Wednesday, May 11, 2016


                                                                 CITY ITEMS
                                                            Glances about town

          Mr. Reuben Ruby, the venerable janitor of the Custom House, now nearing
     eighty years old, celebrated his "Tin Wedding" (ten years) last week; he drove
     the first hack on the streets of Portland when he and Alex Stevenson were the
     only hack drivers in town.
          The free course of lectures provided by the Maine Charitable Mechanic's 
     Association will open Tuesday evening, December 1st., with a lecture by
     Honorable George T. Davis, of  this city, who will be followed by the succeeding
     week by Edward H. Elwell of the Transcript ; lectures are also promised by Ex-
     Governor Washburne, Honorable Thomas B. Read, Honorable George F. Talbot,
     J. S. Palmer, Esq., Charles F. Forbes, Esq.,  Rev. Dr. Thomas Hill, Rev. C. W.
     Buck, Rev. G. W. Bicknell, Dr. E. Stone and D. H.  Ingraham, Esq; so it will be   
     that some very able and interesting lectures may be expected.
          Captain Eben Harmon of Deering, some time since sent a card photograph of
     his little daughter to a friend in Hong Kong; recently he received from there a
     portrait of the child painted from the portrait of the child painted from the
     photography on rice paper by a Chinese artist, and it is very finely executed
     showing the art of miniature painting is well practiced in China.
          On Thursday week the legs of Mr. Mariner, run over by a train in this city about
     five weeks since, were re-amputated by Dr. Files.
          Martin, Parnell & Company are building a very large and commodious carriage
     manufactory of brick, on the corner of Cumberland and Elm Streets.
          Mr. Mariner who has had his legs crushed and since amputated displays
     wonderful tenacity of life; Dr. Files thinks there is a chance of recovery.
          On Tuesday as Mr. Peter Hill of Buxton, was riding on a load of straw near the
     Brewer House, a passing train caused his horses to take fright and run away, throwing
    him to the ground and killing him instantly; he was about sixty-five years old, and well
    known in this city.
          Mr. James Shackford of the firm of Small & Shackford, book binders, died at his
     residence in this city on Tuesday.
          Speaker Blaine in a letter to the Daily Press, of this city, denies that he is a
     candidate for the Senatorship, and advocated the election of Mr. Hamlin.


Friday, April 29, 2016


                                       MATTERS IN MAINE

          Election Returns. Returns from 339 towns and planation's give Washburn,
     51,850; Jameson, 19,111; Dana, 17,182. The Senate will probably stand 26
     Republicans and 5 Union Democrats. Returns for representatives show the
     elections of 113 Republicans, 24 Union Democrats, and 3 Dana Democrats-
     leaving more to be heard from.
         Mr. Paul C. Tebbets, Lisbon, Me., going to the barn to feed his horse, and
     not returning, was found lying on the ground in an apoplectic fit, and died
     next morning. He was nearly 80 years old.
          Brother Drew, while of the Gospel Banner, in the course of his travels
     recently paid a visit to "Purgatory," a place we always suppose he did not
     believe in. He say however there is not the least smell of brimstone" there.
          Rev. Mr. Whittlesey, of Bath has been appointed to give instruction in
     rhetoric and oratory in Bowdoin College for the present year.
          Brother Gilman, of the Bath Time and Brother Dingley, of the Lewiston
     Journal have been both appointed to the Legislature. The business of
     legislating is getting to be quite respectable!
          The Kennebec editor are loud in praise of Togus Spring and Mr. Beals'
     improvements. If we are to believe them he is making that wild rough spot
     a paradise of beauty and fertility. We know he is just the man to carry through
     any enterprise he commences.
          The new house  and barn of Reuben Small, in Cornish village, were entirely
     consumed by children playing with matches in the stable. No insurance.
           Mr. Isarel Record, of Harrison committed suicide in that town on Saturday
     last, by hanging. Rumors assign as the cause of the deed, his implication in an
     unhappy transaction with a neighbor.
          Henry Tibbets, of Fairfield, while out gunning on Monday, week, in getting
     over a fence, accidentally discharged his gun and received the shot in his leg,
     causing a bad flesh wound.
          Elder Jacob Golder of Lewiston, has raised and sold $75 worth of cucumbers
     this season from vines in his garden. He has also sold from the hills of squash
     vines, $6.35 worth of squashes.
           Major Henry G. Staples has been elected Colonel of the 3rd Maine Regiment,
     vice-Howard promoted Brigadier General, Lieutenant Colonel Tucker declined the
           Colonel Berry, of the 4th Marine Regiment, has been compelled to resign by
     pressure of his private affairs, and Major Nickerson is to be appointed Colonel.
           General Jameson was recalled to Washington last week by a dispatch from
          Mr. Elliott, of Freedom, is said to have been arrested in consequence of letters
     compromising him found at Cape Hatteras.
          Mr. Norton, of Hallowell, has recently lost the ninth child out of a family of
     eleven children-only two being left.


