Sunday, January 11, 2015


                                                         MAINE MATTERS
          Professor Fernald of the State College, Orono, give the height of Mt.
     Katahdin, as ascertained by barometrical and trigonometrical (sic) methods to
     be 5, 215 feet.
          A Boston firm, through its agent, Mr. Elliot, of Bowdoinham, has 10 men
     engaging farmers to plant cucumber for pickling purposes. Over 40 acres have
     already been secured.
          F. A.  Johnson, the electrician of the Bell Telephone Co., was recently in Bath
     on his way to Boothbay, where he will establish a telephone exchange. A cable
     is to be laid to Squirrel Island. Boothbay will soon be connected with the Bath
          Goss & Sawyer, Bath launched Saturday, double-decked schooner Lucinda
     A. Potter, 700 tons.
          Charles B. Harrington, of Bath, launched a fine yacht, the  Widgeon a few
     days ago, William Minot of Boston, owner.  She is of beautiful model, built for
     speed, carries 3,000 pounds in keel. Mr. Harrington is also completing a
     40 ton steam yacht for George S. Homer of New Bedford.

          The death of a valuable cow belonging to William Weed, of Burnham is
     thought to have been caused by swallowing a pin, as one was found in her
     throat, around which was collected a fatty substance about five inches in
          J. P. Wentworth of Brooks, has purchased of Mrs. Gilman Colson, Dyer's
     Island, Strout's Island and boats for $35,000 and will stock the islands with sheep,
     having already contracted a few hundred that are now there.
         E. Dyer has the little steamer, which he is building for the sardine business at
     which he is building for  the sardine business at Jonesport, nearly ready to launch.
        Elizabeth Hill has recovered a verdict of $14,5000 at Calais, in an action against
     the estate of Munroe Hill for stumpage, rents, etc ,the Bank of British North
     America and others defending. The case goes to the full court on exceptions.
        Daniel Huntley, aged 30, was burned to death in his home at East Machias,
     evening of the 19th. A lamp exploded in his hand as he was about to retire,
     instantly enveloping him in burning oil.  The house was destroyed, and his
     wife and two children were just behind him, escaped with difficultly. There
     was an insurance on the house and furniture.

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