Wednesday, April 29, 2015
John Mathews, of Warren, fell into the hold of the ship J. B. Thomas at
Thomaston last Friday, and died the next day.
Albert S. Eells, on of the original settlers of Rockport, died last Sunday. He
was for many years engaged in ship building.
Professor A. R. Dunton, of Camden, is preparing for the press a book setting
forth his reasons for still believing that Nathan F. Hart is innocent of the murder
of Mrs. Merservey, for which he is suffering a life sentence in the State prison.
He has been studying the matter for three and one-half years, and is more than
ever convinced that a cruel wrong has been done to an innocent man.
The Knox Bar Association is taking action upon the charges preferred against
W. C. Perrigo, formerly of Rockland, who is accused of adultery, forgery, and an
attempt at blackmail. A committee is investigating the matter.
Captain Roscoe Babbidge of North Island, took 800 barrels of mackerel in
two weeks.
The Rockland Courier relate a case that might have easily developed into
another Willie Cain case. Johnnie Davis, aged 10 and Willie Gray, aged 5 went
sailing one forenoon, and were driven by a strong wind on the rocks of the shore
west of Easter's Cove. A severe storm raged all night and the boys did not come
home. The next forenoon the older boy arrived home and told several conflicting
stories about his little companion, and there were suspicions that he had made way
with him. But toward night the little fellow was found in a field, apparently lifeless,
lying with face downward. He was carried to a house, and after a long time
restored to consciousness. For 24 hours this 5 year old boy had been exposed in
a open field, clad only in a thin pair of pants and a light waist coat, exposed to the
pitiless rain and the stinging cold. A tough constitution alone saved his life. He
was soon playing around the streets as well as ever. The case affords a curious
parallel to the Rockport tragedy, as the Courier states it. If Willie had not been
resuscitated, the circumstantial evidence against Johnnie would have been very
strong against because of his conflicting stories to account for come home without
the little boy who had accompanied him.
The Cobb Lime Company, have loaded sixteen vessels for various ports during
the week, as specified in our marine column, with a total of 14,000 casks. In
addition they shipped 1,300 casks over the K. & L. for sundry points. The shipments
by rail have largely increased, the total being 325 cars for last year, while up to the
present time this year 400 cars have been shipped. There is good demand the New
York market continuing stead at $1.10 and $1.25. Rockland Courier.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
F.A.Smith, Portland, was elected President for 1882; C. S.Pearl, Bangor, and
H. F. Thurston, Rockland, Recording Secretaries; H. H. Burgers, Portland
Corresponding Secretary; A. F. Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. On Friday addresses
were delivered by Dr. Carlton Kimball and H. P. Winter, of Portland, Rev. G. W.
Field and Rev. George B. Ilsley, of Bangor; Rev. W. W. Watkins of New York,
and S. M. Sayford, State Secretary of Massachusetts. On Saturday, Mr. Burgess of
Portland suggested that means should be raised to carry on the State work. Mr. C.
M. Bailey of Winthrop, pledged on his part a continuance of the State canvass, and
said he would be one of five to raise $1,000 for the expenses of the coming year. The
various association represented pledged 500. Sunday morning meetings were held in
various churches, and gospel temperance meetings were held in the afternoon and
Charles Grant, of Hampden, aged 25 was drowned on the 21st, while getting
driftwood in the river.
The Mount Mica Tin and Mica Company of Bangor, has organized for the
purpose of carrying on mining in Paris, Oxford County; officers, A. C. Hamlin,
Bangor, President; J. S. Jenness, Bangor, Secretary.
Rev. D. A. Morehouse was installed pastor of the Foxcroft and Dover
Congregational on the 18th. Sermon by Rev. Dr. G. Field of Bangor; charge
to the church by Rev. C. L. Nichols of Brownville; hand of fellowship, Rev. J. D.
Hawes of Monson; charge to pastor, Rv. C. Davidson of Greenville.
The Southard Manufacturing Co., Richmond, have completed their mill and
are putting in the machinery, expecting to have it running by December 1st. The
mill will turn out one million seamless bags per year. Honorable T. J. Southard,
president of the company, is laying the foundation for a large brick building which
is to contain a public hall, with all the modern conveniences.