Sunday, April 3, 2016


                                               LOCAL NOTES
          Messrs. Cram & Co., of the  United States Hotel,  served up to a number of
     invited guest on Thursday week, the first salmon of the season. With green peas
     and other delicacies of the season, the dinner was pronounced a great success by
     all present. But this is nothing new at the United States. Mr. Cram is making it
     one of the most popular hotels in the state., and often  has on his hands more guest
     than he can accommodate. A pleasant landlord, a good table and reasonable prices
     are always appreciated by the public.
          The Chadwick house, which was so sadly shattered by the gas explosion of last
     Saturday evening, is one of the oldest mansions in town. It was built in 1765 by
     Rev. Samuel Deane, then associate pastor of the First Parish Church, and was one
     of the few houses that survived the destruction of the town by Mowatt in 1775.
     The lot originally contained three acres, extending from Congress Street to Back
     Cove, and was purchased by Mr. Deane of Enoch Moody and Arthur Howard (sic)
     for 60 English pounds. The house was originally two stories high, with a hipped
     roof, The alteration made after the doctor's death greatly changed its appearance.
     It was long owned and occupied by the late Samuel Chadwick, and was recently
     sold by his heirs to Mr. Ira P. Farring for $25,000. Mr. Barnum, who occupied it
     at the time of the accident, had fitted it up for a boarding house.
          A fearful and disastrous explosion of gas took place on Saturday evening last,
     is the  Chadwick mansion, on Congress Street, occupied by Captain Isaac Barnum.
     Workman had taken off a gas bracket in a third story chamber, and neglected to
     plug up the pipe. The gas leaking out, Mr. Barnum lighted the gas below, went up to
     discover the cause, and no sooner opened the door than a terrific explosion took
     place, raising the roof, blowing out the wall, and making a complete wreck of the
     upper part of the house. Mr. Barnum was thrown down and so fearfully burned that
     he was unconscious most of the day Sunday, but in the evening was comparatively
     comfortable. Mrs. Barnum was somewhat burned in tearing the burning clothes
     from her husband. The explosion was very loud and caused a great sensation in
     the neighborhood. Crowds surrounded the house on Sunday.  The accident was very
     severe to Capt. Barnum, causing much loss as well as suffering, and we cannot doubt
     there will be a generous response to Mayor Putnam's call in his behalf, for pecuniary
             Mr. C. S. Robbins, of Winthrop, writes us that in taking down the frame of an old
     house in which he and his father before him were born-the latter now nearly 80 years
     old-he found the timbers sound, and among them picked up a old copper coin which he
     sends us. It is one of the Nova Constellatio coppers, which appeared in immense
     quantities in 1783, and were probably struck in England. During the Revolutionary
     War no coins were issued,  and at it close there was a loud and  imperative demand
     for them, which was answered in all directions. There are five varieties of this copper.
     The one before us has an eye with stars around in on one side, with the word Nova
     Constellatio; on the other Libertus Justitia, in 1783, with U. S. in the center,
     surrounded by a wreath.

Friday, March 11, 2016


          In this city, July 19th, John J. Murphy, aged 50.
          In this city, July 13th, John P. Kerrigan, aged 22.
          In this city, July 15th, of diphtheria, Richard D., son of Richard and Katie K.
      Berry, aged 9 year 5 months.
          In this city, July 15th, Joseph H. Pettengill, aged 36 years 8 months.
          In this city, July 16th,  Julia Steele, aged 87.
          In this city, July 16th, Maggie, daughter of Mary Crane, aged 6 years 7 months.
          Cape Elizabeth, July 12th, Edgar E. Peabbles, aged 23 years 3 months 4 days.
          Danforth, June 24th, Aaron, youngest son of H. H. and F. A. Putnam, aged 3
     years 3 months 4 days.
          Harrison, July 13th, Leonard C.  Libby, born June 16, 1815, died aged 71.
          Dayton, York County, July 7th, Olive N., wife of Henry T. Moers, aged
     83 years.
          Rockland, July 14th, Mrs. Bertha Spaulding, aged 25 years.
          Phipsburg, July 13th, Mrs. Rachel S. Elliott, aged 88 years.
          Biddeford, July 11th, Mrs. Daniel Ross, aged about 68.
           Lewiston, July 17th, Mrs. Mary Hall, aged 84.
           Frankfort, July 16th, Marcus Merrill, aged 55 years 1 month.
           Bangor, July 15th, Mrs. Hannah M. Saunders, aged 61 years.
           Alfred, July 15th, Hannah J., wife of William G. Conant, aged 51 years.
           Biddeford, July 12th,  Minnie Belle, daughter of Henry A. Harding and Bertie
     A., aged about 6 months.
           Dayton, W. T., July 6th, Octavia B., wife of Rev. John F. Naugle.
            South Framingham, Mass., July 13th, William Benner, formerly of Waldoboro,
     aged 69 years.
           Cincinnati, Ohio, July 14th, Daniel Hussey, formerly of Biddeford, aged
     85 years.
           Yonkers, New York, July 11th, Anna W., wife of Edward R. DeWolfe and
     eldest daughter of George Woods, formerly of Yarmouth.
           Lincolnville, July 11th, Mary E., daughter of Joseph and Mary Marriner,
     aged 12 years 5 months 9 days.
          Washington, July 11th, Jeremiah Peaslee, aged 53 years.
           Farmington, July 12th, Mary S., wife of Russell Macomber, aged 33 years,
     8 months 8 days.
           Calais, Me., July 10th, Hebert H. Gibson, aged 55 years 10 months.
          Brownsville, July 18th, Charlie F., only son of George and Betsey A. Bishop,
     aged 2 years 4 months 3 days.
           South Windham, July 19th, Eliza, wife of Edmund Douglass. a daughter of
     the late Thomas Mayberry, of Windham.
          Freeport, July 18th, Ann S., wife of Captain Eben, Davis, aged 79 years 11 months.
          Augusta, July 18th, Mattie A. Gaze, aged 40 years.
          Biddeford, July 18, Mrs. Eliza S. Head, aged 75 years 6 months.
          South Boston, July 18th, Calvin S. Titcomb, formerly of Portland, aged 78 years.
          Bucksport, July 10thk, Joseph B. Bradley, aged 71 years.

          Charles H. Holmes, Esq., a son of the late Honorable John Holmes, of Alfred,
     died on the 14th inst., in Topsfield, Mass., where he had resided for half a  century,
     at the aged of 76 years. He was a lawyer by profession, but devoted his life to
     agriculture. He was the tallest man in Essex County, being six feet and eight inches

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


          Camden, July 7th, to the wife of Alonzo N. Fitzgerald, a son.
          Waldoboro, Center, July 4th, to the wife of Walter Chapman, a son.
          Burketteville,  (Camden) July 4th, to the wife of George Grinnell, a son.
          South Hope, July 7th, to the wife of A. A. Carter, a daughter.
          South Hope, July 10th, to the wife of C. E. Fernald, a daughter.
          Rockland,  July 5th, to the wife of John Jackson, a son.
          Rockland, July 12th, to the wife of Fred F. Burpee, a son.
          Rockland, July 12th, to the wife of Warren Nutting, a son.
          Industry (Industry) Franklin Co., July 12th, to the wife of Charles Oliver, a
          North Anson, July 12th, July 12th, to the wife of L. A. Thompson, a daughter.

