Friday, April 10, 2015


           Launched-From the yard of Frank Clark, at Damariscotta, 3rd inst., a schooner
      of about 140 tons. Captain Henry Goudy, commanded her.
          At Belfast, 4th inst., from  the yard of J. Y. Cottrell, a three-masted schooner
     of 329.29 net tons named "Jessie  Lena,"  owned by Captain David H. Rose of
     Islesboro  (who commands  her) and parties in Belfast, Bucksport and Boston,
     hailing for latter port.
          Goss & Sawyer launched at Bath, 2nd inst., schooner John S. Davis of 367.68
     tons gross, owned by Philip Fitzpatrick of Philadelphia. Thomas W. Green of
     Philadelphia will command her.
         The three masted schooner in yard of Barbour A. Warren, Brewer, will be
     launched about the middle of September. She is to be named Annie Lord and
     will be commanded  by Captain O. J.  Kendall of the schooner S. S. Kendall.
         The schooner in Crosby's yard  is nearly ready to be launched and will be
     named Maud Share. The new vessel in Stetson's yard is being planked up
     and has been named Edward Stewart.
          Schooner Home, Brinton (commander) from St. John, New Brunswick, for
     Boston into Boothbay 21st ult., leaking badly, spilt sails, and lost main jib.
          A four masted schooner, reported the Elliot B. Church, from Baltimore 27th ult.,
     for Portland, with coal, went ashore on Thomas Point, but was assisted off by tug
     Britannia after being lightered and was anchored in Annapolis Roads,  morning  of
     31st with a lighter alongside.
          Schooner South Shore, from Galveston for Saco, before reported in distress, came
     off the railway 18th ult., having completed repairs. She was reloading her cargo on
    the 21st, and would probably be ready for sea in about a forthnight.
          Ship Ranier, Morrison, was run into 31st off League Island, by steamer Sherberne,
     from Hueiva (Spain?), and lost jib boom and  bowsprit, damaged rigging, and
     had eight streaks of how planks cut through. The streamer carried  away her
     foreyard, damaged bulwarks and stove two boats.
          The new schooner John S. Davis was slightly damaged at Bath, on Friday last
     after leaving the ways by running into British schooner J. T. Hibbard, anchored
     in the river.
          Schooner May Day, Hewitt, from Hoboken for Kennebunkport, put into
     Dutch Island Harbor 2nd inst., having lost and spilt jibs in a blow 2nd, on
     Point Judith. will proceed after temporary repairs.



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