One of the Baileys of the Winthrop Oil Cloth Works, made a proposition to
the citizens of Bath that if they would take $30,000 of stock for an oil cloth factory
to be established at the Patten Car Works at Bath, he would take the balance of stock
necessary. Capitalists have subscribed the $30,000, and the business will be
established there.
Hay bring $14 to 15 at Belfast, and it is coming to market freely.
A large bear was killed in Searsmont not long ago, and three other bears have
been in the town recently.
Carrie Hayes, of Forest City, 17 years old, weights 292 lbs.
Edward B. Curtis is appointed postmaster at Machias.
Joseph S. Barnard, a well-to-do farmer of Buxton, died last Saturday, aged 57.
There has been a series of bold burglaries committed of late at Biddeford, Saco
and Kennebunk. The housebreaker are evidently new at the business, and do not
make very large hauls. Two fellows giving the name of Henry Wittingham and
William Gilbert were arrested at Portsmouth, N. H., and one at Wells, all supposed
to be concerned in the burglaries.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Reverend Edward Chase of Biddeford, has bought the Thompson shipyard at
Kennebunkport. Possibly the premises may be used for other than shipbuilding
purposes. There was launched at Clark's yard on Monday, ship Reuce, 1,924 tons,
to be commanded by Captain Benjamin Adams of Bowdoinham. She is chartered
to load in New York for San Francisco at $8.50 per ton.
John Bennett, of Boothbay, mate of a Maine vessel, died in Boston and was brought
home for interment. When the coffin was opened in church a number of blotches were
noticed on the face of the corpse, but no one knew the cause. Since then two brothers
of the deceased have been taken ill with the small pox, and it is feared that the contagion
may be quite largely know between Boston and Boothbay, especially at the latter place
where the coffin was opened.
It is believed a nol pros. will be entered in the case of Benjamin Crossman, who beat
his wife almost to death in a dory near Barter's island, while under the influence of liquor.
Two roughs calling themselves Diamond Dick and Big Sam, caused a sensation at
Fryeburg on the last day of the fair by assaults upon their own counsel, and then upon
the lawyer of their opponent in a case brought against Big Sam for assault upon a
young girl at Bridgton. The Bridgton News says D. W. Proctor, Esq., pluckily went
alone into the room, cowed them down, while both were threatening him, and
collected of Diamond Dick $250 in settlement of the affair.
Mrs. William Foster, of Norway, Me., committed suicide on the 19th by hanging.
The floor of the old mill at Millford gave way on Monday, letting two person into
the pit below. A boy named Litchfield, deaf and dumb, had five ribs broken.
Yesterday morning ex-Senator Hamlin, whose appointment as Minister
Plenipotentiary to Spain has been referred to in our out columns, was standing in a store
in Pickering Square when a farmer drove up with a load of oats. Mr. Hamlin purchased
them and was telling where to take them, when the farmer, not knowing that his
customer was ex-Vice President of the United States, interrupted him by saying curtly;
"Git out and ride up with me yourself." "But you have no seat in your wagon; replied
the ex-Senator. "Never you mind your clo'es-set on that bag of oats." was the
business-like replay' so the ex-Senator clambered up and sat down on the dusty load,
and the cart rolled away, while the farmer wondered at the quaint look that crept into
the face of his companion, as he gave a nod of recognition to the well-pleased
lookers-on. Bangor Whig.
The State Convention of Y. M. C. A. began its sessions at Bangor last Friday,
and the meetings were well attended.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Frank Millons was severely injured in the Cumberland Mills, Saturday by
being caught on a shaft in shifting a belt.
Mr. Samuel Packard, of Bath, aged 28 was instantly killed on Monday at West
Falmouth, by attempting to jump from a car, and falling under the wheels. The
deceased was a son of Benjamin F. Packard of the firm of Goss, Sawyer & Packard.
He leaves a wife and one child.
Stephen Brown, an aged and respected citizen of Gorham, was found dead in
his bed on the 20th. A case of heart disease probably.
William H. Libby is appointed Postmaster at Standish.
Frederick A. Gower, the successful inventor for several years in Europe, connected
with a telephone company, has been visiting his childhood home at Farmington.
He is the son of the late Rev. Harrison Gower, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church
in that place.
