Friday, January 2, 2015


                                                            CITY ITEMS
          Mr. Cole, whose card as a teacher of military bands appears in another column,
      is too well and favorably known as a cornet player and band leader in this community;
      he gives instruction in the use of all kinds of brass instruments.
          The reception of the Meagher Guards of Providence by Montgomery Guards of
     this city, last Friday, was the occasion of a very fine military display and festival;
     the Mechanic Blues Light Infantry, High School Cadets and Portland Cadets
     assisted in the reception, making a street parade of unusual attraction; the Meagher
     Guards were accompanied by Reeve's American Band, which Chandler's Band,
     furnished superb  music; there was a concert, drill and dance at City Hall in the
     evening, and among the invited guests were Governor Plaisted and his staff; the
     hall was handsomely decorated, as were also the front of the city building and the
     Falmouth Hotel; Governor Plasisted conferred the medal given by Bishop Healy
     to the drilled man, upon Corp. P. J. McCullum.
          Mrs. Alford Dyer, of this city, and his daughter who is also the wife of the
     sculptor Powers were passengers on board the Peruvian, which was caught in the
     ice off Newfoundland, with her propeller broken.
          Mr. Chauncey Barrett, formerly street commissioner of this city, died at
     Holden, Missouri, last week.
         Mr. John Bailey, formerly of this city and for many years in the clerk's
     office of the house of Representatives at Washington, was thrown from his
     buggy last and had his shoulder dislocated.
          At the meetings of the Maine Historical Society, Thursday afternoon and
     evening, papers will be read by E. H. Elwell on "Our Poet Governor,: by R.
     K. Sewell on "Samoset," by William Goold on "Ancient Augusta;" and by
    by Joseph Williamson on "General John Sullivan;" other papers are promised
    and remarks will be made upon the life and death of Longfellow.
          A meeting of prominent citizens of Portland was held last Saturday to
     consider the matter of erecting a statue to Longfellow; Judge Symonds
     presided, and remarks were made by H. S. Burrage, George F. Emery,
     Thomas Tash, H. W. Richardson, Mayor Libby and Mr. Hoyt; a committee
     was selected to draft a constitution and to obtain subscriptions; the plan is to
     have a bronze statue by Simmons, to cost about $10,000, to be located either
     in Market Square, or at  the head of State Street, overlooking the breezy dome
     of Derring's Woods; this is the next thing for Portland  to do, and we believe it
     will encourage other attempts at artistic ornamentation of our squares and
          Messrs. Thompson St. Clair & Fisk have organized a new fish packing firm
     at the heard of Merrill wharf.
          Mr. Ernesto Ponce is negotiating for the charter of a large steamer for the
     island route this summer.
          Governor Long of Massachusetts will accompany the Worcester Light Infantry
     in their visit to the city, and he and Governer Plaisted will appear in the procession



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