Friday, January 30, 2015


                                                   MAINE MATTERS
          Sheriff Irish captured, Friday in the woods, between Rockland and
      Rockport, Ross Stover who has broken jails in Rockport, Augusta and
     Belfast. Stover broke from the Augusta jail three weeks ago, and traveled
     on  foot to Rockport, where he stole a boat and rowed to Clam Cove, where
     he had been in hiding three days. He is wanted in Augusta for horse stealing.
          Moses M. Ordway of Falmouth, has been granted a pension.
          The ship Frederick Billings, of this port, the only four mated ship under
     the American flag, has been chartered to carry coal from Seattle to San
     Francisco.  She will carry 2,500 tons, and will continue in the trade until
     grain freight take a rise.
          Mr. Alden Gay, a resident of Thomaston, lives three miles from the city,
     and is well known in the Eastern port of Knox County. Mr. Gay is 88 years
     of age, but he still carries on his farm in person, He rises at 4 a. m., milks
     four cows and sometime five, before his hired man get out to the barn, and
     he is busy the year round. He looks after his business with closer attention
     than the majority of men half his age.
          During the thunder storm Saturday week, the barn of William C. Achorn,
     of Washington, was struck by lightning, shattering it considerably. Mr.
     Achorn was on his way from the house to the barn at the time, and his
     presence saved the building from burning, as it caught fire in several places.
     The barn is new and well furnished.
          Timothy Dyer, who lives on Dyer's Island, went out fishing last week and
     was 16 miles to sea in an 18 foot boat. He caught a halibut and half a hogshead
     of fish, which netted him $8.00 for his day's work. Mr. Dyer is 86 years of age.
     and a smart old man.
          Lindley M. Staples has been appointed postmaster at Washington, Vice
     Isaac W. Johnson, removed.

          At Phillips Academy, Andover, graduation exercise Allen R. Bennett,
     of Waldoboro, took first Dove Latin prize of $20.00, and first Joseph Cook,
      Greek prize of $15.00.
          The shoe manufacturing firm of Henry & Daniels of Boston, have decided
     to locate their new factor in Waldoboro.
          Reports from the Dresden camp ground say that Rev. W. S. Jones' cottage
      has been entered and everything of value stolen, and other cottages have
     also been broken into.
          Llewellyn  Quimby, the confessed murderer of the late William Kenniston,
     of Boothbay, is still incarcerate in the county jail at Wiscasset, awaiting
     trial at the next term of the Supreme Court, to be held in Wiscasset. Quimby
     get through the day very quietly, passing his time either in reading or looking
     of his cell window.  He is very quiet and has very little to say the other
     inmates of the jail, all of whom are in for petty offences, compared with
     his crime. He has not expressed the slightest sorrow or regret at killing
     Kenniston. A Wiscasset lawyer had been engaged to defend him.
               Parties are digging in the locality known as "the Sands," at Dresden,
     for the treasures of the pirate Kidd.

          N. H. Perry of South Paris, has discovered a rare gem stone not before
     found in his country. It is a plenacite, and was found in a lot of white topaz
     and in the eastern part of this county and in the eastern part of New Hampshire.
     It is well known that topaz is inferior in value and hardness only to the diamond,
     and when cut can be distinguished from them only with an electrical test. When
     subjected to hear their color can be changed to resemble the Oriental ruby.
          Charles A. Young has been appointed  postmaster at South Waterford.
          Mr. M. P. Johnson, proprietor of the Fryeburg House, the famed hostelry
     in Fryeburg, first opened to the public in 1835, has reopened it, and proposes to
     maintain it enviable reputation, as a hotel and boarding house.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