The American says that the Avery House where the British made occasional
head quarters when they held Castine, is still in good repair. There is an apple tree
in front under which the "Red Coats" drank their grog and played dice. The tree is
probably the largest apple tree in the country. Its diameter, one foot from the ground
is three feet. Though more than one hundred years have rolled away since its tiny
leaf burst from mother earth, it still continues to bear fruit.
Mr. A. F.Waldron, travelling salesman for the Rines Brothers, of this city, while
from Waterville to Fairfield, was thrown from the carriage and badly bruised.
William Hunter, of Winslow, in crossing the track at Benton was struck by a
gravel train and thrown down a steep embankment, receiving injuries that may
prove fatal.
Benjamin Rackliff of Vassalboro, recently placed in the Insane Hospital, committed
suicide on Sunday with a piece of glass obtained by breaking the mirror.
Hall C. Burleigh has returned to Vassalboro from his Western trip. He exhibited
his herds of Hereford and Polled Angus cattle at their State Fairs, taking the herd
prize in each instance. In all, he won 13 first and 18 seconds prizes, and sold 11
animals at high prices. He brings to Maine some fine Hambletonian fillies from
Mr .Pope of Manchester is said to have been offered $4,000 for his apples on
the tree.
Rev. W. F. Ober was installed pastor of the Congregational Church in
Winthrop, 19th.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Enquirer Association last week, Solon
Chase was deposed from the editorship, because of his persistent opposition to
fusion. The paper is to be removed to Lewiston, and to be edited by S. A. Berry, of
Deering. In his valedictory address to the directors of the company, Solon says; "A
communication in this paper from James Nash, the lawyer on the board of directors
indicates that 'honorable fusion is desired.' Honorable fusion to my minds is a
misapplication of terms. There can be no 'honorable fusion' any more than there can
be honorable treason. Fusion has driven me from the Enquirer but not from my work
and duty. When honest Greenbackers stop and think, they see that the struggle of the
Enquirer has been to prevent the Greenback party from being wiped out. The bed
rock principle that gave birth to the Greenback party, that men shall not get rich by
swapping dollars, will never die, and will be engrafted in the organic law of the
land even if we have to wait until better men are born * * * I have learned one
lesson, that is, never to contract to make thunder for subscriber with another man's
machine. SOLON CHASE"
During the past week the case of Bates College against the Bates estate has been
on trial at Cambridge, Mass. The college claims $122,000 on account of subscription
of the late Benjamin Bates, principal and interest and the executors decline payment
on the ground that the college did not raise $100,000 as per condition made by Mr.
Bates. The college shows that the money was raised, and that the note, to which
objection is made, have all been paid.
At Dresser's Rips, Lewiston, Mr. Farrell has a crew of men digging a wheel-
pit for a new mill.
Mr. A. P. Bennett, of Linneus, is one of the first class farmers of Aroostook
County and of Maine. He has a farm of 600 acres and his stock consist of 60 head
of cattle, thirty cows. He cut 100 tons of hay, and has a barn 119 x 13 feet, with a
split granite basement. His butter, about 600 pounds per months, is sold in
Massachusetts, for 32 cents per pound.-Aroostook Times.
Cummings & Burns, of Fort Fairfield expect so send away 2,000 sheep this
year. The Maple Grove Factory made 28,798 lbs. of cheese during the three months
it was in operation.
The Pioneer says that Augustus Sponhotz of Houlton, has four children-two
boys and two girls. Louise, the eldest daughter of eleven summers, whose health
is quite delicate, was found by her mother one day last week, in a unconscious
condition with her eyes closed. She soon began to sing a sweet melody learned at
Sabbath School. At its close she said to her mother in an animated tone, "Gretie
has not got the diphtheria; it is canker. The medicine you gave her was too hot.
Put dry sulphur on her tongue and cover it with camphorated lard." The application
was made with satisfactory results. Consciousnesss soon after returned, and on
opening here eyes, she exclaimed, "Oh, mother! I had such a curious dream. I saw
way down Gertie's throat."
Friday, April 17, 2015
New York, October 18th, Charles Van Penthuyen, of Albany, New York.
Springvale, Me., September 25, 1882, Marshall Poindexter, aged 53 years.
Lewiston, October 19th, Mrs. Mary Ellen, wife of Mr. T. B. Norris and
daughter of the late Mr. Ebenezer Cobb, of Leeds, aged 44 years, 8 months
and 8 days.