          In this city, July 14th, by Rev. J. W. Bashford, George L. Smith and Edith L.
     Fickett, both of Portland.
          In this city, July 12th, by Rev. Henry Blanchard, John J. Crittenden, of
     Brooklyn, New York., and Alice May Norton of Portland.
          In this city by Rev. J. M. Lowden, Charles W. Starbird and Florence E. Wyer,
     both of Portland.
          Cape Elizabeth, July 10th, by Rev. A. D. Dodge, Lewis E. Mason and Hattie J.
     Abbot, both of Westbrook.
          Lewiston, July 14th, John F. Brown of Hartland and Lizzie L. York of Lewiston.
          Cornish, July 10th, Dr. Arthur E. Morrill, of Parsonsfield and Nellie C. Guptill
     of Cornish.
          Topsham, July 10th, Edward C. Ricker of Brunswick and Betsey A. Wilson, of
     North Harpswell.
          Hallowell, July 15th, Newell T. Hovey and Carrie C. Sheaff, both of Hallowell.
          Camden, July 14th, Lewis Dunn and Marion Upham, both of Rockport.
          Bangor, July 16th, Alexander Henry and Lovina Smith, both of Bangor.
          Palermo, July 11th, Ulmer S. Bruce and Clara B.Greeley.
          China, July 13th, Ansell W. Morrill of Winslow and Agnes N. Delaney of
          New York City, Major-General Schuyler Hamilton, of New York City and Mrs.
     Lewis Francis Paine Cavanaugh, formerly of Sanford, Me.
          Farmington, July 5th, William Watson of Stark and Emma Daggett of Industry.
          Farmington, July 7th, Edward W. Bragg of Farmington and Martha A. Packard,
     of Medfield, Massachusetts.
          New Vineyard, July 11th, Arthur Leavitt and Emma F. Pratt, both of New Vineyard.
          Dresden, July 8th, Herbert Pettengill and Lilla Brown, both of Dresden.
          Portsmouth, N. H., July 8th, Benjamin F. Adams of Wells and Lizzie M. Hutchins
     of York.
          Rockland, July 4th, Frank L.Wadsworth and Lucinda O. Jameson, both of
          Milltown, July 3rd, William H. Keon and Nellie A. McBride, both of Calais.
          Amity, July 6th, Peter R. Moores of York County, New Brunswick, and Isabel
    S. Smith of Amity.
          Brighton, July 10th, George C. Brown of Mayfield and Rosa M. Brown of
          Round Pond, July  2nd, Clarence J. Poland and Etta M. Huey, both of Bristol.
          Hallowell, July 15th, Newell T. Hovey and Carrie C. Sheaff, both of Hallowell.



Sunday, February 21, 2016


                                                 CITY MATTERS
                                             (Glances About Town) 
          Lizzie Colley, daughter of James A. Colley, was badly poisoned last week by
     holding in her mouth one of the colored slate pencils which has become common;
     Monday evening the child was very low; with little chance of recovery.
          A little child of Mrs. Edward Hatfield, living on Monjoy Hill, fell down stairs
     last week, and broke his leg.
          Mattice alias Brown, the horse thief, has been detected in an attempt to break out
     of Portland jail.
          On Tuesday a tray containing twenty diamond, ruby and pearl rings, valued at $900,
     was stolen from the jewelry store of William Senter & Co., Exchange Street; it was
    not missed until the tray and one of the rings were found under a mat at the head of a
     flight of stairs.
          A reward of $100 is offered for the capture of the thief who snatched the tray of
     rings at Senter & Co,'s.
          Ex- Governor Dingley delivered an  admirable temperance address at Congress Hall,
     Tuesday evening; Honorable A. E. Stevens presided; on Thursday evening ex-Governor
     Perham speaks.
          While visiting the schools at the island on Friday week, Mr. J.W. Colcord, School Agent,
     was quite badly hurt by a fall, and it is feared the  injury may prove serious.
          Rev. Mr. Bicknell of India Street Church, preached his sixth annual sermon last
     Sunday; during his six years pastorate he has united in marriage 400 persons, attended
     336 funerals, of which but 31 were families connected with his society and preached 655
      sermons; improvements exceeding $4,000 have been made upon the church without
      increasing the indebtedness of the society a dollar.
          On Monday, Mr. Charles Farris, machinist, had the end of his right thumb taken off
     in a shackle at the Grand Truck yard.
          Honorable J. L. Pickard, formerly of Lewiston, a graduate of Bowdoin, Class of 1844,
     for thirteen years Superintendent of the schools of Chicago, has resigned that position,
     was recently presented with a watch and chain, valued at $300 by the pupils and teachers
      of the schools of the city.
          Mr. Samuel Scoles, who has been in ill-health for several years from the effects of
     a fall, has not been considered of sound mind; made an attempt to commit suicide on
     Monday, by cutting his throat from ear to ear; it was not thought that he would recover,
     he has a wife and three children.
          It is understood that Voorhees, will be appointed successor to Senator Morton.
          A powder mill in Acton, Mass., explored last Saturday. The only operative in the
     mill was Charles H. Perry, of Brownsville, Maine, who had been in the employ of the
     company seven years. His body was found fearfully mangled about 75 feet from the
          Three Maine men sit side by side in the U. S. Senate. For between Blaine and
     Hamlin sit Howe, of Wisconsin, who is a native of this State.


