Wednesday, January 21, 2015


                                                       CITY ITEMS
                                                 Glances About Town
          Mr. Cyrus King and family of Washington, D. C., are at their cottage at Pine
          Orton Bishop Brown, of this city delivered the English oration "Luther at Worms;"
     at Phillips Academy,  Andover, last week.
          Jost & Morton have the contract for frescoing the Second Parish  Church, and will
     immediately begin work.
          Mr. F. A. Carpenter of the High School, has been presented by his scholars with
     an elegant edition of Hogarth.
          Mr. Will Sawyer, of the firm of W. C. Sawyer & Co., will act as clerk of the new
     Ottawa house, the present season.
          Miss L. B. Holbrook has taken charge of the Caswell School on Park Street. The
     seventh year will begin September 19th.
          Ground has been broken for L. P. Hawkins new shoe facotoyr. on Ocean Street,
      Deering. One hundred hands will be employed.
          Burglars entered the house of Captain C. H. Knowlton on Mayo Street, Friday
     night, and obtained several articles of silver ware.
          Fire slightly damaged a small wooden house on Brattle Street, owned by P. R.
      R. Co., occupied by James Cole on Sunday.
          William H. Clifford, Esq., of this city, delivered the address to the graduating
     class at the Maine Medical School, Brunswick, last week.
          On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweat celebrated their 50th
     Anniversary at their residence on Ocean Street, Deering.
          George C. Shaw & Co., make an artistic window display of island scenery
     with all the adjuncts going to make up a picnic or a summer outing.
          The architect of Wording Hall, erected for Ricker Classical Institute, and
     dedicated last week at Houlton, was John Calvin Stevens of this city.
          The four graduates of the Maine Medical school who, this year, received
     Honorable Mention were, F. H. Files, J. K. Hooper, W. W. Witcomb, and
     W. H. Merrill.
          In the class graduating at the Maine State College, last week, Mr. Edward
     H. Elwell, Jr., of Deering, took the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the scientific
     and literary course.
          Burnham & Morrill are preparing a foundation for an addition to their packing
     factory on Franklin Street. The addition is to be 70 feet by 42 1/2 feet, and three
     stories in height.
          Mr.  A. P. Heald, from Iowa who is on his way to visit friend down east, was
     victimized to the amount of $20 by a confidence man who made his acquaintance
     at the Union Station.
           John T. Hammond, a sailor at work on the bark Ormus yesterday forenoon, fell
      into the hold a distance of twenty feet. He was taken to the Marine Hospital, where
      he is suffering from concussion of the brain.
          Isaac C. Atkinson, General Manager of the Atkinson House Furnishing  Co., has
     presented M. S. Gibson, proprietor of the Ottawa Hotel, Cushing's Island, with an
     elegant rosewood piano for the use of their guests.
          Mr. Isaac Cobb of North 179 1/2 Spring Street, Portland a native of Gorham, is
     now engaged in compiling a genealogy of the Cobb family. All who are interested
     and are in possession of facts relative to this family, should communicate with him.
          Sometime during the past week the residence of Mr. W. S. Hovey at 48 Parris
      Street, was broken into and a valuable gold watch and some minor articles  stolen.
      Mr. Hovey and family are stopping at the islands and their house was unoccupied.
          The house of Mr. Orne on Mayo Street, was robbed this week by a man who
     entered in the day time through an open door, while the family were seated in a
     room adjoining the entry way. The thief got a purse containing about  $5.00 and
     other small articles.
          Forest, the seven year old son of Melrose D. Palmer, who with other boys were
     at play in the yard of the Merchants' Marine railway on Wednesday, was struck in
     the face with an iron dog, in the hands of one of his playmates, and it is feared the
      injury may destroy the sight in one eye.
          Thursday, a man name Thomas Morgan, had his foot caught in the gearing of the
     hoisting apparatus on board the dredge Bay View at work in Back Bay, and badly
     jammed; so much so that it is feared that his leg will have to be amputated. He was
    taken to the Maine General Hospital.
          Rev. Theodore Gerrish, pastor of the Pine Street Church, has been compelled
     to quit preaching owing to a throat trouble, and the church is looking about to
     supply the pulpit.



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