Parkham, October 14th, Mr. Winston Harrington, aged 50 years.
Madison, October 3rd., infant son of Mr. T. M. and Mrs. R. M. Bennett,
1 month, 2 days.
Hampden, October 10th, Mr. William E. McAuliffe, aged 22 years, 8
Lewiston, October 10th, Lydia A., youngest child of Mr. Henry S. and Mrs.
Jennie E. Richardson, aged 7 months, 12 days.
South Auburn, October 18th, Mrs. Anna, widow of Mr. Hanson Bragdon,
aged 76 years, 6 months.
Danville Junction, October 12th, Mr. Otis C. Cobb, aged 60 years, 4 months,
24 days.
Monmouth, October 10th, Mrs. Martha J. Waterhouse, wife of Moses
Waterhouse, aged 65 years.
Hampden, October 11th, Mr. David V. Fogg, aged 58 years, 8 months, 16
days. A soldier in the late war.
Wales, Androscoggin, October 18th, Miss Betsey Hamilton, aged 8 years,
9 months.
South Bridgton, October 13th, Mr. James O. Pierce, of consumption, aged
31 years, 9 months.
Kittery, October 15th, Mr. Theodore Keen, aged 69 years, 8 months.
Bangor, October 18th, Mrs. Laura H. Keliher, aged 41 years.
Turner's Island, Cape Elizabeth, October 23rd, Frank E., youngest son of
Frank G. and Martha E. Quincy, aged 5 months.
Freeport, October 17th, Annie M., wife of James D. Rogers, aged 32 years,
? months, 14 days.
Skowhegan, September 23rd, Orvilla Crowell, wife of the late David Crowell,
aged 65 years, 8 months.
Castine, October 14th, Lucy, wife of Frederick Ho?ker.
Chelsea, Mass., October 20th, Mary C. F., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Libby, aged 25 years.
Liberty, Waldo County, October 7th. Achsa L. wife of George Garney of
Taunton, Mass.,and daughter of the late Hiram Batchelder of Montville.
If, as has been said, "Death loves a shining mark," it is the most surely
exemplified in the death recorded above. Possessed of a happy and loving
disposition, making friends wherever known, being well educated and having
the advantaged of the culture which knowledge give, she was well qualified to
act her part in life in such a manner to prove a blessing not only to her immediate
family, but to the community where she resided. He who noteth (sic) the sparrow's
fall, has ordered it otherwise, and she is called away from earth, her sun having
gone down while it was yet day, her life work done, her labors ended. Yet will
we be comforted in the hope that in the beautiful land beyond to which we are
all hastening, we shall meet again never more to part.
"To calm repose the kind death angel won her,
Touching the eyes that nevermore shall weep;
And lo the sweetest of all slumber fell upon her,
For so he giveth his beloved sleep." H. M. H.
(Taunton, Mass., papers please copy.)
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
In this city, October 23rd, Mrs. Mary, widow of Charles Brackett, aged 71
years, 2 months.
In this city, 19th inst., Louise A., wife of Joseph Bryant, aged 32 years. (Nova
Scotia papers please copy.)
In this city, 18th inst., William J., son of William and Elizabeth McCormack,
aged 7 weeks.
In this city, Sophronia Porter, widow of the late William K. Porter, aged 79
In this city, October 19th, George William, infant son of William H. and
Emma McDonald, aged 6 months.
In this city, October 16th, William I., son of Mr. William and Elizabeth
Elizabeth McCormick, aged 7 weeks, 2 days. (As above.)
In this city, Adrian A. Atwood, aged 40 years.
In this city, October 22nd. Mrs. Mary widow of the late Charles Rackleff,
aged 71 years, 2 months.
Ferry Village, 18th isn't., Mrs. Sarah M., wife of Charles A. Harmon, aged 26
years, 1 month, 22 days.
Hollis, 1st inst., Mrs. Catherine A., widow of Brice B. Lane, aged 77 years.
Boothbay, 18th inst., Mr. Timothy Hodgdon, aged 83 years.
Auburn, 18th inst., Mrs. Elvira A., wife of A. B. Henry, aged 54 years.
New Sharon, 20th ult., Mr. Noah H. Harris, formerly of Portland, aged
Cumberland, aged 79 years.
