Wednesday, April 1, 2015


          Reverend E. E. Bacon, of the Saccarapppa Congregational Church, held a
     out-of-door service at Higgin's Beach Sunday. The services will be held every
     Sunday at 2 p.m. during Mr. Bacon's vacation and will consist chiefly of his
     reading extracts from the sermons of the Rev. Phillips Brooks, of Boston.
          Professor Campbell is to remove this week from Brunswick to Hanover, N. H.
          The fall term of Bridgton Academy will begin August 28th, under the continued
     and able charge of Mr. J. F. Moody, assisted by a  competent board of teachers.
          General Chamberlain has added a cupola to his seaside house at Middle Bays,
     from which Portland and nearly all the islands in Casco Bay are plainly visible,
     without aid of a glass.
          Wool is selling in Farmington at 33 cents, and the sellers  are  much dissatisfied
      with the price but the larger market will not warrant a rise.

          The rooms of Mrs. E. Samuels of Philadelphia, a guest at Lyman's Hotel, Bar
     Harbor was robbed Saturday, in the absence of the occupant, of a gold watch,
     diamond ring,  pearl ring and diamond pin.
       A large whale estimated to be worth $700.00 was picked up near Schoodic Point,
     by Captain Hardy and two other men in a small fishing vessel.
          William Stratton, for 36 years clerk of Kennnebec courts, died Monday
     afternoon in Augusta, aged 70 years.
          John Swanback who shot John Hanson recently at Chapman Plantation,
     in an alteration about a line fence, formerly lived in Chelsea, and worked in
     Stickney & Page's oil cloth factory, and was well known there as a quiet,
     inoffensive person. Swanback, who is a native of Germany, served during
     the late war in the volunteer militia of Maine.
          Mrs. Olive Taylor, is the oldest person in Pittsfield, died recently at the great
     age of 93 years, 9 months and 20 days. Her husband David was one of the early
     settlers of Pittsfield, and served creditably in the War of 1812.
          The subscribers to the shoe factory have organized under the name of Gardiner
     Shoe Factory Company, with the following officers: President, John T. Richards;
     secretary and treasurer, J. S. Moxey; directors J. Richards. David Dennis, S.
     Bowman. The plans and specifications, which have been received are for a
     50 building 50 by 150 feet, three stories high, or two stories on Summer Street.
     It is reported that Mr. Zachary T. Furbush, of Augusta, has sold his patent for
     a screwdriver for $25,000.
          The Hallowell Cotton Manufacture Co., contemplate making a change in their
      system of lighting  by substituting for the gas jets an improved safety lamp  which 
     uses a high grade of refined oil.
         Frank A. Hodges,a laborer, aged 29 committed suicide in Hallowell, Saturday,
      by hanging.


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