Sunday, April 26, 2015


          F.A.Smith, Portland, was elected President for 1882; C. S.Pearl, Bangor, and
     H. F. Thurston, Rockland, Recording Secretaries; H. H. Burgers, Portland 
     Corresponding Secretary; A. F. Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. On Friday addresses
     were delivered by Dr. Carlton Kimball and H. P.  Winter, of Portland, Rev. G. W.
     Field and Rev. George B. Ilsley, of Bangor; Rev. W. W. Watkins of New York,
     and S. M. Sayford, State Secretary of Massachusetts. On Saturday, Mr. Burgess of
     Portland suggested that means should be raised to carry on the State  work. Mr. C.
     M. Bailey of Winthrop, pledged on his part  a  continuance of the State canvass, and
     said he would be one of five to raise $1,000  for the expenses of the coming year.  The
     various association represented pledged 500. Sunday morning meetings were held in
     various churches, and  gospel temperance meetings were held in the afternoon and
          Charles Grant, of Hampden, aged 25 was drowned on the 21st, while getting
     driftwood in  the river.
          The Mount Mica Tin and Mica  Company of Bangor,  has organized  for the
     purpose of carrying on mining in Paris, Oxford County; officers, A. C. Hamlin,
     Bangor, President; J. S. Jenness, Bangor, Secretary.
          Rev. D. A. Morehouse was installed pastor of the Foxcroft and Dover
     Congregational on the 18th. Sermon by Rev. Dr. G. Field of Bangor; charge
     to the church by Rev. C. L. Nichols of Brownville; hand of fellowship, Rev. J. D.
     Hawes of Monson; charge to pastor, Rv. C. Davidson of Greenville.
          The Southard Manufacturing Co., Richmond, have completed  their mill and
     are putting in the machinery, expecting to have it running by December 1st. The
     mill will turn out one million seamless bags per year. Honorable T. J. Southard,
     president of the company, is laying the foundation for a large brick building which
     is to contain a  public hall, with all the modern conveniences.
          One of the Baileys of the Winthrop Oil Cloth Works, made a proposition to
     the citizens of Bath that if they would take $30,000  of stock for an oil cloth factory
     to be established at the Patten Car Works at Bath, he would take the balance  of stock
     necessary. Capitalists have  subscribed the $30,000, and the business will be
     established there.
           Hay bring $14 to 15 at Belfast, and it is coming to market freely.
          A large bear  was killed in Searsmont not long ago, and three other bears have
     been in the town recently.
          Carrie Hayes, of Forest City, 17 years old, weights 292 lbs.
          Edward B. Curtis is appointed postmaster at  Machias.

          Joseph S. Barnard, a well-to-do farmer of Buxton, died last Saturday, aged 57.
          There has been a series of bold burglaries committed of late  at Biddeford, Saco
      and Kennebunk. The housebreaker are evidently new at the business, and do not
     make very large hauls. Two fellows giving the name of Henry Wittingham and
     William Gilbert  were arrested at Portsmouth, N. H., and one at Wells, all supposed
     to  be concerned in the burglaries.


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