Auburn, 11th inst., Mr. Amory Leach, formerly of Portland, aged 86 years.
Loudon, New Hampshire, 12th inst., Mr. John Casey Ordway, aged 72 years,
5 months. (Mass. and N. H. papers please copy.)
Lancaster, 15th ult., Myra E. Cushing, aged 19 years, 3 months-eldest daughter
of the late William M. and Melvina A. Cushing of Lancaster, formerly of Portland.
Buxton, October 22nd., Joseph S. Barnard, aged 57 years. (Biddeford
and Saco papers please copy.)
Rockport, October 23rd, Albert S. Eells, Esq., aged 72 years.
Bath, October 21st.,Mrs. Isabella M., wife of Captain James Keen, aged
82 years.
Brunswick, October 13th, Mrs. Mary A. Jacques, aged 41 years.
Sebago, September 29, Carlotte H. , wife of Daniel D. Martin, aged 68
years, 1 month.
Augusts, October 18th, Mrs. Flora Dudley, aged 25 years, 9 months.
Chelsea, October 19th, Miss Mary C. T. Libby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Libby, formerly of Portland, aged 25 years.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Monmouth, October 15th, to the wife of John H. Hinkley, a daughter.
Starks, October 14th, to the wife of William Locke, a daughter.
Clinton, October 12th, to the wife of Asher Roundy a son.
Rockland, October 19th, to the wife of A. L. Richardson, a son.
Brighton, October 15th, to the wife of William C. Bridgham, a son.
In this city, by Rev. A. Dalton, Harry E. Silver of Haverhill, Mass., and
Mary E. Coolbroth of Portland.
In this city, October 22nd., I. L. Elder, Esq., William B. Grant and Gussy
Clarry, both of Portland
In this city, October 12th, by Rev. Seward, Flavel B. Waldron and May
In this city, October 20th, by Rev. D. W. LeLacheur, George Palmer and
Annie F. Leighton, both of Portland.
In this city, October 19th, by Rev. A. Wright, Frank H. Cross and Sadie A.
Hunt, both of Gray.
In the city, October 13th, by Rev. J. H. Smyth, William H. Toner and Edith
In this city, October 19th, by Rev. F. E. Clark, Charles E. Libby and Sadie,
L. Page, both of Portland.
In this city, October 19th, by Rev. F. E. Clark, J. O. S. Howard and
Isabelle Haskell, both of Portland.
In Raymond, October 20th, Frank C. Dolley, M. D., of Falmouth, and
Kittie L. Hayden of Raymond.
Limerick, October 16th, Joseph T. Graphame of Saco, and Mrs. Roxie
G. Sinclair of Waterboro.
Castine, by Rev. John T. Locke, Robert P. Gray of Boston, and Annie B.
Gould of Castine.
West Minot, October 22nd, Edwin J. Davis of Deering, Nellie Winslow
of West Minot.
Topsham, October 17th, Arthur Young and Arilla A. Strout.
Newtonville, October 17th, Arthur Lee Bates of Portland, and Nellie
Gertrude Bean of Newtonville.
Stoughton, Mass., October 19th, John B. Sanborn and Izah T. Howe, both
of Norway, Maine.
Winthrop, October 18th, Albert Barber and Marietta Hannaford, both of
Lewiston, October 19th, William C. Bradbury of Auburn, and Minnie
C. Wadsworth of Camden.
Augusta, October 18th, Charles B. Bradbury and Julia C. Marshall, both
of Augusta.
Mechanic Falls, October 18th, Albert H. Nutting and Florence A. Small,
both of Otisfield.
Waterville, October 50 (?) 30th?, Edwin T. Allen of Skowhegan, and
Abby C. Webster of Fairfield.
Bowdoinham, October 22nd,Wilbur F. Brown and Fannie A. Purington,
both of Bowdoinham.
Saco, October 18th, Nathan D. Hyde, M. D., of Gorham, N. H. and
Fannie H. Chase of Saco.
Augusta, October 22nd., Charles Brown and Mary A. Gardiner, both of
both of Augusta.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Launched-From the yard of Frank Clark, at Damariscotta, 3rd inst., a schooner
of about 140 tons. Captain Henry Goudy, commanded her.
