALE OR TO LET
           The old Tavern Stand formerly occupied by alexander Moorhead, situated
      near Bowdoin college, in Brunswick;- possession given immediately. Apply
      to JOHN McKEEN, Esq., Brunswick or
          ALEXANDER MOORHEAD, Portland.
     Jan 10.

                                                   PROBATE COURT
          Notice is hereby given, that the Probate Court heretofore holden at Jenk's Tavern
     in North Yarmouth on the second Tuesday of May, will hereafter be holden on the
     second Tuesday of September at ten o'clock, now kept by Alexander Gray, which
     is also to take the place of Court heretofore holden at Freeport on that day.
          Notice is also given that the Court heretofore holden at Bearce's Tavern in New
     Gloucester on the second Tuesday in July, will hereafter be holden at Charles
     Barrell's Tavern in Gray, on the said second Tuesday of July, at ten o'clock a, m.
                                                                                              BARRETT POTTER, Judge.
          Portland, April 19, 1837.

          The subscriber hereby  gives public notice to a concerned, that he has been duly
     appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of Ammi R.
     M. Cushman, late of New Gloucester, in the county of Cumberland, Esquire, deceased
     by giving bond as the law directs; he therefore requests all persons who are
     indebted to the said deceased's estate to make immediate payment; and those who
     have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to-
                                                                                                  ISAAC CUSHMAN
          New Gloucester, April 18, 1837.

          The subscriber hereby given  public notice to all concerned, that he has been
     duly appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of
     Abraham O. Gould, late of Portland in the County of Cumberland, ship master,
     deceased, by giving bond as the law directs, he therefore request all persons who are
     are indebted to the said deceased's' estate to make immediate payment; and those
     who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to
                                                                                 CHARLES DAVIDSON,
                                                                     JOHN D. KNMAN, his Attorney..
        Portland, April 18, 1837.
                                              ASSIGNEES'S NOTICE
          ELIZA B. SMALL, having assigned tot the subscriber all her property both
     real and personal, for the benefit of her creditors; agreeably to the provision of a
     law passed April 1, 1836-this is to request and notify all persons indebted her by
     note or account to make immediate payment to the subscriber. Said assignment
     bears date and twenty fourth day of March A. D. 1937, and notice to hereby given
     that three months are allowed to the creditors of said E. B. Small, to become
     parties to the assignment agreeably to the provisions of the law aforesaid.
                                                                                                   JOHN D. KNSMAN

     Portland, April 6, 1837.
          To the Honorable Justices of our Court of Common Pleas begun and holden at
     Portland, in and for the County of Cumberland, on the first Tuesday of March, A. D.
          ENENEZER FIELD and OTIS BAKER, both of Windham, in said County,
     yeomen, respectfully represent, that they are severally interested and seized in
     fee as tenants in  common with Aaron Hanscom and Uriah Hanscom, both of
     said Windham, yeoman, and other persons unknown in the following described
     piece or parcel of land, situated in said Windham, and being part of the
     Northeasternly half of the lot of land numbered forty five in the second Division
     of hundred  acre lots in said Windham and bounded as follows, to wit;
     Southwesterly by land owned by Elias Littlefield, being the Southwesterly half
     of the same lot;  Southeast by land owned by Lewis Libbey, and Gideon Libbey;
     Northeast by said Field's Land, being a part of the same lot, Northwest by the
     town road, leading from William Austin's, to Gray, containing forty two acres
     more or less, the said Field being seized as aforesaid, of six acres and eighty six
     square rods; and the said Baker being seized as aforesaid, of one sixth part, or
     seven acres and one seventh of an acre; and the said Field and Baker are desirous
     of possessing their undivided several parts of the premises in severalty.
     Wherefore,  the said Field and Baker, pray that their several shares may be set off
     to them to hold severalty according to the law n such cases made and provided.
                                                                                              EBENEZER FIELD,
                                                                                              OTIS BAKER,
                                                                                   by John Eveleth, their Attorney.


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