                                                    MAINE MATTERS

          Reuben Essensa, a young man 21 years old, attempted to swim across
     Maganandavic River at Lee settlement, N. B., Friday morning with a child
     name Willie Bernyon on his back. About midway both sank and did not
     rise again. It is supposed that Essensa was taken with a cramp. The bodies
     were recovered.
          C. A. Russ & Co., granite contractors of Green's Landing, Deer Isle,
     have shut down rather then accede to the demands of the workmen for a
     monthly pay day and a new scale of wages.
          The Ellsworth American says that Madame Fengar, the noted violinist, is
     the wife of Captain A. A. Fengar, commander of the revenue cutter "Woodbury."
     She has a pet from which she is never separated. It is a violin in which is said
     to be more than two hundred years old. It is very small and differs very little
     in appearance from the ordinary violin, yet its owner has refused $1,500 in
     cash for her treasure. The instrument is a genuine "Stradivarius" and was
     purchased in German by Captain Fengar for his wife.
          Rev. Alvah H. Hovey, D. D. , L L. D., of Newton Theological Seminary,
     delivered the baccalaureate sermon of Colby University Sunday. His text
     was from II Corinthians, iv, 18. At the conclusion of Dr. Hovey's sermon,
     President Pepper delivered an address to the senior class on the importance
     of honest and earnestness in purpose and act.
          Some time last winter Mr. A. McDermid, Superintendent of the Richards
     Paper Co., Manufactory, Gardiner, received a letter from Edward A. Chase,
     asking for a situation in the mill. Mr. McDermin answered the letter to the
     effect that at that time there was not an opening, but when there was one he
     would remember him. Not knowing or thinking who the person was, and
     needing a man he wrote him a few days ago, directing the letter to New York.
     He received in reply a letter written in a firm hand and dated Portland in which
     Chase regretted that he could not accept the position, a he was held in jail on
     the charge of having murdered Mrs. Ida M. Stevens.
          As Mr. James Wyman, formerly of Monson, was in Manmouth, a few days
     ago, he started early one morning to walk to his brother's in Litchfield. Seeing a
     light in a house, rapped on the door to inquire his way, and receiving no
     response started on, when he heard the report of a pistol, having been
     mistaken by the inmates of the house for a tramp or a burglar.
         On Tuesday week Fred Doe, of East Vassalboro, was killed by the falling
     of an elevator in his mill.
         A three year old child of Fred Gibbs, of Fairfield, fell down stairs Friday
     breaking a leg between the hip and knee.
          The case of Loren P. Judkins, against the Maine Central Railroad, for
     damages sustained in being knocked from a flat car in the Waterville yard,
     has just been settled by the Law Court in favor of the road. In the trial
     got a verdict, and the road carried it to the Law Court on a motion to set
     aside the verdict.
          Thaddeus Buzzall, of Winthrop, aged about 70 dropped dead Friday
     morning from heart disease. He was dressing when he fell, dying immediately.
     He was a native citizens and a well known and ardent Democrat.
          The Johsnon woolen mill at Wayne, which has been shut down for the
     last three years, has recently been started up and is now doing a thriving

Sunday, January 25, 2015


                                                MAINE MATTERS
          R. E. Shaw has been appointed postmaster of West Leeds, Vice Gustavus
     Jennings resigned.
          Robert M. Kershaw, clerk with the Auburn Boot & Shoe Company, has
     invented an automatic elevator gate. The machine is very stable in its
     construction. A patent has been applied for.
          One of the leading architects of Chicago is Mr. Frost of Lewiston. He has
     just designed a $125,000 house for Clem Studebaker of South Bend. A
     $125,000 railroad station is now being build for the Northwestern Railroad
     at Milwaukee, from designs by Mr. Frost.
          R. S. Bradbury of Auburn was wounded in the arm Friday, by a revolver
     being discharged. The wound is not dangerous.
          Thomas Humphrey of Blaine, has received a pension of over $1,300.
          Mr. Bedford Hume, a well-know lumberman of Bridgewater, died quite
     suddenly at Woodstock Monday week. He was 58 years of age.

          The Class of 1878 (Bowdoin,) has a carefully prepared history of it members,
     just issued at Farmington under the supervision of one of its members, George
     C. Purington, once the Principal of Brunswick High School.
          A man in Saccarappa declared in 1856 that he would never shave again till
     Fremont was elected president. He has kept his word and all the town is familiar
     Jere Andrews' full beard.
          The 80th birthday of Rev. John Cobb, pastor of the School Street Methodist
     Church in Gorham, was celebrated at his residence on South Street, June 26th,
     in a very interesting and appropriate manner. Quite a large number of clergyman
     were present, several of whom were nearly as far advanced at Mr. Cobb himself,
     and one who outranked him in age by nearly a years. A generous sum of money
     and two easy chairs were present to the worthy couple.
         The dwelling house of Mr. Edward Harding of Gorham Village, was entered
     by burglars Tuesday week, but they secured no booty, being frightened away
     by the inmates of the house. The robber were seen to enter a carriage and to
     drive rapidly away.
          Mr. L. P. Hawkins is enlarging and modernizing the residence formerly
     occupied by the late Dr. Tewksbury, on Ocean Street, Deering and has broken
     ground for the new shoe factory to be erected  by him near by. It is expected
    that business will begin about October 1st, and the factory will give employment
    to nearly 100 hands, male and female.
          Rev. Daniel Green, of Machias, has accepted a unanimous call to the
     Congregational Church at Cumberland Centre.
          A post office has been established at Hayne's Landing with H. A. Prescott
     as postmaster.
          The Franklin Veteran Association have decided to hold the third annual
     reunion at Farmington, August 21st and 22nd.
          Pensions have been granted to Abel Russell, Weld; Mary J., widow of
     Edwin Brown, Wilton; Moses, father of Llewellyn W. Fogg, Farmington.

Friday, January 23, 2015


                                                                 CITY ITEMS
                                                            Glances about Town 
          In the class which graduated from Harvard, last week, there were two young
     men from Portland, Mr. Charles De Verd Musans, P. H. S. and Mr. Farrington
     Hashen Whipple, P. H. S. Chauney Rea Burr, Ph. B., of Portland took the degree
     of M. D. He had as able dissertation of "Honorable mention," upon "An inquiry
     into the Nature and treatment of Fever."