At Belfast, 4th inst., from the yard of J. Y. Cottrell, a three-masted schooner
of 329.29 net tons named "Jessie Lena," owned by Captain David H. Rose of
Islesboro (who commands her) and parties in Belfast, Bucksport and Boston,
hailing for latter port.
Goss & Sawyer launched at Bath, 2nd inst., schooner John S. Davis of 367.68
tons gross, owned by Philip Fitzpatrick of Philadelphia. Thomas W. Green of
Philadelphia will command her.
The three masted schooner in yard of Barbour A. Warren, Brewer, will be
launched about the middle of September. She is to be named Annie Lord and
will be commanded by Captain O. J. Kendall of the schooner S. S. Kendall.
The schooner in Crosby's yard is nearly ready to be launched and will be
named Maud Share. The new vessel in Stetson's yard is being planked up
and has been named Edward Stewart.
Schooner Home, Brinton (commander) from St. John, New Brunswick, for
Boston into Boothbay 21st ult., leaking badly, spilt sails, and lost main jib.
A four masted schooner, reported the Elliot B. Church, from Baltimore 27th ult.,
for Portland, with coal, went ashore on Thomas Point, but was assisted off by tug
Britannia after being lightered and was anchored in Annapolis Roads, morning of
31st with a lighter alongside.
Schooner South Shore, from Galveston for Saco, before reported in distress, came
off the railway 18th ult., having completed repairs. She was reloading her cargo on
the 21st, and would probably be ready for sea in about a forthnight.
Ship Ranier, Morrison, was run into 31st off League Island, by steamer Sherberne,
from Hueiva (Spain?), and lost jib boom and bowsprit, damaged rigging, and
had eight streaks of how planks cut through. The streamer carried away her
foreyard, damaged bulwarks and stove two boats.
The new schooner John S. Davis was slightly damaged at Bath, on Friday last
after leaving the ways by running into British schooner J. T. Hibbard, anchored
in the river.
Schooner May Day, Hewitt, from Hoboken for Kennebunkport, put into
Dutch Island Harbor 2nd inst., having lost and spilt jibs in a blow 2nd, on
Point Judith. will proceed after temporary repairs.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Honesty Grange, Morrill, own a hall 28x50, and runs a store that has a yearly
trade of $8,000 to $10,000. The grange has a membership of 100.
Honorable Willis M. Haycock, Collector of Customs for Passamaquoddy district,
died suddenly of heart disease in Calais, Saturday night, aged 39.
Three of the four men who escaped from St. Andrews jail were in Calais last week,
and were interviewed. The say Mrs. Muchie was in no way implicated in their escape.
They had been for some days engaged in sawing the bolt which confined them, and
it so happened that Mrs. Muchie made her visit at the time they escaped.
The failure of Shaw Brothers, of Boston, has led to a variety of rumors respecting
St. Stevens Bank, and some uneasiness exists over it condition. President Todd, of that
bank states that the bank is all right, with abundant ready funds to meet it deposits and
One day last week, Carrie a five year old daughter of Mr. S. S. Pineo of Milltown,
fell into a well 18 feet deep. A bucket was lowered, and the child grasping it was drawn
to safety.
A burglar who entered the room of Mr. and Mrs. Waldron, Shapleigh, at Bay View
View House, Old Orchard, Wednesday morning was fired at by Mr. Waldron and
probably wounded, as he fell heavily to the ground from the verandah and lay there for
some moments, when he arose and made for the woods. He secured $20.00 and a check,
payment on which has been stopped.
Bertie, a three year old child of N. R. Knights of Cape Elizabeth, died of lock-jaw
Friday, at the Old Orchard camp ground.
Master Freddie D. Holland of Limerick, is suffering from the effect of too much
fresh water bathing. He has a lame knee, which was lanced last week, one pint of matter
discharging from it.
Joseph Allen, a farmer of Wells, was found dead in his pasture Thursday afternoon.
In the opinion of some he was killed by lightning; others think it was a case of heart
The firm of Shaw Brothers are understood to be debtors of the Maine Central
Railroad to the amount of $5,000.They owe the National Bell Telephone Co., for
building and equipping four miles of telephone line.
Professor C. L. Whitney, Past Lecturer of Michigan State Grange has been
engaged to give a series of lectures before the Maine granges, commencing
August 23rd.