Friday, February 12, 2016


                                                MATTERS IN MAINE
          A dispatch from Augusta states that official returns of the late election, as
     complete will be published till the assembly of the Legislature, give the following
     result: Perham 54,051; Roberts 45,176; Perham's  majority 8,875. Chamberlain's
     majority last year in a vote of 93,858 was 7,982. The aggregate majority on
     Congressional vote is between 30,000 and 12,000.
          A correspondent of the Press says that at a barn-hauling in Parkman lately,
     a man named Ayer warned the workmen that he had dreamed that the barn fell to
     pieces at a certain point in the road, and that they had better keep their distance.a
     The barn did collapse at the place indicated, and several pairs of oxen, were buried
     in the ruins.
          Among the representatives elect are F. A. Pike, Calais; Marshall Cram, Brunswick;
     James T. Patten, Bath; Frederic Robie, Gorham; George P. Sewall, Oldtown; W. J.
     Johnson, Augusta; Abraham Sanborn, J. F. Rawson and P. A. Strickland, Bangor,
     Lewiston, Biddeford, Waterville and Bethel are represented by democrats.
          The Androscoggin Herald explodes the notion that an apple grown upon a tree
     set in the ground top end  down would be  without a core. Mr. George Robinson
     has tried it and finds his apples, as a matter of course, have cores like the others.
          The Skowhegan Schutzenfest did not remunerate it projectors, its outlandish
     name frightening those who might have flocked to a "shooting match."  Ella
     Severancee of Skowhegan, took the prize as the best waltser; Mr. S. Buker, of
     Lewiston, was her partner.
          A  little bit of soreness at the defeat of General Hersey in the convention, probably
     had something to do with the results at Bangor last week, as well as the personal
     popularity of General Roberts.
          It seems that a boy named William D. Clough, who stabbed Callahan in the
     affray at Rockland, mentioned last week. Clough is a hard 10 years old. Callahan is
     likely to recover. It was a drunken row they were engaged in.
         Messrs. Averill and Friend, of Sedgwick, aged respectively 70 and 17, belonging
     to a party on a pleasure cruise to Marshall's Island went out in an open boat, on the
     9th, and have not been seen since, though  portions of the boat have been found.
          The town of Abbott supports one of the papers in Parkman. They lately attempted
     to bring her to Abbott, but she declares she will spill the last drop of her blood before
     she will me moved; and so it is to be  tried if the town has a legal right to remove
     her at the risk of shedding that last drop.



Wednesday, February 10, 2016


                                      MAINE MATTERS
          The Lewiston Journal says that Mr. Richardson, of Jay, never rode a mile
     by stage or rail. His "one horse shay" is nearly worn out, but he is still hale,
     hearty, though over ninety.
          The new Congregational Church at Bridgeton, planned  by Mr.  Harding, of
     this city, approaches completion, says the News, and it is a very beautiful
          We learn that the drought is so severe at Naples, Me., that Honorable S. F.
     Parley has been obliged for some time to send three miles to Long Pond for water
     for his cattle.
          Waldoboro has lost 305 in population since 1860. Friendship has gained 70.
     George and Mary A. Mink, of Waldoboro, respectively 91 and 88, have been
     married 69 years.
          Caleb Woods, of Norridgewock, had lost his house, and barn by fire on the13th.
     His wife, who has lately become insane set the fire.
          Moulton Jennings of Readfield, was seriously injured on the 11th by his horse
     breaking through a plack (small) culvert, throwing his rider over his head.
          Benjamin Robinson, of Thomaston, lost a valuable horse, overdriven to secure
     the very considerable majority of the "unterrified" in that town.
         We regret to learn that Mr. Gallison of the Dexter Gazette, is seriously ill, his
     friends not expecting him to live.
          William Freeman, Jr., of Cherryfield, has raised apples from a dwarf tree, three
     feet high, planted in 1868.
          Joseph E. Davis is appointed postmaster at South Freeport.
          B. F. Gatchell, of Detroit had his store and dwelling burned on the `!5th.  Loss $4,000,
     partly insured.
          William H. Hust of Liberty, has two large tanneries which turns 20,000 sides (hides)
    of leather yearly.
           The Morrill papers claim that the results of the late election assure the continuation
     of Morrill in the Senate.



Sunday, February 7, 2016


                                                            MATTER IN MAINE
          We are very glad to welcome the advent of the first number of Mr. Shorey's new
     paper, the Bridgton Weekly News. It deserves and should have the patronage of all those
     towns in Cumberland Oxford counties which find a common center in Bridgton. It should
     be a point of honor with the business men of the vicinity to keep  the News supplied with
     their advertisements and job printing. The same remark applies to all the towns where
     presses are established; it is of very great importance to very village to have a well supported
     paper published in it, for it gives a name and reputation aboard that could otherwise be
          Rev. Dr. Adams explains in a very humorous note to the editor of the Brunswick
     Telegraph, just how he was robbed at Fall River, on his way to New Jersey. He was jostled
      by three or four young gentlemen, as he was getting out of the car. They pretended to be
      very anxious to find a valise they had left in the car and pushed him backward and forwards
      in their pretended search for it. But they got a mere trifle for their pains and the good doctor
      chuckles over his good fortune in putting his money into the safe keeping of "a lady who
      sometime travels with him."
          Horace M. Jordan, Esq., of Westbrook, has purchased the interest of Mr. Pillsbury in
     the Maine Standard, and  assumes control of the paper. Mr. Jordan is a young man well
     fitted by his literary tastes, and also by a considerable experience upon the Argus and
     other papers to take the place so  ably filled by his predecessor.
          A. P. Merrill, a Maine man, lately saved the life of a young land who fell into the
     Mississippi from a ferry boat at Rock Island, leaping into the river at great personal risk.
     Our correspondent says that he is now "a  favorite member of the grateful family."
          Chief Justice Appleton has denied the petition for an injunction to restrain the
     Maine Central for a change of gauge, on the ground that the Company has the right to
     do it, and that it will not  injure the property.     
          Harding Snow, of Hampden, accidentally shot himself in the bowels last week, a
     serious and it is feared a fatal wound. He carried a small pistol in his breast pocket
     which was discharged by his attempting to save himself from falling as he slipped on
     the steps of a store. P. S. He died on Saturday last.
          William P. Frye, the newly elected member of Congress, for the 2nd district, is the
     oldest son of Honorable John M. Frey, who has been for years agent for the Lewiston
     Falls Manufacturing Company. He is 30 years of age, a Bowdoin graduate of the Class
    of 1850, and one of the ablest and most successful lawyers and the most popular speaker
    in the state.
           Andrew Waterhouse, a lame man, who has been begging money to procure a wooden
     leg, committed suicide with poison at Biddeford, on the 9th.
           The "Collin's farm" on the Presque Isle road, one of the best farms in Aroostook,
      has been sold to E. S. F. Nickerson, for $10,000.
          Daniel Stickney, of the Sunrise, is returned to the legislature from Presque Isle.
          Daniel Herring, of Augusta, had his hand cut off in a cylinder planer, last week.
          Mr. Wedgewood replies sharply to the charges of Mr. Baker, his associate on the
     commission for the revision of the Statutes, not denying that his part of the work was
     carelessly done, but calling attention to Mr. Baker's report to the legislature that the
     work was faithfully performed.