        A large excursion barge loaded with about 23 people, teachers and scholars of
     the St. Lawrence Street Sunday School, was over turned at the foot of Munjoy Hill,
     Monday and several person injured. A little child name Love broke her collar bone.
     The accident was caused by a nut on the forward axle coming off.
          From the class of 1888, Portland High School, Messrs. Charles S. Rich, Leon
     M. Forbes, Thomas H. Gately and Arthur L. Hersey will go to Bowdoin, Jordan
     Rollins to  Dartmouth, and Miss Ella G. Webster to Wellesley. Nineteen boys and
     eleven girls have been admitted from the Shaller school; twenty girls and
     fifteen boys from the Cumberland Street grammar school, forty-six boys
     and thirty girls from the Butler school, and four boys from the Centre Street
         The Fourth promises to be a dull day in Portland, the city fathers having
     neglected to provide amusement for the people. But attractions outside the
     limits of the city are not wanting. The Turnverein will give an exhibition of
     athletic sports at the Base Ball grounds; Greenwood Garden, on Peak's Island,
     will offer numerous attractions; there will be a clambakes on Long Island, and
     the Portland Club will celebrate on Diamond Island;  Saccarappa is to have an
     attractive celebration and Segago Lake will be festive with music and dancing,
     baseball and orations by Honorable A. F. Moulton and Governor Robie.

          Mr. James Noyes died suddenly at his residence in this city on Friday
     evening of last week. He had been making a call on a friend, and on his
     return home remarked to his wife that he felt some difficulty in breathing.
     In twenty minutes he was dead. He was 58 year old, and was a native of
     Portland, being descended from an old and well-known family here. In early
     life he entered the bookstore of Sanborn & Carter, and afterward went into
     business with F. W. Bailey, forming the well-known and successful firm of
     Bailey & Noyes. Some years since the state of his health obliged him to
     retire from the confinement of the desk to more active business, and he
     became President of the Portland Stove Foundry Company. Mr. Noyes
     was a man of excellent business abilities and of high moral character. He
     was twenty years treasurer of the Chestnut Street Methodist Episcopal
     Church, and was in many ways a useful citizen, whose loss will be
     severely felt.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


                                                       CITY ITEMS
                                                 Glances About Town
          Mr. Cyrus King and family of Washington, D. C., are at their cottage at Pine
          Orton Bishop Brown, of this city delivered the English oration "Luther at Worms;"
     at Phillips Academy,  Andover, last week.
          Jost & Morton have the contract for frescoing the Second Parish  Church, and will
     immediately begin work.
          Mr. F. A. Carpenter of the High School, has been presented by his scholars with
     an elegant edition of Hogarth.
          Mr. Will Sawyer, of the firm of W. C. Sawyer & Co., will act as clerk of the new
     Ottawa house, the present season.
          Miss L. B. Holbrook has taken charge of the Caswell School on Park Street. The
     seventh year will begin September 19th.
          Ground has been broken for L. P. Hawkins new shoe facotoyr. on Ocean Street,
      Deering. One hundred hands will be employed.
          Burglars entered the house of Captain C. H. Knowlton on Mayo Street, Friday
     night, and obtained several articles of silver ware.
          Fire slightly damaged a small wooden house on Brattle Street, owned by P. R.
      R. Co., occupied by James Cole on Sunday.
          William H. Clifford, Esq., of this city, delivered the address to the graduating
     class at the Maine Medical School, Brunswick, last week.
          On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweat celebrated their 50th
     Anniversary at their residence on Ocean Street, Deering.
          George C. Shaw & Co., make an artistic window display of island scenery
     with all the adjuncts going to make up a picnic or a summer outing.
          The architect of Wording Hall, erected for Ricker Classical Institute, and
     dedicated last week at Houlton, was John Calvin Stevens of this city.
          The four graduates of the Maine Medical school who, this year, received
     Honorable Mention were, F. H. Files, J. K. Hooper, W. W. Witcomb, and
     W. H. Merrill.
          In the class graduating at the Maine State College, last week, Mr. Edward
     H. Elwell, Jr., of Deering, took the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the scientific
     and literary course.
          Burnham & Morrill are preparing a foundation for an addition to their packing
     factory on Franklin Street. The addition is to be 70 feet by 42 1/2 feet, and three
     stories in height.
          Mr.  A. P. Heald, from Iowa who is on his way to visit friend down east, was
     victimized to the amount of $20 by a confidence man who made his acquaintance
     at the Union Station.
           John T. Hammond, a sailor at work on the bark Ormus yesterday forenoon, fell
      into the hold a distance of twenty feet. He was taken to the Marine Hospital, where
      he is suffering from concussion of the brain.
          Isaac C. Atkinson, General Manager of the Atkinson House Furnishing  Co., has
     presented M. S. Gibson, proprietor of the Ottawa Hotel, Cushing's Island, with an
     elegant rosewood piano for the use of their guests.
          Mr. Isaac Cobb of North 179 1/2 Spring Street, Portland a native of Gorham, is
     now engaged in compiling a genealogy of the Cobb family. All who are interested
     and are in possession of facts relative to this family, should communicate with him.
          Sometime during the past week the residence of Mr. W. S. Hovey at 48 Parris
      Street, was broken into and a valuable gold watch and some minor articles  stolen.
      Mr. Hovey and family are stopping at the islands and their house was unoccupied.
          The house of Mr. Orne on Mayo Street, was robbed this week by a man who
     entered in the day time through an open door, while the family were seated in a
     room adjoining the entry way. The thief got a purse containing about  $5.00 and
     other small articles.
          Forest, the seven year old son of Melrose D. Palmer, who with other boys were
     at play in the yard of the Merchants' Marine railway on Wednesday, was struck in
     the face with an iron dog, in the hands of one of his playmates, and it is feared the
      injury may destroy the sight in one eye.
          Thursday, a man name Thomas Morgan, had his foot caught in the gearing of the
     hoisting apparatus on board the dredge Bay View at work in Back Bay, and badly
     jammed; so much so that it is feared that his leg will have to be amputated. He was
    taken to the Maine General Hospital.
          Rev. Theodore Gerrish, pastor of the Pine Street Church, has been compelled
     to quit preaching owing to a throat trouble, and the church is looking about to
     supply the pulpit.



