Sunday, April 19, 2015


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
          At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Enquirer Association last week, Solon
     Chase was deposed from the editorship, because of his persistent opposition to
     fusion.  The paper is to be removed to Lewiston, and to be edited by S. A. Berry, of
     Deering. In his valedictory address to the directors of the company, Solon says; "A
     communication in this paper from James Nash, the lawyer on the board of directors
     indicates that 'honorable fusion is desired.'  Honorable fusion to my minds is a
     misapplication of terms. There can be no 'honorable fusion' any more than there can
     be honorable treason. Fusion has driven me from the Enquirer but not from my work
     and duty. When honest Greenbackers stop and think, they see that the struggle of the
     Enquirer has been to prevent the Greenback party from being wiped out. The bed
     rock principle that gave birth to the Greenback party, that men shall not get rich by
     swapping dollars, will never die, and will be engrafted in the organic law of the
     land  even if we have to wait until better men are born * * * I have learned one
     lesson, that is, never to contract to make thunder for subscriber with another man's
     machine. SOLON CHASE"
          During the past week the case of Bates College against the Bates estate has been
     on trial at Cambridge, Mass. The college claims $122,000 on account of subscription
     of the late Benjamin Bates, principal and interest and the executors decline payment
     on the ground that the college did not raise $100,000 as per condition made by Mr.
     Bates. The college shows that the money was raised, and that the note, to which
     objection is made, have all been paid.
          At Dresser's Rips, Lewiston, Mr. Farrell has a crew of men digging a wheel-
     pit for a new mill.
          Mr. A. P.  Bennett, of Linneus, is one of the first class farmers of Aroostook
     County and of Maine.  He has a farm of 600 acres and his stock consist of 60 head
     of cattle, thirty cows. He cut 100 tons of hay, and has a barn 119 x 13  feet, with a
      split granite basement. His butter, about 600 pounds per months, is sold in
     Massachusetts, for 32 cents per pound.-Aroostook Times.
          Cummings & Burns, of Fort Fairfield expect so send away 2,000 sheep this
     year. The Maple Grove Factory made 28,798 lbs. of cheese during the three months
    it was in operation.
          The Pioneer says that Augustus Sponhotz of Houlton, has four children-two
     boys and two girls. Louise, the eldest daughter of eleven summers, whose health
    is quite delicate, was found by her mother one day last  week, in a unconscious
    condition with her eyes closed. She soon began to sing a sweet melody learned at
    Sabbath School. At its close she said to her mother in an animated tone, "Gretie
    has not got the diphtheria; it is canker. The medicine you gave her was too hot.
    Put dry sulphur on her tongue and cover it with camphorated lard." The application
     was made with satisfactory results. Consciousnesss soon after returned, and on
    opening here eyes, she exclaimed, "Oh, mother! I had such a curious dream. I saw
    way down Gertie's throat."


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