Sunday, January 31, 2016


                                                 CITY ITEMS
                                            (Glances About Town)
          If we may  believe what the dailies say of each other the editorial corps of the
     city has been strengthened by auxiliaries; according the Press Mrs. Harris is a
     leading contributor to the columns  of the Angus, and the same authority
     announces that Mr. Jorkins is apparent in the editor of the Advertiser, while
     the latter sheet learns that Humphrey Guptill of the  Press; all these
     announcements, we presume, are to be taken in a Pickwickian sense.
          The Army and Navy entertainment will open with a grand vocal and instrumental
      concert, by Gilmore's Band and Orchesters, and Mrs. C. A. Barry, November
     10th; this will be followed by three other first class concerts for which Miss
     Carey, Miss Addie S. Ryan and the Mendelssonhn Quintette Club have been
     engaged;  these together with the lectures by Rev. Mr. Murray Matthew Hale
     Smith, and others, offer  a very attractive course worthy of a large patronage.
          A little son of  Mr. Rufus Waite, was run over by a large jigger on Monday;
     hopes were entertained that the injury would not prove fatal.
          John Chinaman has appeared in our streets, looking spruce and trim.
           Among the many fine residences in this city the present season is the elegant
      mansion of Honorable Woodbury Davis at the corner of Congress and Mellen
     Streets; the estimated cost of the establishment is $25,000.
         The venerable Mrs. Mary Woodbury the relict of the late William Woodbury,
    Esq., died at her residence in this city on Saturday last, at the advanced aged of
    ninety-two years and eight months; she was married in 1797,seventy-three years
    ago, and living with her husband the long period of sixty-four  years.
         It is discovered that the missing son of the Earl of Aberdeen, who went for a
     sailor, fell overboard  from a vessel sailing out of Boston last January, and was
     drowned. He shipped as chief mate, went by the name of George L. Osborne,
     and hailed from Richmond, Maine.

Friday, January 29, 2016


          In this city, 18th, Nellie  P. Collins, of Deer Isle, age 18. Daughter of William
          In this city, September 15th, Mrs.  Martha Rogers wife of J. R. Thompson.
          In this city, September 14th, Frankie, only son of James and Sarah M. Stinson,
     aged 1 year 11 months.
          In this city, September 18th, Peter Mugford, aged 66.
          Woodford's Corner, 18th inst., Mrs. Clara M., wife of Almon Leach, age 35.
          Cape Elizabeth, September 18th, Jeanette, daughter of Josiah  S. Lydia A. Dyer,
     aged 9 years, 6 months.
          In this city,  September 17th, Mrs. Mary, relict of the late Captain William
     Woodbury, aged 92 years, 9 months.
          Knightville, (Cape Elizabeth) John Thomas Clark, aged 32 years 9 months.
          Durham, September 13th, Ernest Howard, son of P. C. and H. Shaw, 4 years
     7 months.
          Rockland, September 2nd, Mrs. Sarah, relict of the late Daniel Leighton,
     aged  63 years.
          Boothbay, September 1st., Mrs. Mary Follansabee, aged 83.
          Woodstock, August 25th, Mrs. Abigail Cole,  aged 75 years 10 months.
          Ellsworth, September 5th, Mrs. Mary Hosmer, aged 64.
          Standish, September 15th, Isaac H. Ward, aged 66 years 7 months.
          Denmark, Me., September 7th, Leonard K. Ingalls, aged 65 years.
          Durham, September14th, Clement J. Harkins, aged 58.
          Boothbay, September  7th, Mrs.  Mary Bell Phillis, aged 25.
          Solon, September 2nd, Mrs. Sarah, wife of the late Captain Samuel Haton,
       aged 86.
          Turner, August 28th, Sumner French, aged 74.
          East Montville, September 9th, William Cunningham, aged 75.
          Dixfield, September 9th, Dr. Zenas W. Bartlett, aged 52.
          Surry, September 4th, Captain Solomon J. Treworgy, aged 59.
          Lubec, September 8th, James Roberts, aged 83.
          South Paris, September 7th, Henry McKenney, aged 91 years 5 months.
          Gray, August 31st., Moses Merrill, aged 93 years 5 months.
          Buckfield, September 3rd., Ira Gardiner, aged 75.
          Bangor, September 11th, John Webb, aged 53.
          Kennebunk, September 10th, Edmund Patterson, aged 74 years.
          York, August 20th, David Littlefield, aged 88.
          Kittery Point, September 8th, Mrs. Mary Phillips, aged 85.

               In Cape Elizabeth, September 9th, Mrs. Mercy Ann, wife of David D.
          Mariner, aged 48 years.
                    Though freed from earth yet she doth live,
                          And linger round the household band,
                    And oft the stricken hearts received
                           Some token from an angel's hand.

                    She points them to the blessed beam,
                         Of that great sun whose cheering light,
                    Shone o'er the tide of death's cold stream,
                         And then dissolved her faith in sight.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


          Saco, September 17th, to the wife of Seth Sennott, a daughter.
          Bangor, September 15th, to the wife of G. I. Wescott, a son.
          Lewiston, September 11, to the wife of J. J. Davis, a daughter; to the wife of
       James Smith, a son.
          Leeds Center, September 10th, to the wife of Mr. H. G.  Gare?ion, a daughter.
          Foxcroft, to the wife of Dr. William Buck, a son.
          Curtis Corner,  September 4th,to the wife of James Bates, a daughter.