Sunday, January 18, 2015


          In this city, June 26th, William H., only son of Mary A. and the late Michael
    Mackin, aged 24 years.
          In this city, June 2th, Edward Killen, aged 60 years.
          In this city, June 29th, James Noyes, aged 58.
          In this city, June 29, Carrie L., eldest daughter of Charles A. and Annie
     Allen, aged 30 years 10 months.
          In this city, June 30th, Frank A., infant son of Emerson and Harriet Elgee.
          In this city, June 30th, William Dacy, aged 71 years 10 months.
          In Scarboro, June 19th, Lillian Bertille Mary, daughter of James and
     Margaret Jordan, aged 17 years 10 months.
          In Cambridgeport, Mass., June 29th, Charles W. Lucy, aged 60 years
     10 months.
          In Yarmouth, June 22nd, Emily Gray, wife of the late Captain George,
     aged 76 years.
          June 14th, of inflammation of the brain, George L. Reed, of Bridgeport,
          In Saccarappa, June 24th, Lucy T. Small, aged 70 years-widow of the late
     David O. Small, formerly of Windham.
          In East Baldwin, June 22nd, Mrs. Jerusha S. Brown, aged 83 years
     3 months, 20 days.
          In Saco, June 23rd, James Cannigan.
          In East Rumford, June 16th, Josiah Knight, aged 87 years.
          In Freeport, June 27th, Thomas Cummings, formerly of Portland, aged
     64 years.
          In North Yarmouth, June 22nd, Mrs. Rachel S. Baston, aged 90 years
     2 months; Benjamin True, aged 68 years,  2 months.
          In Bowdoin, June 23rd, Katie Alexander, aged 96 years.
          In Bangor, June 26th, Nancy Sproul, wife of Alexander McDonald,
     aged 80.
          In Boston, June 28th, George R. Lancaster, of Bangor, 67 years.
          In Wells, June 19th, Captain Benjamin Wells, aged 73 years 2 months.
          In Kennebunk, June 18th, Mrs. Abigail Hatch, aged 84 years 6 months.
          In East Machias , June 15th, James M. Abbott, aged 44 years 8 months.

          In Auburn, June 26th, Mrs. John F. Cobb, age 60 years 5 months.
          In Vassalboro, June 24th, I. C. Gifford, aged 77 years.
          In West Gardiner, June 12th, Benjamin Tibbetts, age 88 years.
          In St. Louis, May 11th, William H. McKenzie, volunteer in the 10 Maine
     Infantry and 2dn Maine Cavalry.
          In Lower Biddeford, June 26th, Isreal W. Emmons, aged 77 years.
          In Lyman, June 28th, Alvin Grant, aged 62 years 6 months.
          In Randolph, June 18th, Elizabeth J. Given, aged 58 years 6 months.
          In Harrison, June 26th, Juliette, wife of Albion Kimball, aged 57 years.
          In Dixfield, June 20th, Alonzo Canada, Phillips, aged 21 years.
          In Fryeburg, June 17th, Mrs. Charles Tibbetts, aged 73 years.
          In Fryeburg Centre, June 23rd, Mrs. Julia A. Walker, aged 69 years.
          In Dedham, Hancock County,  June 23rd, Daniel B. Billington, aged 76 years.

