Sunday, January 4, 2015


                                                             CITY ITEMS
          Conductor Osgood received a fine seal ring from friends along the line of
     Ogdensburg Road, last Saturday, on the occasion of his leaving his position to
     to take charge of the Ocean House; his place on the road will be filled by Edwin
     Dow, who has been connected with the road for many years, and is much liked.
          Reverend Professor Williams, of Wilmington, N. C., has been appointed by
     Bishop Williams to the pastorate of Pine Street Church in this city.
          Senator Frye will attend the State Republican convention in this city, June 13th.
          D. H. Ingraham of this city, is to deliver the Memorial Day oration is
          Captain John Fisher fell down  the hatchway of the steamer Gazelle on Monday,
     breaking his collar bone and otherwise injuring him.
          Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Sturtevant celebrated their Golden wedding last Saturday
     evening, and over 100 friends paid their respect to the venerable couple,  and
     valuable presents were made, including $200 in gold.
          Joseph Jefferson appears as Bob Acers at the Portland Theater Thursday
          Rev. J. K, Smyth preached his last sermon as pastor of the New Jerusalem
     church last Sunday, and after the sermon made a feeling and appropriate address.
          Mr. L. V. Walker, one of the oldest and best engineers on the Grand Truck
     Road, is seriously ill at his residence on Newbury Street.
          Mr. H. L. Robinson, city clerk, is recovering.
           Superintendent Tucker of the Maine central is a lineal descendant of R. Tucker,
    who was the partner of George Cleves in the first settlement of Portland, 250
    years ago.
          Henry John Murray, formerly British consul here, is about to visit Portland.
          Samuel Rounds, the alleged forger in the West Scarboro case is on trial in the
     Superior Court.
          Mr. Lewis Pierce of this city, is elected director of the Flint and Pere Marquette
          Dr. C.H. Witham of Knightville, on Tuesday retracted his plea of not guilty on
     the charge of adultery, and was fined $330, which he paid.
          The Portland Bicycle Club will be represented at the League of America
     Wheelmen meet, to be held in Chicago May 29th and 30th, by Mr. C. H.
     Lamson, designer of the League Badge, Luggage carrier, and several other
    improvements connected with the bicycle.


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