Friday, April 3, 2015


                                                            MAINE MATTERS
          At Vinalhaven Saturday afternoon, Patrick Cane, quarryman, struck Murdock
     Campbell with an iron bar, then ran and jumped overboard. He was captured and
     lodged in Rockland jail. Campbell  died soon after being struck. Cane has been
     committed for trial before the Grand Jury next September.
          A boat in which were Mr.G. B. Jackson and his sister, Mrs. Clara Hunt, Miss
     Mabel Emerson and Mr. Wallace Jackson, of Portland was capsized a few  days
     ago, on Jefferson Lake and all were thrown into the water. Through the courage
     and coolness of the Messrs. Jackson, the ladies were supported until the boat was
     righted, when they were put into it, and then the man swam half a mile to shore,
     where assistance was obtained and all were rescued.
          A Boston correspondent has the following to say of the Lowell family in
     Maine: The Lowell's of Maine are an old Massachusetts family, having removed
     from Amesbury to West Bath in 1751. Mr. Joseph Lowell, of Wiscasset, has
     reached the good old age of 80 years. He was born February 22, 1803; was one
     of a large family of 11 children. His  father Joseph Lowell, who was born
     February 27, 1774, and died in 1841, was a son of Joseph and Abigail Danforth
     Lowell who resided on the old homestead at New Meadows. He was a son of
     John Lowell, who wed Martha Currier of Amesbury, Mass., in 1749, and the
     family soon removed  to New  Meadows about the year 1757. John Lowell, was
      a son of John and Rachel Sargent Lowell of Amesbury. A Jacob  Lowell settled in
     Alna, Me., in 1776. He was a son of John and Martha C .Lowell. John, James
     and David, sons of Joseph and Abigail D. Lowell, settled in Wiscasset in  1774.
     and engaged in farming, and located a large tannery. John died in 1848, David
     died in 1861 at the age of 80 and James died in  1864.  Joseph, who wed Lydia
     Nason, of Wiscasset in 1797, died in 1841. Had 11 children, 2 of whom now
     living in Wiscasset. The descendants of Joseph, John, James and Davis Lowell,
     an numerous in the towns of Wiscasset, Alna and Dresden.
          The case of Bowler, of Lincoln  County, for alleged pension frauds, will
     come  up at the tern of the U. S. District Court, at Bath, September 14th.
          The store of Durrell & Hawks, Oxford was robbed of goods, of not much
     value, Friday morning.
          United States Marshal George D. Bisbee has purchased the fine old homestead
     of Governor John D. Long, at Buckfield, and will move his family there at once.
          A new locality of that rare gem, tourmaline has been opened by N. H. Perry,
     of South Paris, collector of minerals at Auburn, Me.  He has obtained some very
     perfect and highly polished crystals there.


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