Friday, January 16, 2015


          In this city, June 26th, by Rev. Mr. Crosely, Frank E. Pottle and Mary E.
    Mullin, both of Portland.
          In this city, June 27th, by Rev. Mr. Crosely, Fred W. Higgins and Lottie M.
    L. Libby, both of Portland.
          In this city, by Rev. C. H. Daniels, Elmer E. Thurston and Bessie E. Pine, both
    of Portland.
          In this city, June 27th, by Rev. A. H. Wright, Charles C. Walker, and Addie F.
    Weeks, both of Portland. [No card]
          In this city, June 28th, by Rev. Father Reardon, John Lester Purington, and
    Catherine E. Vaughan, both of Portland.
          In this city, June 28th, by Rev. A. H. Wright, Edwin H. Whiteley and Mabel
    B. Ross, both of Portland.
          In this city, June 29th, by Rev. M. Crosely, George W. Barbour and Emma J.
    Brown, both of Portland.
          In Cumberland Mills, June 27th, by Rev. M C. Pendexter, Walter H Wyer, and
     Grace A. Brown, both of Westbrook.
          In Thomaston, June 16th, Herbe (as spelled) T. Thomas and Mary J.
     Cunningham, both of Portland.
          In Friendship, June 24th, Edward Delano and Edith Burns, both of Friendship.
          In North Vassalboro, June 23rd, Frank E. Burill and Miss Ora M. Davis,
    both of Oakland.
          In Sedgwick, June 20th, Henry A. Carter of Sedgwick and Miss Melinda
    Gray of Bluehill.
          In Bath, June 26th, James F. Bates of New Bedford and Lydia M. Rogers of
    of Phipsburg.
          In Mercer, June 23rd, Frank Blaisdell of Mercer, and Flora Foster of  Rome, Me.
          In Bath, June 28th (?) James E. Bates, of New Bedford, Mass., and Lydia M.
    M. Rogers of Phipsburgh.
          In Machias, June 18th, Pelester V. Marrius and Hattie M. Gay, both of Machias.
          In Biddeford, June 11th, Albert E. Matthews, of Calais, and Emma Day of
          In Calais, June 16th, Justin E. Gore and Gertrude H. Brown.
          In Lincolnville, May 30th, Frank A. Curtis and Genevieve I. Decrow, both of
          At Rumford Centre, June 19th, Fred E. Seal, of Lynn, Mass., and Jennie M.
    Farnum of Rumford.
          In Lincolnville, June 6th, William E. Whitney and Alice M. Shibles, both of
          In Belfast, June 24th, Ephraim Robbins, Jr., and Annie B. Young, of Belfast.
          In Hallowell, June 21st, William E. Paine, and Alice McLaughlin.
          In Bangor June 23rd, William H. Patten, of Bangor and Emma Dearborn of
          In Lowell, Mass., June 26th, by Rev. George W. Bicknell, George Edward
     Bicknell, son of the officiating clergy man, and Blanch G. Richardson, all of
     Lowell. (The bride is a sister of Ex-Mayor Richardson, formerly of Lowell, now
    of Minneapolis, Minn.)
          In Biddeford, June 26th, Michael McHenry and Maggie Mahoney, both of
          In Rockland, June 20th, Henry A. Rueter, of Boston, and Bertha E. Glover,
    both of Rockland,
          In Boothbay, June 20th, Giles W. Day and Abbie J. Greenleaf, both of
          In Sedgwick, June 20th, Henry A. Carter, of Sedgwick, and Melinda
    Gray of Bluehill.
          In Cumberland Mills, June 27th, by Honorable E. E. Rand, Edgar A. Durell
    of Westbrook and Mabel F. Staples, of Windham.
          In Saccarappa, June 26th, Ernest A. Dodge and Emma Rich Hawkes.
          In Biddeford, June 27th, Samuel W. Cassebom, of Saco, and Susan Davis,
    of Machias.
          In Augusta, June 24th, George E. Merrill and Lydia A. Haydon.
          In Turner, June 27th, Charles W. Oldham and Ada . Thomas, both of
          In Brunswick, June 27th, Edwin A. Graves and Ida E. Snow, both of
          In Bangor, June 26th, Charles A. Jacobs and Alice M. Giles, (?) both of
          In Great Falls, N. H. June 18th, Wilson R. Bill and Annie Kelley.
          In Lincolnville, June 3rd, Edwin  P. Bowker of Brooklin and Carrie M.
    Rowe, of Lincolnville.
          In Norridgewock, June 2nd, Charles W. Tibbetts and Mrs. Mattie J. Hawkes.
          In Springvale, June 12th, Harley O. Witham and Eliza E. Nason, both of
          In Augusta, June 18th, Timothy Currier and Flora M. Shattuck.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