Patents have been issued to John S. White, Portland, brush; Volney Barker,
Portland, can-washing machine; Lewis I. Sherman, Biddeford,, machine for
drawing in warp threads; James H. Sheehan, assignor of one-half to E. L.
Stearns, Bangor, nut-lock; Bradford E. Lancaster, assignor of one-half to R. W.
Black, Augusta, ratchet wrench; Franklin M. Lawrence, Portland, grate; Cyrus
J. Hall, Belfast, windlass; Edgar K. Hayes, Boston, assignor to Boston Water
Purifier Company of Maine, filter; Wales Hubbard, Wiscasset, assignor of one-
fourth to J. H. May, Washington, D. C. railway car.
Fires In Maine.-Building of Charles Bowden Bridgton. There were only two old
people in the house at the time and comparatively nothing was saved.-Upper portion
of the house of James Booker, Rockland, together with barn and shed-Insurance $800
on house, $200.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
A fine painting of Rev. Avery Briggs, the first professor of languages in
Waterville College, has recently been added to the collection of Colby
Memorial Hall.
William H. Dunning, son of James Dunning of Bangor, who in October last
shot Franklin Davis, a desperado, dead at Cold Springs,California in self-defense,
has been pardoned by Governor Stoneman of California. The most prominent men
of Maine wrote letters, asking the pardon to the governor. The news causes joy
among his friends.
A 14 year old son of Mr. John Speed of South Atkinson, was seriously, perhaps
fatally injured Friday, while driving a horse to operate a hay fork. One of the tugs
gave way letting the whiffletree fly back with great force striking him against the
Mrs. E. Conroy, of Sabtis, while alighting from an excursion train, Saturday,
at Bath, was violently thrown to the platform by her boot heel catching in her
skirt and her right arm was fractured just below the elbow.
Charles Leavitt, of Topsham, was very badly burned about the eyes and
face a day or two ago by the premature explosion of a blast. The force of the
explosion threw him upward and backward about 15 feet.
Thursday a three-masted schooner,367 tons, named the John S. Davis, was
launched at Bath. She is owned in Philadelphia.
Joseph Wardell, aged 12, was downed at McDonald's ship yard, Bath, on
Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, of which Rev. Dr. McGoun, formerly of
Bath is president, is being rapidly rebuilt. It was wrecked by a cyclone last
year. The new buildings will be much superior to the old, and will comprise
various new features, such as a Ladies Hall and an Astronomical.
A few nights ago Mr. Benjamin Fairfield Center, aroused by a us usual
noise in his field, arose and went out to ascertain the cause. As he did so a
man on horseback drove out of the lane leading to Mr. Cannon's pasture. It
is thought that it was some one after his horses.
Recently Mrs. Jonathan Lewis, of Fairfield, was violently assaulted by
Mrs. Eben Lewis, her sister-in-law, while calling at the house of the latter.
She was severely injured and has been confined to her bed since. There has
been trouble existing between the two women for about five years. Mr. Lewis
settled for the assault by paying $150. On account of his worry over the affair
and his fears that Mrs. Jonathan Lewis's injuries might prove fatal, he has
become violently insane, and was removed to Augusta last week.
The Executive Council has confirmed the nomination of Charles Luce
as special constable for the enforcement of the liquor law in Somerset
Friday, April 3, 2015
At Vinalhaven Saturday afternoon, Patrick Cane, quarryman, struck Murdock
Campbell with an iron bar, then ran and jumped overboard. He was captured and
lodged in Rockland jail. Campbell died soon after being struck. Cane has been
committed for trial before the Grand Jury next September.
A boat in which were Mr.G. B. Jackson and his sister, Mrs. Clara Hunt, Miss
Mabel Emerson and Mr. Wallace Jackson, of Portland was capsized a few days
ago, on Jefferson Lake and all were thrown into the water. Through the courage
and coolness of the Messrs. Jackson, the ladies were supported until the boat was
righted, when they were put into it, and then the man swam half a mile to shore,
where assistance was obtained and all were rescued.