          In Curtis Corner, September 18th, George Marquis and Margaret Henoy (Henny?),
     both of Portland.
          In this city, Joseph Eaton of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Lucella H. Key, of Athol,
          In this city, September 13th, Alvin A. Lane, of Portland, and Abbie M. Porter,
     of North Yarmouth.
          In this city, September 13th, Charles B. Holfsenstien and Annie L. Cleland,
     both of New York.
          In this city, September 12th, John H. D. Madison of Portland, and Mary H.   
     Mahoney of Halifax, N. S.
          In this city September 14th, Edward D. Horton and Lois W. Allen, both of
          Westbrook, 17th, Elie Boulanger and Marie Bussiere.
          In Cape Elizabeth, September 14th, by Rev. B. F. Prichard, Daniel E. Webber,
     of Cumberland, and Abbie R. Dyer of Cape  Elizabeth.
          Gardiner, September 6th, Ivory W. Wakefield and Alice L. Chase.
          Hallowell, September 4th, William O. Grant and Susie Chamberlain.
          Augusta, September 4th, Benjamin F. Dow of Sidney, and Lizzie A. Wellman,
     of Washington, Knox County.
          Cherryfield, September 10th, O. C. Ward and C. Ada Small, both of Cherryfield.
          Belfast, September 12th, William P. Burrill and Miss Mary E. Ellis, of both
     of Belfast.
          Rockland, September 13th, H. N.  Keen and Mrs. Eliza W. Smith, both of
          Bangor, September 13th, Thomas W. Hix, of Rockland and Mrs. Sophia Bragg,
     of Bangor.
          Auburn, September 10th, Abial S. Winslow and Annie J. Ellis, both of
          Robbinson, September 3rd, Sanford S. Small, Esq., of Pembroke and Maria W.
          Norway, Me., September 7th, Charles A. Carpenter, of Auburn, and Annie F.
     Shackley of Norway.
          New Portland, September 12th, John F. Phillips and Ellen  P. Thomason,
     both of New Portland.
          Casco, September 4th, Michael Sposedo and Mrs. Esther H. Cops, both of



Sunday, January 24, 2016


           The number of vessels belonging to, or bound to, or from ports in the United
      States, reported totally lost or missing during the past month is 32, of which 17
      were wrecked, 4 abandoned,
      abandoned, 2 sunk by collision 6  foundered, 3 missing. The list comprises 0 steamers,
      2 ships, 6 barques, 2 brigs and 22 schooners, total estimated value, exclusive of cargo,
       is $290,000.
          Launched. At Bath 1st inst., by William Rogers, a barquetine of 530 tons, no yet named,
     by the builder.
          At Bath, 3rd inst., Goss & Sawyer launched today a schooner of 850 tons, not named,
     owned by parties in Taunton, Mass. Captain J. Phillips commands her.
           Steamer Florence, of Newport, has been purchased by E. P. Shaw of Newburyport, not
       Portland. She is to ply on the Merrimac.

          Schooner Antelope, Reed, from Boothbay for Boston, with fish, sprung a leak Saturday
     night and sun. The crew safe.
          Schooner Kit Carson, Brown, from Philadelphia for Portland, was run into 29th Oct., of
     Newcastle, Delaware, by the tug Hudson, and had three planks stove or port side. She will
     repair in Newcastle.
          Schooner Hattie Turner, for Boston, was spoken on  Oct. 16th., in lat 57 long 71.-crew
     sick with fever.
           Schooner Sarah Eaton, from Boston for Calais, parted chain and lost anchor 30th, off
     eastern point of Cape Ann. She put in for a new one
          Barque Edwin Reed, Higgins, at New York from Antwerp, reports strong westerly gales
     after leaving the Banks, lost and split sails and damaged forward.
          Schooner Sea Bird, from Providence for Philadelphia, that put into New York dismasted,
     has repaired and sail 25th for Boston.
          Ship Antelope, Cheney, at Liverpool from San Francisco, reports a succession of violent
     gales; lost nearly a whole suit of sails, damaged rigging, stove forward house, strained vessel
     and sprung a leak.
         Barque Norena, Nichols, A Troon (Hawaii) from Portland, while shifting positions Oct. 17th,
     fouled and carried away jibboom.
          Schooner Charles A. Ropes, from Lubec for Boston, with potatoes and fish, drifted ashore
     at St. George29th. Port of deck load of potatoes was thrown over, and she came of next tide
     without damage.
          Schooner Almeda, from New York for Boston, which went ashore at Vineyard Haven
     Oct 24th was floated evening of 25th. She was leaking about 400 strokes per hour.
          Schooner Grace Webster, Young, from Baltimore or Lynn, put into Vineyard Haven, 30th
     with loss of foretopmast and jibboom in the gale of 22nd.
         Schooner Julie Elizabeth, from Harbor Island arrived at Wilmington, N. C., 1st inst., leaky
     and mainmast sprung.
          Barque River Logan, from Bassein, Myanmar, landed at Falmouth E. 21st., Oct. C. Brodie,
     mate and six of the crew on ship Sylvanua Blaunchard,, from Liverpool for Rio Janeiro, coal
     laden when vessel was abandoned Sept. 20th,  lat 13 N lon 20 2 10 W, with 6 1/2 water in
      hold. Mate reports heavy weather from leaving  Liverpool til the crew left her after setting
      her on fire. The Captain and 9 men left in one boat and the mate and 6 men in the other,
      both steering from Cape Verds, but separated the first night



Wednesday, January 20, 2016


                                                               MAINE MATTERS
          A bold attempt to rob the U. S. mail was made lately between Sargentville and
     North Penobscot. The driver, Freeman Grindle, had a bullet sent through his hat, and
     returned the fire, which frightened the horse so that he broke away, leaving the robber
     standing in the road.
          Honorable Eugene Hale has sufficiently recovered to return to his home in Ellsworth.
          F. M. Rowe has built a carriage factory at Bar Harbor.
          The S. J. Court decided that the town of Monmouth cannot be held to pay a note
     given by William Brown, Treasurer, because it was issued without the express
     permission of the town. In this case, it is said the town did not receive the money. Mr.
     Brown explaining that it is a part of "the $12,000 mystery" in which he is involved.
          Richard C. Plaisted, of Gardiner, from an orchard 20 rods wide and 76 rods long, gets
     this year 750 barrels of first class winter fruit.
          The Messrs. Fuller, of Hallowell, use 800 tons of chalk per year in the manufacture
     of whiting and putty.
          Honorable D. D. Milliken of Waterville, died on the 28th, aged 75.  He was for 26 years
     president of the Waterville State and National Bank, and a trustee of Colby University. He
     had been a member of both branches of the Legislature, and of the Executive Council, and
     held other places in trust
          The Gazette says that John Holmes was not buried in Thomaston, as is generally
     believe, but his body lies beside his first wife at Alfred.
          J. W. Lake and Charles  Coombs of Richmond, broke into four stores in Damariscotta,
     last Sunday morning, and this was one too many, for in the fourth store Manfred Wyman's
     they were overhauled by Mr. Wyman and his father, just as they were leaving with their
     plunder. Coombs fired at S.  D. Wyman, the father, wounding him in the breast, when the
     later struck him over the head with a club and captured him and his team. Lake and the
     younger Wyman were meantime exchanging shots, none taking effect, and Lake escaped
     on foot. Wyman's wound is not serious. It is supposed these men committed the burglaries
     Nobleboro, Alna, Dresden and Whitfield, lately.
          John Dinan, aged 79, was killed at Bangor last Sunday night by falling down stairs.