          Launched-At East  Boothbay, by  William Adams & Son, a fishing schooner of 89
     tons, called the "Henri N. Woods," built for Norwood and Son, of Gloucester, being
     the seventh  vessel built for this firm by the Messrs. Adams. Another schooner will
     be launched from the same yard in June for Captain Thomas Hodgdon, of Gloucester.
          Schooner Denmark at Boston, from Bath, reports while anchored at Gloucester
     14th last, sprung bowsprit head by pitching in heavy seas.
          Schooner Hattie L. Godfrey, of Deer Isle, while trying to work into Camden
     night of 11th, struck on a ledge at N E Point and sunk; she had 10,000 live
     lobsters which all escaped. Crew safe, the vessel was raised next day and towed
     into port.
          The wreck of schooner Benjamin Reed, ashore on West Chop, is breaking
     up. It has been sold for $40.
          Brig Henri Coipel, on the railway at Bath, will have a new bottom entire keel,
     planking and frame.
          Schooner Yankee Girl, dragged ashore at Tennant's Harbor a few night since,
     but was got off with slight damage.
          Schooner G. M. Gilmore, from a fishing cruise, put into Port Clyde 13th inst,
     leaking badly and partly filled with water.
          Camden, May 17th-Schooner Addie Gray, Sylvester (master) went ashore on
    N E Point, and sunk. She was raised and towed by steamer Planet, in a disabled
          The new schooner Minnie Smith, had several planks started at Bath 15th, by
     being run into schooner Samuel Hart.
          Schooner Martin W. Bates went ashore at Vineyardhaven, doing some
          The seine boat picked up off Absecom, New Jersey, marked "Arizona,
     Portland," proves to be the one lost by the Kate McClintock, before reported;
     the Arizona is on the Banks, all right.
          Brig Castalia, from Kennebec for Philadelphia, was towed into Newport,
     R. I., in distress, having been run into the night of 22nd on Nantucket Shoals
     by steamer Alaska, and lost bowsprit and head gear. The revenue cutter
     Dexter towed her in. The brig will repair in Newport.
          Schooner Lettie Wells, Ware (master) Calais, Me., for New York, with
     lumber, in towing through the Narrow at Lubec, 18th inst., ran against
     the hawsers of the dredger, which she parted and drifted ashore on the
          New Bedford, May 20th-Brig Julio E.Haskell, which arrived at this port
     18th, was blown out of the bay has arrived back, she in now hard aground
     on Butler's flat.
          Newcastle, N S W, March 27th-The highest offer for barque Monhegan
     was $3000, and the mast ns talks of repairing her.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


                                                         MAINE MATTERS
          Professor Fernald of the State College, Orono, give the height of Mt.
     Katahdin, as ascertained by barometrical and trigonometrical (sic) methods to
     be 5, 215 feet.
          A Boston firm, through its agent, Mr. Elliot, of Bowdoinham, has 10 men
     engaging farmers to plant cucumber for pickling purposes. Over 40 acres have
     already been secured.
          F. A.  Johnson, the electrician of the Bell Telephone Co., was recently in Bath
     on his way to Boothbay, where he will establish a telephone exchange. A cable
     is to be laid to Squirrel Island. Boothbay will soon be connected with the Bath
          Goss & Sawyer, Bath launched Saturday, double-decked schooner Lucinda
     A. Potter, 700 tons.
          Charles B. Harrington, of Bath, launched a fine yacht, the  Widgeon a few
     days ago, William Minot of Boston, owner.  She is of beautiful model, built for
     speed, carries 3,000 pounds in keel. Mr. Harrington is also completing a
     40 ton steam yacht for George S. Homer of New Bedford.

          The death of a valuable cow belonging to William Weed, of Burnham is
     thought to have been caused by swallowing a pin, as one was found in her
     throat, around which was collected a fatty substance about five inches in
          J. P. Wentworth of Brooks, has purchased of Mrs. Gilman Colson, Dyer's
     Island, Strout's Island and boats for $35,000 and will stock the islands with sheep,
     having already contracted a few hundred that are now there.
         E. Dyer has the little steamer, which he is building for the sardine business at
     which he is building for  the sardine business at Jonesport, nearly ready to launch.
        Elizabeth Hill has recovered a verdict of $14,5000 at Calais, in an action against
     the estate of Munroe Hill for stumpage, rents, etc ,the Bank of British North
     America and others defending. The case goes to the full court on exceptions.
        Daniel Huntley, aged 30, was burned to death in his home at East Machias,
     evening of the 19th. A lamp exploded in his hand as he was about to retire,
     instantly enveloping him in burning oil.  The house was destroyed, and his
     wife and two children were just behind him, escaped with difficultly. There
     was an insurance on the house and furniture.

Friday, January 9, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
          The Chronicle learns that a young man in Strong, a resident of Salem, has
     been arrested and removed for trial for attempting to defraud the post office
          The Eastern State Normal School as Castine closes its term on Thursday, 
     June 1st. The graduating class number 29.