A Boston correspondent has the following to say of the Lowell family in
Maine: The Lowell's of Maine are an old Massachusetts family, having removed
from Amesbury to West Bath in 1751. Mr. Joseph Lowell, of Wiscasset, has
reached the good old age of 80 years. He was born February 22, 1803; was one
of a large family of 11 children. His father Joseph Lowell, who was born
February 27, 1774, and died in 1841, was a son of Joseph and Abigail Danforth
Lowell who resided on the old homestead at New Meadows. He was a son of
John Lowell, who wed Martha Currier of Amesbury, Mass., in 1749, and the
family soon removed to New Meadows about the year 1757. John Lowell, was
a son of John and Rachel Sargent Lowell of Amesbury. A Jacob Lowell settled in
Alna, Me., in 1776. He was a son of John and Martha C .Lowell. John, James
and David, sons of Joseph and Abigail D. Lowell, settled in Wiscasset in 1774.
and engaged in farming, and located a large tannery. John died in 1848, David
died in 1861 at the age of 80 and James died in 1864. Joseph, who wed Lydia
Nason, of Wiscasset in 1797, died in 1841. Had 11 children, 2 of whom now
living in Wiscasset. The descendants of Joseph, John, James and Davis Lowell,
an numerous in the towns of Wiscasset, Alna and Dresden.
The case of Bowler, of Lincoln County, for alleged pension frauds, will
come up at the tern of the U. S. District Court, at Bath, September 14th.
The store of Durrell & Hawks, Oxford was robbed of goods, of not much
value, Friday morning.
United States Marshal George D. Bisbee has purchased the fine old homestead
of Governor John D. Long, at Buckfield, and will move his family there at once.
A new locality of that rare gem, tourmaline has been opened by N. H. Perry,
of South Paris, collector of minerals at Auburn, Me. He has obtained some very
perfect and highly polished crystals there.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Reverend E. E. Bacon, of the Saccarapppa Congregational Church, held a
out-of-door service at Higgin's Beach Sunday. The services will be held every
Sunday at 2 p.m. during Mr. Bacon's vacation and will consist chiefly of his
reading extracts from the sermons of the Rev. Phillips Brooks, of Boston.
Professor Campbell is to remove this week from Brunswick to Hanover, N. H.
The fall term of Bridgton Academy will begin August 28th, under the continued
and able charge of Mr. J. F. Moody, assisted by a competent board of teachers.
General Chamberlain has added a cupola to his seaside house at Middle Bays,
from which Portland and nearly all the islands in Casco Bay are plainly visible,
without aid of a glass.
Wool is selling in Farmington at 33 cents, and the sellers are much dissatisfied
with the price but the larger market will not warrant a rise.
The rooms of Mrs. E. Samuels of Philadelphia, a guest at Lyman's Hotel, Bar
Harbor was robbed Saturday, in the absence of the occupant, of a gold watch,
diamond ring, pearl ring and diamond pin.
A large whale estimated to be worth $700.00 was picked up near Schoodic Point,
by Captain Hardy and two other men in a small fishing vessel.
William Stratton, for 36 years clerk of Kennnebec courts, died Monday
afternoon in Augusta, aged 70 years.
John Swanback who shot John Hanson recently at Chapman Plantation,
in an alteration about a line fence, formerly lived in Chelsea, and worked in
Stickney & Page's oil cloth factory, and was well known there as a quiet,
inoffensive person. Swanback, who is a native of Germany, served during
the late war in the volunteer militia of Maine.
Mrs. Olive Taylor, is the oldest person in Pittsfield, died recently at the great
age of 93 years, 9 months and 20 days. Her husband David was one of the early
settlers of Pittsfield, and served creditably in the War of 1812.
The subscribers to the shoe factory have organized under the name of Gardiner
Shoe Factory Company, with the following officers: President, John T. Richards;
secretary and treasurer, J. S. Moxey; directors J. Richards. David Dennis, S.
Bowman. The plans and specifications, which have been received are for a
50 building 50 by 150 feet, three stories high, or two stories on Summer Street.
It is reported that Mr. Zachary T. Furbush, of Augusta, has sold his patent for
a screwdriver for $25,000.
The Hallowell Cotton Manufacture Co., contemplate making a change in their
system of lighting by substituting for the gas jets an improved safety lamp which
uses a high grade of refined oil.
Frank A. Hodges,a laborer, aged 29 committed suicide in Hallowell, Saturday,
by hanging.
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