          D. F. Hodgkins, who had both legs cut of by a train near Dover, last week, died the
     the night of the accident.
          Mrs. George Hall, of Bath, on Monday, while playing with a pistol,  shot her six year
     old daughter in the face, terribly mutilating it and probably destroying the left eye.
          Richmond correspondent E.,  writes; Quite large quantities of wheat have been raised
     here this season. William F. Hall raised 150 bushels from 10 acres, which is more than
     has been raised by any one man in Sagadahoc County this season. Total amount of
     wheat here is about 400 bushels.
          Mrs. Eliza Kinsman, who died at Cornville, lately, aged 90, had for father and uncle
     two officers of the Revolutionary Army.
          Ashman S. Salley, a native of Madison and a graduate of Bates College in 1875, was
     ordained and installed pastor of the Roger Williams Church, in Providence, R. I., last
          Mr. James Bray  of Skowhegan, died a few day ago, aged 70 years.  For 35 years
     he had convulsions when his stomach was empty. Within a year or two the trouble
     has been serious, and his weight dropped from 446 lbs., to 275lbs. An ulcerated
     cancerous stomach and diseases kidneys were the cause of his death.
          There were 18 cattle show in Somerset County this fall.


Sunday, January 17, 2016



                                                          MAINE MATTERS.
          Joseph A. Lamb, in State prison for being accessory to a case of abortion, has been
     pardoned by the Governor.
          John Clancy, an Irishman of advanced years, died in Lewiston last week. A little while
     before death he revealed to friends that there was a pot of gold buried in his cellar. Search
     revealed $1,000 gold. Fifteen years ago a Mrs. Howe asked Clancy's advice in regard to
     what she should do with a thousand dollars in gold she had accumulated, and he advised
     to bury it in her cellar. She did so, and soon  after the money was gone. She suspected
     Clancy, and sued him for the amount, and Clancy settled. Of course, it is suspected that
     the money in Clancy's cellar is the identical money stolen from Mrs. Howe. Clancy's
     friends, however, say he doubtless acted on the advice he gave her and that this was his
     money. If he had put it at interest 15 years ago, his estate would have been worth $2,500
     more than now.
          John Taylor, an English carpenter, was killed at Lewiston last Sunday, by being
     thrown from a carriage.

               Sydney Cook's new steamer is running on the Aroostook River from Fairfield to
          Presque Isle and Ashland.
          George Snow of Brunswick was struck on the head last Friday night by Henry Clay,
     colored, and is in a critical condition. Clay has fled.
          Last Saturday night Bridgton narrowly escaped a general conflagration. At it was
     five buildings on Main Street were destroyed including the office of the Bridgton News.
     The fire was discovered in the furniture store of B. F. Evans, whose loss is $1,200; insured
     for $1,000; M. A. Bean lost buildings, $1,800 insured for $1,000; C. H. Weston, buildings
     loss $3,500, insured for $2,800; H. A. Shorey, building and printing office, loss $4,500,
     insured for  $2,500; Fogg & Dodge, building and stock loss $2,200, insured for $1,200;
     B. T. Chase, law office, loss $2,500; insured for $1,000' F. S. Strout, law office, loss
    $1.000,insured for $700; James Bailey, Portland, building , loss $1,000, insure for $7,000;
     Highland and Grand Lodges, K. P., loss $2,200, smaller sums are lost by Boston
     Clothing Co., A. O. B. Carbett, W. B. Bailey, W. H. Haskell, Bridgton Library, Stoley's
     bakery, F. M. Larrabee, D. P. Larrabee, Cumberland House, R. Bell, A.R. Carsley. The
     total loss is set at $26,000, and the insurance is about $1,000. The cinders were carried
     for miles by high wind, and many building set on fire. A timely lull in the wind saved
    the village.
           Honorable David Moulton, of Deering, "Elder Crawford," will give an olio of comic
     recitations in the company with Mrs. T. F. Beals, the elocutionist, at Bridgton, November
          A bundle of clothes, containing shirt, drawers and overalls, was found in the woods
    near Morrill's corner, a few days ago, and it is thought they may be the exuvias (to remove)
     of the murderer of Low, at West Cumberland. The shirt is marked with initials.
          Daniel Pilsbury, of Cape Elizabeth, has two apple trees on his place that were set out
     before 1761, by Joshua Woodbury, Jr, They this year bore two barrels of apples, natural
     fruit, the specimens of which handed to us fair and sound. He has a pear tree of the same
     great age, also in bearing.
           William F. Fessenden, of Bridgton, get 700 bushel of apples from his orchard,
     200 bushels more than in any former year. One tree bore 40 bushels, says the News.
     Other orchardists in the town get large yields of apples, even more than last year.
          T. D. Emery's clothing establishment at Harrison turns out 100 coats a day for
     Boston  parties. He has 50 hands in the shop, and about 150 outside.
          Jacob Abbott, the well-known author, died at his residence "Ten Acres," Farmington,
     October 31st., aged 76. He was born in Hallowell, graduated at Bowdoin in 1820, became
     a tutor and afterwards professor of mathematics  in Amherst College, and was for several
     years principal of a school for young ladies in Boston, of  a similar school in New York.
     He is best known as a author, and the Harpers have published most of his works, in all
     about 150 volumes. The Rollo and Franconia series of juveniles were the most popular of
     all. For several years past he has resided at his old family homestead in Farmington. He
     leaves four sons, all of whom have won distinction, two as lawyer in New York, and two
     as editors and clergymen. He was an older brother of John S. C. Abbott, the historian,
     who died a few months ago. Two unmarried sisters survive him, and reside in Farmington.
          Rev. A. G. Devoll died a Carthage, October 26th, aged 66 years.