          Thomas delegates were chosen in Belgrade Saturday.
          The store of James Peacock, sewing machine dealer in Gardiner was robbed of
     $1000 worth of goods Saturday night.
          Honorable Nathaniel Dennis, a prominent citizen of Litchfield, and former
     Representative to the Legislature, died on the 19th after a short illness.
          Thursday week, the two youngest children of Joseph Proctor, South Gardiner,
     aged three and five years, while searching for something to eat found a wedding cake
     which they partook freely, causing the death of both within twenty-four hours.
          The Auburn soldier's monument from the Hallowell Granite Co.'s yards will
     be shipped to Auburn and put in  position this week in readiness for it dedication
     on Memorial Day. The monument, which is of Hallowell granite throughout,
     consists of a pedestal 8 feet square at the base from which rises the square
     surmounted by a capital to the height of 22 feet, the whole topped by a figure
     of a soldier 8 feet in height.
          There are ten or twelve factories in Maine where spools for thread are
     manufactured. That of Messrs. D. & H. W. Colder of Belgrade Mills, gives
     employment to some 35 operatives, and annually produces about 235,000
     gross of spools, doing business of $35,000 a year. In 1881 they did a larger
     business than ever before in any one year. They annually require 1,500 cords of
     white birch lumber. Twenty-seven years ago when this firm first engaged in the
     business, there were only 10 establishments in the country making spools; they
     now number over 300.
          The four delegates chosen by Vinalhaven to the Republican State Convention
     are instructed to vote for T. R. Simonton for a candidate for Congress.
           Nelson P. Hamilton, at Rockland, Monday, on charge of adultery with Jennie
     Grover, was ordered to give bail in $300 for appearance at the September term of
     the Supreme  Judicial  Court.
          Schooner Hattie L. Gray with 11,000 lobsters, ran on a ledge in Camden Harbor
     and 10,000 lobsters escaped before the schooner could be raised.
          Saturday the three-masted schooner Dora Matthews, 511 tons,  was launched
     from the yard of F. M. Bean, Camden.
          Richard Dolman, of Washington, has received pension arrears of about $900.
     His case has been hanging for more than 10 years.
          At the Republican caucus in Woodstock Saturday, a delegation unanimous
     for Thomas for Governor was chosen.
          Our East Sumner correspondent states that R. A. Huse & Son are doing a
     lively business manufacturing dowels and enameller's goods. They feel the
     loss of one of their employees, Mr. George W. Hammons, who broke his leg
     recently.  Mr. Hammons is improving rapidly and will be out in a few weeks
     on crutches.
         Mr. John S. Jenness, of Bangor has received from a lapidary, thirteen
     exquisitely cut tourmalines which came from Mount Mica, Paris, in this
     state. The majority of these gems are green in color, and of much brilliancy;
     there are, however, two or three nearly white stones, which resemble an aqua
     marine more than an diamond, and one most beautiful pink tourmaline.
        It is feared that Charles Bickford, of Brownfield will lose the sight of one
     of his eyes; the result of a kick from a horse, by which his cheek bone was
          The Whig learns that the condition of Rev. M. W. Prince, Principal of
     the East Maine Conference Seminary is improving.
          The cause of Daniel Murphy, of Carmel, having fits became apparent a
     few days ago, when he vomited a small piece of cloth, several coins and
     three good sized pebbles. The total weight of article was 7 1/2 ounces.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
           It is settled that General O. O. Howard is to deliver the oration at the
     dedication of the Auburn soldier's monument on Memorial Day.
          Mr. E. S.  Goding is preparing to build his corn factory at Livermore Falls.
     He has engaged already some 30 acres. He will pay 3 cents a can, settling for the
     corn on or before January next.
          Franklin Simmons, the sculptor, has several orders for ideal statues from
     wealthy English people who have visited his studio in Rome.
          The North Star says its article relative to the Bean children coming to the notice
     of their relatives in New Hampshire, they write that the children belong to a niece
     of Bean, and he was paid to take good care of them. The older child has so far
     recovered as to be able to attend school, while the younger is rapidly recovering
     both in mind and body.
          A full Thomas delegation was chosen in Yarmouth, Monday. Harpswell
     are also for Thomas.
          At a meeting last week of the board of trustees of Bridgton Academy, it
     was voted to erect a building according to plans submitted by Principal
     Moody, to contain a library room, recitation rooms, dormitories and vestry
     accommodation for the church and society; also if deemed necessary,
     kitchen and dining facilities. It was also voted to call it "Farnsworth
     Memorial Hall," the present member of which have contributed a large sum
    to the enterprise, while the late Dr. Samuel Farnsworth and his late son,
    Dr. Samuel Farnsworth, were well known friends and liberal supporters of the
    academy. The summer term of Bridgton Academy opened last week with
    seventy-two students.
          Honorable S. S. Mayall has just completed a sale of the factories at North
     Gray to Beatty & Co.
          At Republican caucuses held Saturday in Standish, New Gloucester and
     Freeport, the delegates chosen to the State convention were instructed to vote
     Honorable W. W. Thomas, Jr. as candidate for Governor. In Windham, delegates
     in favor of Colonel Frederick Roham, delegates in favor of Frederic Roble
     for Governor, were elected by a vote of 61 to 1. At the Republican caucus in
     Gorham, a full delegation was chosen. Caso, and Naples, Saturday chose
     Thomas delegates. The Westbrook delegation is unpledged.
          O. S. Thomas is building a $10,000 residence at Cumberland Center.
          Schooner Lucy  A. Davis, 627 tons, built for the Davis Brothers, by
     Hutchins & Stubbs, of Yarmouth, was launched Saturday.
          As Charles W., son of Rev. Elias S. Foster, of Bridgton, was helping push
     the Victor engine at the recent fire in that place, a pipe of chemical burst,
     chemical burst, deluging him, ruining his clothes and badly scaring his face,
     also slightly injuring an eye.
          George B. Leavitt, chosen a delegate from Deering to Salon Chase's
     convention, declares himself for Plaisted and renounces Solon.
          At a sheriff's sale of personal property at the Jones's corn canning establishment,
     Bridgton, last week, $1,976.34 was realized for the benefit of parties bringing
     the execution-Knapp Brothers-some 50 percent (clear all expenses) of their claim
     against J. Winslow Jones Co., limited. The purchasers were the parties who are 
     run the Bridgton factory this summer, and the cash was paid on the spot.



