Friday, January 9, 2015
The Chronicle learns that a young man in Strong, a resident of Salem, has
been arrested and removed for trial for attempting to defraud the post office
The Eastern State Normal School as Castine closes its term on Thursday,
June 1st. The graduating class number 29.
Thomas delegates were chosen in Belgrade Saturday.
The store of James Peacock, sewing machine dealer in Gardiner was robbed of
$1000 worth of goods Saturday night.
Honorable Nathaniel Dennis, a prominent citizen of Litchfield, and former
Representative to the Legislature, died on the 19th after a short illness.
Thursday week, the two youngest children of Joseph Proctor, South Gardiner,
aged three and five years, while searching for something to eat found a wedding cake
which they partook freely, causing the death of both within twenty-four hours.
The Auburn soldier's monument from the Hallowell Granite Co.'s yards will
be shipped to Auburn and put in position this week in readiness for it dedication
on Memorial Day. The monument, which is of Hallowell granite throughout,
consists of a pedestal 8 feet square at the base from which rises the square
surmounted by a capital to the height of 22 feet, the whole topped by a figure
of a soldier 8 feet in height.
There are ten or twelve factories in Maine where spools for thread are
manufactured. That of Messrs. D. & H. W. Colder of Belgrade Mills, gives
employment to some 35 operatives, and annually produces about 235,000
gross of spools, doing business of $35,000 a year. In 1881 they did a larger
business than ever before in any one year. They annually require 1,500 cords of
white birch lumber. Twenty-seven years ago when this firm first engaged in the
business, there were only 10 establishments in the country making spools; they
now number over 300.
The four delegates chosen by Vinalhaven to the Republican State Convention
are instructed to vote for T. R. Simonton for a candidate for Congress.
Nelson P. Hamilton, at Rockland, Monday, on charge of adultery with Jennie
Grover, was ordered to give bail in $300 for appearance at the September term of
the Supreme Judicial Court.
Schooner Hattie L. Gray with 11,000 lobsters, ran on a ledge in Camden Harbor
and 10,000 lobsters escaped before the schooner could be raised.
Saturday the three-masted schooner Dora Matthews, 511 tons, was launched
from the yard of F. M. Bean, Camden.
Richard Dolman, of Washington, has received pension arrears of about $900.
His case has been hanging for more than 10 years.
At the Republican caucus in Woodstock Saturday, a delegation unanimous
for Thomas for Governor was chosen.
Our East Sumner correspondent states that R. A. Huse & Son are doing a
lively business manufacturing dowels and enameller's goods. They feel the
loss of one of their employees, Mr. George W. Hammons, who broke his leg
recently. Mr. Hammons is improving rapidly and will be out in a few weeks
on crutches.
Mr. John S. Jenness, of Bangor has received from a lapidary, thirteen
exquisitely cut tourmalines which came from Mount Mica, Paris, in this
state. The majority of these gems are green in color, and of much brilliancy;
there are, however, two or three nearly white stones, which resemble an aqua
marine more than an diamond, and one most beautiful pink tourmaline.
It is feared that Charles Bickford, of Brownfield will lose the sight of one
of his eyes; the result of a kick from a horse, by which his cheek bone was
The Whig learns that the condition of Rev. M. W. Prince, Principal of
the East Maine Conference Seminary is improving.
The cause of Daniel Murphy, of Carmel, having fits became apparent a
few days ago, when he vomited a small piece of cloth, several coins and
three good sized pebbles. The total weight of article was 7 1/2 ounces.
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