Wednesday, January 13, 2016


                                                                   CITY ITEMS
          The Jubilee Singers drew a good house, and their melodious voices held the audience
     even against the alarm of the fire-bells; the next entertainment of the course, a lecture by
     Mary C. Eastman on the question of "Ought women to want to vote," with a concert by
     Chandler's Ban, will occur Thursday, November 13th.
          By the terms of Rear Admiral Alden's will his statue can be placed only over his
     grave in the Eastern Cemetery; he will be represented in full uniform.
          Mr. Charles A. Gilson was thrown from his carriage by a railway horse one day
     last week, and received painful but not dangerous injuries.
          Harry Brown is about settling down in his studio for the season; he has orders for
     several pictures.
          On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, we are to have Emma Abbott Opera
     Company at City Hall; there will be an extra car on the Deering route.
          Galt's wharf is undergoing extensive repairs.
          The Young Men's Democratic Club, a hard money organization, has been organized
     with S. C. Strout, Esq., as President.
          Jose Congesto, the Acting Consul for Spain, makes an appeal in behalf of the suffers
     by the recent disastrous floods in that country; the benevolent can send the subscriptions
     to the Spanish consulate.
          On Friday week, Mrs. Henry C. Fitch, who keep the boarding house No. 88 Park
     Street, was very badly burned by her clothes taking fire at an open fire place, out of
     which a puff of wind blew the flames.
            On Thursday week Mr.  George Russell, the ship-builder of East Deering, fell
      from a staging into the hold of a vessel; his nose was split and two of his front teeth
     knocked out.
          A deaf man named McCallum, walking on the railroad track on Commercial Street,
     last Friday, was struck by a train and had his collar bone broken, a leg cut and his head
     and hands bruised.
          The Rev. J. M. Lowden, late of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has received and accepted a
     call from the Free Baptist Church of this city be become their pastor.
          Josh Billings did not draw a large audience at City Hall, but those who were present
     were well entertained by his humorous treatment of the topics of the day.
          At the Teachers' Meeting last Monday evening, a paper was read by Miss Kate B. Clark
     upon  "What are our Duties Concerning Indolent Pupils?" it was discussed by Messrs.
     Chase and Shehan.
           The Preble heirs  are to receive $9,000 for the share of Deering Oaks.



Sunday, January 10, 2016


          In this city, October 27th, Lena M. Murray, aged 2 years 4 months.
          In this city, October 27th, Valentine King, aged 28 years.
          In this city, October 27th, Harriet S. Elliott, wife of Isaac Jackson, aged 38 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Maria F., daughter of Washington and Mary A. Libby,
     aged 22 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Dennis Crowley, aged 66 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Patrick Milligan, aged 70 years 10 months.
          In this city, October 28th, Samuel, eldest son of Martha, and the late Hugh McDonald,
     aged 12 years 11 months.
          In this city, October 29th, Georgie G., child of Frank L and Georgie A. Byram,
     aged 5 years.
          In this city, October 28th, of diphtheria Lewis Walter, only child of C. H. and
     M. L. Newton, aged 9 years 3 months.
          In this city, November 2nd, Ada Gertrude, youngest child of Alphonso and Carrie
          In this city, November 2nd, Joseph P., youngest child of James and Mary A. Doyle,
     age 2 years 9 months.
          In  this city, November 2nd, Caroline H., wife of Howard D. Waldron, aged 50 years
     8 months.
          In this city, November 1st, Miss Abbie Howard, aged 73 years.
          In Cape Elizabeth, October 27th, Charles N. Libby, aged 30 years 4 months 12 days.
          In Deering, October 30th, Nellie Montgomery, only daughter of Capt. Alfred and
     Lizzie J. Race, aged 4 years 14 days.
          Deering, November 3rd, Patrick Kenney, aged 47 years.
          Saccarappa, November 1st., Betsey, wife of the late Jeremiah Clements, aged 88 years
     8 months 16 days.
          Harrison, October 19th, Drucilla W., wife of T. H. Ricker, aged 67 years 6 months.
          New York, New York, October 20th, Samuel Willey of Portland, aged 37 years.
          Hillsboro, N.H., October 25th, Eliza R., wife of Lyman Lewis, and daughter of
      the late Stephen Lewis of Portland, aged 73 years.
          October 14th, after a severe and lingering illness, Wellington Hale, aged 65 years,
          son of the late Deacon Ezekiel Hale; in Wisconsin; Florence, only remaining daughter
         of Jonas Parker of Norridgewock, aged 19 years.
          Kennnebuck Depot, October 31st., Miss Sarah Shackley aged 58 years.

          In this city, October 24th, Nellie Gertrude, only daughter of Andrew and Rebecca
     M. Hutchinson, aged 14 years 2 months.
          Thus has passed away one whose loveliness of character endeared her to all associated
      with her. An honest, thoughtful child, cherishing the good and abhorring the wrong she
      was universally beloved wherever known. Dear little Nellie! The wealth of beautiful
     flowers laid upon her casket by the member of her school class, bore testimony of their
     appreciation of gentleness and worth. Without murmuring she passed through her long
     suffering, and to the end, in her relation as a daughter and a sister, and friend was tender
     and loving, and will be missed and mourned by all who know her well.
                                                       In memoriam-Charles C. Frost
                                                  " A combination and a form, indeed!
                                                    Where every god seem to get his seal,
                                                     To give the world assurance of a man.
          These words of his favorite author fitly portray our noble Charlie. Of a bright, fun-
     loving disposition, he yet possessed those sterner qualities, foreign to all save dauntless
     spirits, who seem  born to conquer. A fine presence, united with great personal magnetism,
     attracted innumerable friends all of who in mercantile as well as  social circles, join with
     us in lamenting a common sorrow. Endowed with superior talents, his brief career
     shadowed forth grand possibilities. The counting-house, the crowded street, the busy
     mart will know him no more. No longer will the brave young yachtsman gayly glide o'er
     the billow of Casco Bay. No longer the hall of the "Warwick's" will re-echo his
     melodious voice. All that now remain are love and tears to tell us he hath been. Kissing
     away his struggling breath the Death-angel bore our darling to "the undiscovered
     country, from whose bourn  no traveler return." The cloud is rifted, and from beyond the
     stars, a voice is saying: "All is wll," On, widowed mother! They treasures wait thee on the
     far-off shore; and God, they God will give them all to thee.