Friday, January 23, 2015


                                                                 CITY ITEMS
                                                            Glances about Town 
          In the class which graduated from Harvard, last week, there were two young
     men from Portland, Mr. Charles De Verd Musans, P. H. S. and Mr. Farrington
     Hashen Whipple, P. H. S. Chauney Rea Burr, Ph. B., of Portland took the degree
     of M. D. He had as able dissertation of "Honorable mention," upon "An inquiry
     into the Nature and treatment of Fever."

        A large excursion barge loaded with about 23 people, teachers and scholars of
     the St. Lawrence Street Sunday School, was over turned at the foot of Munjoy Hill,
     Monday and several person injured. A little child name Love broke her collar bone.
     The accident was caused by a nut on the forward axle coming off.
          From the class of 1888, Portland High School, Messrs. Charles S. Rich, Leon
     M. Forbes, Thomas H. Gately and Arthur L. Hersey will go to Bowdoin, Jordan
     Rollins to  Dartmouth, and Miss Ella G. Webster to Wellesley. Nineteen boys and
     eleven girls have been admitted from the Shaller school; twenty girls and
     fifteen boys from the Cumberland Street grammar school, forty-six boys
     and thirty girls from the Butler school, and four boys from the Centre Street
         The Fourth promises to be a dull day in Portland, the city fathers having
     neglected to provide amusement for the people. But attractions outside the
     limits of the city are not wanting. The Turnverein will give an exhibition of
     athletic sports at the Base Ball grounds; Greenwood Garden, on Peak's Island,
     will offer numerous attractions; there will be a clambakes on Long Island, and
     the Portland Club will celebrate on Diamond Island;  Saccarappa is to have an
     attractive celebration and Segago Lake will be festive with music and dancing,
     baseball and orations by Honorable A. F. Moulton and Governor Robie.

          Mr. James Noyes died suddenly at his residence in this city on Friday
     evening of last week. He had been making a call on a friend, and on his
     return home remarked to his wife that he felt some difficulty in breathing.
     In twenty minutes he was dead. He was 58 year old, and was a native of
     Portland, being descended from an old and well-known family here. In early
     life he entered the bookstore of Sanborn & Carter, and afterward went into
     business with F. W. Bailey, forming the well-known and successful firm of
     Bailey & Noyes. Some years since the state of his health obliged him to
     retire from the confinement of the desk to more active business, and he
     became President of the Portland Stove Foundry Company. Mr. Noyes
     was a man of excellent business abilities and of high moral character. He
     was twenty years treasurer of the Chestnut Street Methodist Episcopal
     Church, and was in many ways a useful citizen, whose loss will be
     severely felt.


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