Sunday, January 4, 2015


                                                             CITY ITEMS
          Conductor Osgood received a fine seal ring from friends along the line of
     Ogdensburg Road, last Saturday, on the occasion of his leaving his position to
     to take charge of the Ocean House; his place on the road will be filled by Edwin
     Dow, who has been connected with the road for many years, and is much liked.
          Reverend Professor Williams, of Wilmington, N. C., has been appointed by
     Bishop Williams to the pastorate of Pine Street Church in this city.
          Senator Frye will attend the State Republican convention in this city, June 13th.
          D. H. Ingraham of this city, is to deliver the Memorial Day oration is
          Captain John Fisher fell down  the hatchway of the steamer Gazelle on Monday,
     breaking his collar bone and otherwise injuring him.
          Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Sturtevant celebrated their Golden wedding last Saturday
     evening, and over 100 friends paid their respect to the venerable couple,  and
     valuable presents were made, including $200 in gold.
          Joseph Jefferson appears as Bob Acers at the Portland Theater Thursday
          Rev. J. K, Smyth preached his last sermon as pastor of the New Jerusalem
     church last Sunday, and after the sermon made a feeling and appropriate address.
          Mr. L. V. Walker, one of the oldest and best engineers on the Grand Truck
     Road, is seriously ill at his residence on Newbury Street.
          Mr. H. L. Robinson, city clerk, is recovering.
           Superintendent Tucker of the Maine central is a lineal descendant of R. Tucker,
    who was the partner of George Cleves in the first settlement of Portland, 250
    years ago.
          Henry John Murray, formerly British consul here, is about to visit Portland.
          Samuel Rounds, the alleged forger in the West Scarboro case is on trial in the
     Superior Court.
          Mr. Lewis Pierce of this city, is elected director of the Flint and Pere Marquette
          Dr. C.H. Witham of Knightville, on Tuesday retracted his plea of not guilty on
     the charge of adultery, and was fined $330, which he paid.
          The Portland Bicycle Club will be represented at the League of America
     Wheelmen meet, to be held in Chicago May 29th and 30th, by Mr. C. H.
     Lamson, designer of the League Badge, Luggage carrier, and several other
    improvements connected with the bicycle.


Friday, January 2, 2015


                                                            CITY ITEMS
          Mr. Cole, whose card as a teacher of military bands appears in another column,
      is too well and favorably known as a cornet player and band leader in this community;
      he gives instruction in the use of all kinds of brass instruments.
          The reception of the Meagher Guards of Providence by Montgomery Guards of
     this city, last Friday, was the occasion of a very fine military display and festival;
     the Mechanic Blues Light Infantry, High School Cadets and Portland Cadets
     assisted in the reception, making a street parade of unusual attraction; the Meagher
     Guards were accompanied by Reeve's American Band, which Chandler's Band,
     furnished superb  music; there was a concert, drill and dance at City Hall in the
     evening, and among the invited guests were Governor Plaisted and his staff; the
     hall was handsomely decorated, as were also the front of the city building and the
     Falmouth Hotel; Governor Plasisted conferred the medal given by Bishop Healy
     to the drilled man, upon Corp. P. J. McCullum.
          Mrs. Alford Dyer, of this city, and his daughter who is also the wife of the
     sculptor Powers were passengers on board the Peruvian, which was caught in the
     ice off Newfoundland, with her propeller broken.
          Mr. Chauncey Barrett, formerly street commissioner of this city, died at
     Holden, Missouri, last week.
         Mr. John Bailey, formerly of this city and for many years in the clerk's
     office of the house of Representatives at Washington, was thrown from his
     buggy last and had his shoulder dislocated.
          At the meetings of the Maine Historical Society, Thursday afternoon and
     evening, papers will be read by E. H. Elwell on "Our Poet Governor,: by R.
     K. Sewell on "Samoset," by William Goold on "Ancient Augusta;" and by
    by Joseph Williamson on "General John Sullivan;" other papers are promised
    and remarks will be made upon the life and death of Longfellow.
          A meeting of prominent citizens of Portland was held last Saturday to
     consider the matter of erecting a statue to Longfellow; Judge Symonds
     presided, and remarks were made by H. S. Burrage, George F. Emery,
     Thomas Tash, H. W. Richardson, Mayor Libby and Mr. Hoyt; a committee
     was selected to draft a constitution and to obtain subscriptions; the plan is to
     have a bronze statue by Simmons, to cost about $10,000, to be located either
     in Market Square, or at  the head of State Street, overlooking the breezy dome
     of Derring's Woods; this is the next thing for Portland  to do, and we believe it
     will encourage other attempts at artistic ornamentation of our squares and
          Messrs. Thompson St. Clair & Fisk have organized a new fish packing firm
     at the heard of Merrill wharf.
          Mr. Ernesto Ponce is negotiating for the charter of a large steamer for the
     island route this summer.
          Governor Long of Massachusetts will accompany the Worcester Light Infantry
     in their visit to the city, and he and Governer Plaisted will appear in the procession